monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 29 Jan, 2018 01:42 pm
The core of your post (many of your posts) is contained here
I see nothing

Let me predict that if Trump sets to firing Meuller and squelching the investigation, you'll find this just peachy keen. Indeed, you'll find it proper.
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 01:57 pm
Michael Tomasky
McCabe's departure could lead to Trumpist takeover/infiltration of FBI. Translation: The deep state is fine as long as they're the ones building it!
Front running nominee for the No ****, Sherlock! award
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Mon 29 Jan, 2018 02:15 pm
It took Toobin too long to fully comprehend how this works and how destructive it is to journalism and to civic life in America
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin has expressed regret of how he personally covered Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

Appearing on Larry Wilmore‘s podcast “Black on the Air” earlier this month, Toobin reflected on the “coordinated attack” from Republicans, specifically citing their push of the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, and that some in the media, himself included, were guilty in playing along. He also dismissed the controversies surrounding the Clinton Foundation as “bogus stuff.”

“And I hold myself somewhat responsible for that,” Toobin told Wilmore, in an interview flagged today by The Washington Post. “I think there was a lot of false equivalence in the 2016 campaign. That every time we said something, pointed out something about Donald Trump — whether it was his business interests, or ‘grab ’em by the p***y,’ we felt like, ‘Oh, we gotta, like, talk about––we gotta say something bad about Hillary.’ And I think it led to a sense of false equivalence that was misleading, and I regret my role in doing that.”
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Mon 29 Jan, 2018 02:17 pm
blatham wrote:

Your use of "Democrat election deniers" tells us the kind of crap you read or listen to when Hannity is on. And your statement that Dems or anyone believes that Russian influence only began with Trump is either grossly ignorant or grossly careless.

It doesn't infer that at all. Denial among Democrats over the election outcome has been evident and obvious to all since the initial publication of the election results. Hillary's truly unusual unwillingness to make a public concession statement; her subsequent refusal to get off the public stage; her "It wasn't my fault tour & book"; and the expressed vows of continued resistance and obstruction from Democrat Congressional leaders all confirm it even to the most casual observer.

You suggest I get my opinions from Hannity and like others. That is not true and something you cannot possibly know. Do you get your opinions from the many opinion (as opposed to factual) pieces you so abundantly post here, labeling many as "must reads" for your devoted claques?

I don't claim to know what Democrat leaders really believe about the beginning Russian efforts to influence events here. However I do know their many statements (and actions) about "Russian collusion" etc. very strongly imply that it is indeed a new phenomenon, and associated only with Trump. Perhaps they really know better and are just deceptively implying it all for their own political benefit.
Finn dAbuzz
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 02:22 pm
Not much of a friend...he didn't even credit you with the brilliant insight.
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 02:26 pm
Today's installment in Voices From The Right

Noting that Pence is doing a fund-raiser at Trump's hotel in DC, we have this tweet
Bill Kristol
‏Verified account
More Bill Kristol Retweeted Jim VandeHei
Can you designate what portion of your donation goes to a reserve fund for hush money for porn stars?

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Mon 29 Jan, 2018 02:34 pm
Give me a break. The phrase "election deniers" has provenance only in right wing media. That you apparently don't know this tells us, again, guess what.
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 02:35 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
He has previously but he also knows I do not give a hoot.
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Finn dAbuzz
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 02:53 pm
And yet you wanted to make sure we knew?
Finn dAbuzz
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 02:55 pm
Kurtz is taking incoming!
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Mon 29 Jan, 2018 03:02 pm
blatham wrote:

Give me a break. The phrase "election deniers" has provenance only in right wing media. That you apparently don't know this tells us, again, guess what.

More nonsense. The phrase may well, as you suggest. be far more commonly used in the so-called right wing media than the left - for obvious reasons. However, it remains a common linguistic formulation, natural enough for anyone, - including those who pay far less attention to the media than do you.

"Only" is a strong word and you have offered no basis for that.

Once again you appear to believe you know the thought processes of others - something you can't possibly know. Some would call that prejudice on your part.
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 03:09 pm
Once again you appear to believe you know the thought processes of others - something you can't possibly know. Some would call that prejudice on your part.

What's hilarious is that Blather actually thinks he's objective. Talk about being immersed in an echo chamber, eh? He's as fanatically partisan as they come.
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Mon 29 Jan, 2018 03:19 pm
blatham wrote:

If Donald Trump, during his SOTU speech, does not drop his drawers and take a dump, he will be feted as "presidential" or as having "turned a new leaf and reset his administration and image" or some such.

Here's my prediction:

Donald Trump, during that speech, actually does drop his tighty whiteys and takes a huge dump.....and at that point every person in the country who resents 'intellectuals or college boys", democrats, college professors, immigrants stealing our crop picking jobs, people who don't worship in the proper fashion, gay folks trying to sneak the 'gay agenda' into our America will be joyous that finally somebody puts all the unworthy in their proper place. This will be followed by a poop flinging party as Sarah Huckabee, Eric Trump and Jared shape the poo into balls and pelt those folks who make up the fake news and naturally Democrat Senators, and any Supreme Court judge who hasn't yet signed his oath of fealty to Le Trump. (Cross burning at the victory party possibly at the Lincoln Memorial, weather permitting.

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Finn dAbuzz
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 03:36 pm
You have strange fantasies.
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 03:37 pm
The Grammy's?????, who give a good God Damn about the Grammy's. But hey, if you think it's a big deal I'm happy for you.
Mon 29 Jan, 2018 03:40 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

You have strange fantasies.

You think so????? You really should talk to someone who give a crap about what you think.

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