In detailed argument, that's a sterling contribution, george.
Motivation is, of course, impenetrable. There's simply no way to gauge it or make any judgement or statement about it that can be meaningful. There's full agreement on this. I'll give some examples using the numbering system:
1) police/courts/judges never concern themselves with this. If a prosecutor makes an argument that addresses theoretical motivation (life insurance money, say) the judge will have none of it and will instruct that jury to disregard what they've just heard.
2) the Hell's Angels build a high electrical fence around their clubhouse. Neighbor A asks, "I wonder why they built that fence". Neighbor B replies, "No way of knowing or even making a guess. We can't see inside a brain"
3) A forty year old male approaches an attractive 15 year old female and asks her if she'd like a ride in his Bugatti. Her friends, the school teacher walking by, and her mother and father who are waiting in their car for her pay no heed as motivation is impenetrable.