I heard someone say about Ms. Deneuve's statement "That's so French!" (With a smile I might add)
The statement by the actress and her 99 friends doesn't confirm that she has any sort of classic French attitude towards sex, but that:
1) They are all strong and confident women who don't have a problem firmly rejecting and putting a stop to the unwanted advances of men whether they are simply cloddish flirtations or the beginnings of sexual harassment.
2) They understand that all flirtation (awkward or otherwise) is not necessarily sexual harassment and that all sexual harassment is not necessarily sexual abuse and predation,
and they have the good sense and confidence to recognize what is what and deal with it appropriately
3) They are strong and confident women who enjoy being women and who, in general, appreciate and
like men
4) They are all strong and confident women who are not going to on the one hand insist on being treated equally with men;
capable of achieving the same levels of success and deserving of the same levels of reward, and on the other hand come down with a convenient case of the vapors or run crying to HR when a man pays them a compliment on their appearance or has the gall to tell an off-color joke in their hearing
5) They are strong and confident women who enjoy romance and sex and are quite capable of dealing with both without being overwhelmed by the brutish
I understand Ms. Denueve has come under a lot of criticism from both her peers in Hollywood and some feminists in France. I suspect that Reese Witherspoon and
#TimesUp is not going to invite Catherine to join their Coffee Klatch anytime soo, .
Meanwhile these same Hollywood peers made utter fools of themselves (once again) at the recent Golden Globe Awards ceremonies.
You may not have seen the show or read of it, but apparently just about every woman in attendance agreed in advance to wear black to the ceremonies. Why black? Beats me. Maybe because they were in mourning for the death of the last shreds of Hollywood's relevance, or because all of the colors of the rainbow (including the rainbow itself) have already been adopted by one movement or another.
Eva Longoria, the actress who spoke so passionately in support of Hilary Clinton at the Democrat's convention last year and who, apparently, has her fingers in every new Hollywood hashtag movement explained the decision to wear black thusly
Quote: "This is a moment of solidarity, not a fashion moment. For years, we’ve sold these awards shows as women, with our gowns and colors and our beautiful faces and our glamour! This time, the industry can’t expect us to go up and twirl around. That’s not what this moment is about.
And here is how she appeared on the runway last Sunday night:

Clearly, she was making a statement here that exposed cleavage and legs were no longer going to be acceptable in terms of the promotion of Hollywood by women!
And how about these left-wing Amazons who agreed to wear the black against the objectification of women and the notion that the Hollywood's
female, Big House slaves are expected to sell cotton on the basis of their "beautiful faces and glamour."
Of course one can always count on the pretentious bleating of Debra Messing and viewers of Sunday's award show were not disappointed:
Apparently, she went off on a female E! reporter about E!'s alleged dismal treatment of its female employees. In the middle of her tirade she managed to deliver this incoherent line:
Quote:“I am wearing black to thank and honor all of the brave whistleblowers who came forward and shared their stories of harassment and assault and discrimination (Again, because ever-stylish black is so clearly the symbolic color of female actresses rising up against the objectification of women and the oppressive Patriarchy!) Time is up. We want diversity, we want intersectional gender parity . . ."
What the hell is
"intersectional gender parity," and how is it any better than plain old "gender parity?"
"Time's Up" is something like an organization, a movement, or a hobby for a bunch of notable female actors including Reese Witherspoon, Longoria, Mary J. Bilge and Allison Janne with the goal of
bringing awareness to the problem of sexual harassment in Hollywood. (As if there is anything they can do to make people more aware of it!)
It makes them feel good about themselves. America Ferrera said that it was
"incredible to team up with other women", saying,
"We've been on the phone, email, texts and have been able to engage with one another in ways that are unprecedented." (Really? phone calls, email and texts are unprecedented?)
Quote: "Natalie Portman even said that she joined Instagram because of the #TimesUp movement: 'We want our workplaces to reflect the world we live in and have everyone represented,' she said" (So she sacrificed and had her personal assistant create an Instagram account for her! What a hero!)
When I saw this photo in Vogue, (Yes, I read Vogue and why shouldn't I?) I assumed that the sleek, stylish power suit was the primary vehicle for Foy's "statement." Not so. According to Vogue:
Quote: "...many actresses reached for a timeless symbol of empowerment in the form of a bold red lip"
Wow! It then went on to describe Foy's look as
"striking elegance with gamine, slicked-back hair and a stamped-on crimson mouth"
Apparently, the "bold red lip" was, like black garments, part of the uniform of the evening:
Quote:"Jessica Chastain, who has been outspoken throughout the #MeToo movement, proved retro waves and a vermilion pout are always a winning combination."
You can't make this **** up!
I don't know who this old broad is, but at least she could have walked the red carpet with a less colorful bottle of beer, or used a black cozy. #TimesUp Fail!
And how about Blanca Blanco? I can't wait to hear her reason for going a full 180 degrees from the #TimesUp marching orders. If it was as simple a thing as just wanting attention, mission accomplished, however, this choice of hers, in a way, exemplifies how Weinstein and other creeps in entertainment, journalism, and politics were able to get away with preying on women for so long:
The level of ambition and hunger for stardom in some of these folks is so great that they are willing to do things no lesser mortal would ever dream of:
Like pissing off every powerful woman in Hollywood. (Viva Blanca!)
Blanca's a stunner, but stunners are a dime a dozen in Hollywood and so, for that matter, are stunners who can act, sing, dance or tell a joke. A competitive edge is everything. It's sad really. They shouldn't have to put up with pigs like Weinstein, Lauer, Franken & Trump, and there is no excuse for piggish behavior, but life isn't a fairy tale, and what should be the case frequently is not.
I have no idea what the
real Blanca Blanco (Real name? Give me a break!) who is someone's daughter, maybe someone's little sister and even, possibly, someone's mother, might be like, but would it stun you to learn that she acquiesced to the sexual advances of some 60-year-old Hollywood producer in order to land a plum role in a movie?
It's her body, her morality, her self-esteem. If she thinks a romp in bed or a passive witness to masturbation is a small price to pay for fame, I'm not about to challenge her choice...unless she comes out on a stage, stands behind a podium and goes on and on about harassment and inequality. Blanca, Eva, Halle, Catherine and Meryl. None of them would have died and seen their children starve to death if they hadn't become Hollywood stars. Except with Streep, I don't know what these women were willing to do to achieve fame and I'm making no claim that they did anything other than show their talent, but my point is that no women has to degrade herself in Hollywood because no woman needs Hollywood to survive.
We all want an equal playing field upon which to pursue our dreams and demonstrate our abilities, but none of us has a right to such a thing and all of us have a choice as to what we are willing to sacrifice for success. It seems, at best, disingenuous and at worst pure cynical bullshit for any of them to trade sexual favors for stardom and them bleat about harassment and inequality. However, the allure of victimhood is too compelling for liberals as it not only gives them highly coveted and unearned status, it covers a multitude of sins.
It doesn't seem that Streep was willing to surrender her body and personal dignity to the Harvey Weinsteins of Hollywood, but she (along with others like Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and Oprah Winfrey) was clearly willing to surrender her integrity once she got
hers and in order to preserve it.
These people are among the most vapid humans on the planet and guess what? They are, in the great majority, all liberals. Coincidence? I don't think so.