monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 3 Nov, 2017 11:36 am
Your not American, are you? Our Constitution favors a 2 party system. A third, fourth, etc., party must get 15% in an election and maintain that in subsequent elections to be an equal! Last time it was done by Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan stole the party and totally bastardized it in the next election. By tradition, Presidential nominees run to their extremes in the primaries and to the center for the general election. The current ahole is a abnormal bastard in the process!
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 11:43 am
None of this really speaks to the underlying point, which is that the Dems would have to lie to their citizens in order to mirror the GOP's success in... lying to their citizens.

Which, may I add, has been a Republican trait going back to the 1990's. They no longer used spin to deflect answers, they out and out lied. tRump does them one worse, he just lies about everything! Is this the new Republican normal?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 11:48 am
BillW wrote:
That's why tRumps' butt is so big. It is the location Hitler was transplanted - head first!

You have conjured up images in my weary mind of a most horrifying and grotesque nature. Now I shall have to undergo years of therapy.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:01 pm
Ah, the thread has been successfully hi-jacked.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:11 pm
How depressing, but not surprising. No wonder my wife (whose father immigrated to this country in 1948 from what is now Israel) has left the Republican Party.

No one can honestly say that the U.S. is no longer a racist country until racism is no longer a factor in American politics. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Roy Moore and his ilk are the spiritual descendants of Bull Connor.

One more comment: In my view, slavery apologists are just as despicable as Holocaust deniers. I have absolutely no respect for them.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:23 pm
Ah-hahahahahahahahaha . . . oh yeah, little miss sweetness and light.

You claim to be French, which I don't believe. So the machinations and the mechanisms of the Democratic Party should be well beyond your ken. If you care so passionately, then start a thread on the topic, or go to EB's "Why I left he Democratic Party" thread. All you're doing here is attempting to disrupt the discussion of the titular topic. If you care so much about politics, why aren't you ranting about the corruption in the Republican Party? Why aren't you ranting about the Koch brothers and dark money?

You need to peddle your phony-baloney story somewhere else. This thread is about Trump and relevant contemporary events. You and Sofia Lash Goth crack me up with that lame excuse for attempting to trash this thread.

One; I don't see why Oliver would lie about being French, he has been around a while and I am as sure he is French as I am sure Walter is German. Two; I don't think Lash and Oliver have quite the same motivations.

Oliver really did admire Bernie and thought he should be president of US and that we as democrats were stupid not to have elected him. Lash I think liked Sanders as well, but she carried over her previous hatred of the Clinton's into it and it colors every single political thought she posts. Furthermore she seems positively obsessed with the DNC and all it's evils. And I think it offends her when the republican party is trashed for some reason. I guess you take the girl out of the country but the country still clings to her so to speak.

I think the DNC party could stand to be reformed and refreshed so to speak, and quickly too before midterms. Perhaps they did favor Clinton over Sanders because maybe they thought Sanders was merely taking all the advantages of the DNC without contributing anything back. (at least I thought so)

In any event, I agree with others, this is not the place for this discussion.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:31 pm
Well, this news is somewhat surprising.

Trump administration report: 'no convincing alternative explanation' for climate change (WP)

The Trump administration released a dire scientific report Friday detailing the growing threats of climate change. The report stands in stark contrast to the administration’s efforts to downplay humans’ role in global warming, withdraw from an international climate accord and reverse Obama-era policies aimed at curbing America’s greenhouse-gas output.

The White House did not seek to prevent the release of the government’s National Climate Assessment, which is mandated by law, despite the fact that its findings sharply contradict the administration’s policies. The report affirms that climate change is driven almost entirely by human action, warns of potential sea level rise as high as 8 feet by the year 2100, and enumerates myriad climate-related damages across the United States that are already occurring due to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit of global warming since 1900.

“It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century,” the document reports. “For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence.”
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:32 pm
People like "Rev." David O. Jones sicken me as a Christian to the pit of my stomach.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:45 pm
Ditto to all!
0 Replies
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:49 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

BillW wrote:
That's why tRumps' butt is so big. It is the location Hitler was transplanted - head first!

You have conjured up images in my weary mind of a most horrifying and grotesque nature. Now I shall have to undergo years of therapy.

Think about what tRump went through! The greatest event in his life he would think!
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:54 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
China developed their industries by having access to nigh-upon infinite amounts of cheap, uneducated labor and a total willingness to **** up their environment to the maximum degree possible in the name of profits.

I feel like there are some in the US that hope for exactly this sort of situation here.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:02 pm
"Two heads are better than one."
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:11 pm
His name is Olivier, not Oliver. On one occasion, which was pointed out to me by another member, he attempted to write something in French, and it was a disaster. His use of this language is clearly, idiomatically American in character. I'll tell you what, you think your way, and I'll think mine.

I agree with your Sanders assessment. He's a carpet bagger, who only became a Democrat because it was convenient for a presidential run. Despite his huge popularity, he sulked after the convention, and did not go out an campaign for members of Congress. He did not behave as a high-profile Democrat can be expected to behave.
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:14 pm
You're right in that you provide details. If I "researched" right wing sites I could provide them too. Yours would contradict mine and visa versa.

Having said this you have a point.

Not suggesting you should but if you were to look over some of my past posts you would find that I actually am happy to do research and provide what I find (GMOs, the Government's Salt Scare etc), although I usually get lambasted for overly long posts that no one wants to read.

However, I find that anything that is immersed in politics (like a Tax bill!) defies one's ability to find the truth. Instead, we all can easily find "experts" who will tell us what we want to believe. I've no interest in dueling propaganda, but if you present yours I should be willing to present mine or just leave your post alone. This would prevent your smug assertions that you do "research" and I'm afraid of it, and it would save cyberspace here.

So, I acknowledge that you provide detail to which I don't respond. My motivations are not worth additional back and forth, but if you must, you must. In the future, I will endeavor to ignore such posts from you, and if you want to score them as a victory, feel free to do so.

(Were you really more arrogant than you are today? Hardly an accountant's profile)
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:14 pm
And the topic, once again, tediously, is President Plump. The olive tree has been completely successful in derailing the thread. But never fear, Plump is going to Asia, and will provide much hilarity, and cause for alarm, I have no doubt.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:21 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

"Two heads are better than one."

In this case, more corrupt! Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:22 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

People like "Rev." David O. Jones sicken me as a Christian to the pit of my stomach.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:22 pm
You know what? Welcome to Power Politics.

You and your droogs seem compelled to believe that Dems and left-wingers are all about making the world a better place in which to live, while utterly ignoring all the evidence (current and past) that they are no such thing. Ideology has consumed your ability to observe and reason.

You even made an excuse to georgeob1 about the monsters Mao and Stalin: "The guys before them were pretty bad too"

I really can't decide whether or not you are an ideological fool or a son trying to emulate his Union Organizer Dad.

Finn dAbuzz
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:25 pm
maporsche wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

And you have been a font of widely diverging viewpoints?

If not viewpoints then at the very least topics.

In this thread, that isn't a virtue. Didn't you read the memo: It's all about President Plump?
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 01:26 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

maporsche wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

And you have been a font of widely diverging viewpoints?

If not viewpoints then at the very least topics.

In this thread, that isn't a virtue. Didn't you read the memo: It's all about President Plump?

I didn't suggest just this thread. I in fact stated the opposite.

It would be nice if she contributed anything else to any other type of thread on this board. She's got one agenda and doesn't post on anything else.

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