monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 25 Oct, 2017 03:43 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Quite cute

Quite ineffectual
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 04:23 am
If it was another president I'd say yes, but not Trump.
0 Replies
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 04:30 am
Now they're using the same tactics in Congress.

Yes. Gowdy ran near endless inquiries into Benghazi when Obama was Pres and with Clinton running for office. Chaffetz said publicly that, if Clinton won, he had four more years of "investigations" lined up.

Now, with Trump in office and under investigation, Gowdy said (mere days ago)
Congressional investigations unfortunately are usually overtly political investigations, where it is to one side’s advantage to drag things out...This is politics.

These are awful people and they are destroying American civic life.
0 Replies
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 04:43 am
Good link, izzy. I expect reporters will continue to dig in on this one as it sure does sound rather weird.
0 Replies
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 04:56 am
In case you were wondering...
Former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus is rejoining his former law firm and signing with the Washington Speakers Bureau, he told POLITICO Tuesday...He says he sees his role as helping clients understand how to make progress with Trump, on Capitol Hill and in government agencies

Money makes da vorld go round
da vorld go round
da vorld go round

0 Replies
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 05:19 am
Draining The Swamp notes from all over.
Senate Republicans voted on Tuesday to strike down a sweeping new rule that would have allowed millions of Americans to band together in class-action lawsuits against financial institutions.

The overturning of the rule, with Vice President Mike Pence breaking a 50-to-50 tie, will further loosen regulation of Wall Street as the Trump administration and Republicans move to roll back Obama-era policies enacted in the wake of the 2008 economic crisis.

Now there's some real populism if I ever did see it. If you want citizens to gain ground in the battle with the powerful elites, Trump/Pence are just the boys for you.
0 Replies
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 05:23 am
For anyone hoping that the Murdoch boys might be less concerned than their dad with using Fox to continue making billions of dollars through poisoning the right wing base which makes up the Fox audience... nah. Not going to happen.
Laura Ingraham Is Ready to Rev Up Fox News
Fox News is handing its 10 p.m. slot to a sharp-tongued friend of President Trump and Steve Bannon.
0 Replies
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 06:49 am
GOP destroying norms of Senate operations in order to solidify power. And this one is important.
The blue-slip rule does not have the force of law; it’s simply a custom that has been honored over time. Notably, when Patrick Leahy, the Vermont Democrat, was the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, during the Obama Administration, he followed the blue-slip rule in states where there were Republican senators. If these senators did not return their blue slips—and many did not, especially in Texas and other Southern states—Leahy buried the President’s nominees. In truth, the blue slip is a rather dubious tradition, one that has historically given senators a little-deserved veto power over a President’s choice. But, because Senate Republicans exercised this power over Obama’s nominees, it’s only fair—indeed, it’s obligatory—that Senate Democrats have equal say when it comes to Trump’s.

The current showdown began in September, when Al Franken, the Minnesota Democrat, refused to return a blue slip for Trump’s nomination of David Stras, a Justice on the Minnesota Supreme Court, to serve on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. Rather than honor the blue-slip tradition, McConnell said that he would ignore it and deprive Senate Democrats of the veto power that Republicans enjoyed during the Obama years. As McConnell told The Weekly Standard, the Republican majority in the Senate will treat blue slips “as simply notification of how you’re going to vote, not as an opportunity to blackball.”

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Brand X
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 09:46 am
One of the headlines today was "The GOP created Trump, but now more Republicans regret that victory'. Erm, the GOP didn't realize it was the 'swamp' Trump was referring to.

Maybe that's the October Surprise.
0 Replies
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 11:44 am
I've been trying to get a handle on the mission in which four US soldiers were killed in Niger, the more I read of it, the more confused I get.

Pentagon feared militants were hunting missing soldier (WP)

Why was Johnson not with the other US troops and Nigerian troops? Why was he was separated? Did first mission leave Johnson behind knowing he was out there somewhere, maybe alive?
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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 03:45 pm
Yes, that too
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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 03:54 pm
So who are the principled politicians? (Other than opportunistic Republicans betting against Trump)? You didn't answer my question?

Of course I vote for unprincipled politicians. There is no other choice.

Why would anyone imagine politicians are less principled that everyday folk? Are you kidding me? Try money and power.

If I've been taught to hate government (which I don't BTW) it was by government and no one else. I don't hate government, I hate Big Bloated Intrusive Government.
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 03:55 pm
Ha! From you? Your head is subterranean
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 04:17 pm

Did anyone really think otherwise?

(Ooh, remember burls and goys, this thread is about President Plump)
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 04:37 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Who cares? First it was funded by opposition on the republicans side then the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign took it over. It is called campaigning.
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 04:41 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Of course I vote for unprincipled politicians. There is no other choice.
So who are the principled politicians?
Why would I bother discussing that with you if you've axiomatically ruled out the possibility that such a person might exist? Lincoln and Reagan were cads. Obama is a cad. Mike Pence is a cad. The Bush clan is a family of cads. Trump and Clinton are cads. Rick Perry is a cad (though he now does very well with the eye chart).

And what of the people who don't run for office but run or work in the campaigns of these unprincipled individuals (often becoming multi-millionaires in the process like Matalin and Carville? Rove? All of them?

What of the people working in media who cover politics and politicians? Unprincipled too? How could the entire staff of the National Review who cheer for and try to get you to vote for unprincipled people be themselves other than unprincipled?

How could you, voting for unprincipled people, be other than unprincipled?

Your political philosophy, at least as you state it, is inchoate and incoherent.
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 04:49 pm
Putin and Hillary are buddies. Putin actually tried to get Hillary elected.

When you've spent decades making your base stupid, stupid is what you get (and, of course, just what you want).
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 05:55 pm
So you can't even name one.
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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 06:07 pm
blatham wrote:

Of course I vote for unprincipled politicians. There is no other choice.
So who are the principled politicians?
Why would I bother discussing that with you if you've axiomatically ruled out the possibility that such a person might exist?

I don't know and yet you have.

Lincoln and Reagan were cads. Obama is a cad. Mike Pence is a cad. The Bush clan is a family of cads. Trump and Clinton are cads. Rick Perry is a cad (though he now does very well with the eye chart).

Cad? That's your term. To me, they are those who will always decide in favor of their political interests over the common good...Lincoln too.

And what of the people who don't run for office but run or work in the campaigns of these unprincipled individuals (often becoming multi-millionaires in the process like Matalin and Carville? Rove? All of them?

What do I care about them? They are not in power and are probably dupes.

What of the people working in media who cover politics and politicians? Unprincipled too? How could the entire staff of the National Review who cheer for and try to get you to vote for unprincipled people be themselves other than unprincipled?

To the extent they argue for a political outcome over all else, they are unprincipled.

How could you, voting for unprincipled people, be other than unprincipled?

Really? I suppose I shouldn't vote at all. I vote for the best chance of good and the least chance of harm and so remain principled. You connect, heart and soul, with the unprincipled.

Your political philosophy, at least as you state it, is inchoate and incoherent.

Not surprisingly, it is to you. You glory in the ideological bullshit that enables unprincipled politicians. You are so shallow my big toe would stand dry in your waters.
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 25 Oct, 2017 06:39 pm
This forum has been reduced to glib proclamations by blatham followed by the "Huzzah!" of his sycophants.

The only thing keeping it from being fatally tedious are comments from about three or four who are not inclined to lick his boots.

Eventually, we will have had enough and the rest of you toads will be left giggling over the blatham circle jerk and an utterly boring forum. I'm sure though that many of you will be happy with that.

Trump Sucks...Yes Trump Sucks!

The GOP sucks...Yes the GOP sucks!

Conservatives suck...Yes, conservatives suck!

The Koch brothers suck...Yes the Koch brothers suck!

The Bard's Puck was so right.

God rest in peace A2K.

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