Hi george
Nice to see you but you have not improved as regards care for facts. Nor honest and rational argument. Let's take this...
Quote:quotes from supportive left wing commentators.
Indeed, there's lots of that. And unless you deem all these voices to be completely valueless, that doesn't pose a problem. But where your carelessness really shows is in omitting mention of how many right wing voices have been quoted as well. You could take any two week period of this thread and do a count of the right wing voices quoted here and then do a tally of any voices you have quoted, either from right or left,
ever, and my tally of right wing voices in any two week period will exceed what you've contributed here.
Then this one...
Quote:Meanwhile examples of left wing hypocrisy are multiplying from Hollywood to Washington,
You gotta be kidding. There's nothing smart here and a whole lot that is very dumb indeed. You've got a party leader who you laud who brags about how he can just grab women's pussies. Because he's a celebrity. Harvey Weinstein is not the leader of the Dems nor is he the ******* President, voted in with 80+ percent of religious right voters standing by this man of grace and principle.
And just tossing out the "Hollywood" trope is about as lazy and stupid as anyone might get. First, let's recall Arnold bragging about engaging in group sex. Let's remember what Piper Laurie revealed about Ronald Reagan doing just what Weinstein did (though surely not so egregious in quantity). The Hollywood trope served extremist right wing ideologues for a long time and you throwing it out now just reveals what information sources you rely on and it reveals how little thinking work you are prepared to do.
And it is not just the standard "Hollywood proves how degraded and degenerate liberalism is", it's the failure to extend that concept or metric in this case of one profession or industry when thinking about other groups. Did Jimmy Swaggart's behavior reflect equally on all evangelists? Or Ted Haggard? Did Newt's multiple dalliances reflect equally upon every Republican and Democrat in the House? Did Larry Craig's? Or Henry Hyde's adultery even while pursuing Clinton for the same? Did Mark Sanford's adultery make all other Republicans from Carolina bible-hating perverts? And there's Mark Foley. John Ensign. And my very favorite, David Vetter.
Weinstein is being defended by nobody. Trump is being defended by you. And you go with hypocrisy as the indictment? Give me a ******* break.