hightor wrote:. . .just that they all combined to derail her campaign.
What campaign? She acted like the convention was a coronation, and sat around on her dead ass for weeks. When she finally got going, she made a series of incredibly stupid moves. Campaigning in Florida was really stupid, she was never going to take that state. But more than that, she neglected states Mr. Obama had carried, as though they were in the bag. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania would have easily put her in the White House. She didn't bother with them, and she squandered the considerable political capital of Mr. Obama,
in Florida, for Christ's sake.
That was her election to lose, and she did. She owns that loss, but she won't own
up to it. Democrats, in the establishment and in the street need to face up to this, and learn from the past. I have no confidence that they will.