panzade wrote:Bear, a more pertinent question would be:"How many of your children would you sacrifice for the stability of Iraq"?
Actually, I don't think it's all that unfair question to ask. I definitely believe it's a lot easier to support war as some abstract concept when it isn't fought in your neighborhood and it isn't your kids doing the fighting and the dying.
So I'll answer pan's question. None. I would not sacrifice one hair from my children's heads for this war. And I would not sacrifice one american soldier or one Iraqi.
FreeDuck, I'm glad you mentioned "one Iraqi." Most Americans have forgotten or just plain ignores all the innocent Iraqis killed and maimed. It's a crime against humanity as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah, I'm glad too...although, sometimes when I read about the hundreds of thousands of Iraquis that have died in the last ten years it gives me pause.
If my studies in history are true, then I don't see how anybody can win a wor on terror. There have been cowards who slip out of the dark and do their dirt and crawl back into their holes every since cave men. It just gets bigger and more terrifying as the weapons and travel modes get bigger and more terrifying.
Our country going into Iraq and bombing and killing and shooting and killing and grabbing oil and killing IS NOT a 'war on terror.' And selecting Saddam out of all the other hellish terrorists in the world is what??? A bit insane, maybe? Or another plan altogether, maybe?
I am so sick of hearing bush and his government appointees chirp how Saddam was a bad man and we did right to go in and stop him.
Hell, [yeah, i said hell yeah, and I am not supposed to cuss] what if the rest of the world decided to act on the bad man bush? to a lot he is a bad man if you read their newspapers. Do you think that coming over here and killing all the people they can and grabbing everyone in 'power' until our country is in confusion, bleeding and weak is doing the world a favor? All it does is cause poverty, disease, and destruction and profit the warmongers.
I just really hope John Kerry will search out and determine the best way he can to save the rest of our young men and women of the military. And get them out of the middle east.
panzade wrote:Bear, a more pertinent question would be:"How many of your children would you sacrifice for the stability of Iraq"?
None. But, neither will I stand in their way if, when they reach the age of majority, they wish to join the military to fight for our nation.
McGentrix wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:McGentrix wrote:Because I believe he will follow the course of action I would if I were president. I do not feel Kerry will.
So you like bush because you feel he is the president you would be?
Talk about your excessive posturing.....Holy ****!!!

I don't believe that's what I said. I thought your reading comprehension skills were better than that. Let me rephase in such a way even you can understand it.
Bush believes much of the same stuff as I do. More than Kerry does. I believe Bush better represents me than Kerry does.
save the snottiness hoss....there's a world of difference between your two statements.....
McGentrix wrote:panzade wrote:Bear, a more pertinent question would be:"How many of your children would you sacrifice for the stability of Iraq"?
None. But, neither will I stand in their way if, when they reach the age of majority, they wish to join the military to fight for our nation.
another observer who doesn't mnd dirty hands because none of them are his.....IMO......very courageous....
I suspect that you and McG are a lot closer in your answers to this question than you could imagine
panzade wrote:I suspect that you and McG are a lot closer in your answers to this question than you could imagine
I know you're not talking to me.....
Yeah you...because in his heart, no matter what his rhetoric or posturing..if no one was around to overhear...McG's answer would be the same....none.
Maybe we should give him a hug....
I thought I said none before...
It's not my duty to sacrifice my children, nor is it anyone else's.
When Michael Moore asked this question, he got the same answers.
When my children are oldenough, It will be THEIR decision to fight.
Nah...already did...two in one day??
panzade wrote:Nah...already did...two in one day??
Didn't McGentrix ask you not to tell?
McGentrix wrote:I thought I said none before...
It's not my duty to sacrifice my children, nor is it anyone else's.
When Michael Moore asked this question, he got the same answers.
When my children are oldenough, It will be THEIR decision to fight.
by saying it's our patriotic duty to support the in turn say it's our patriotic duty to sacrifice our children because you can't have a war without sacrificing children unless it's just a mean words war.....
It's not a sacrifice to die fighting for ones country. A sacrifice is strapping on a bomb and sending them off to kill the infidels.
Here's a hint, McG: They consider that fighting for their country as well.
You should try thinking of the other side as actual people for once.
McGentrix wrote:It's not a sacrifice to die fighting for ones country. A sacrifice is strapping on a bomb and sending them off to kill the infidels.
what the hell is it then?
Cycloptichorn wrote:Here's a hint, McG: They consider that fighting for their country as well.
You should try thinking of the other side as actual people for once.
When they act like people, I will think of them as such.