McTag wrote:Having said that, and I don't know why, the Brits do not seem to be so paranoid as our transatlantic cousins. Maybe we are more fatalistic, and maybe we recognise that the personal risk is vanishingly small. Maybe we are even protected from chemical or biological attack because of the diversity of our society...muslims attacking with such weapons would inevitably kill other muslims.
I think also that the Brits would OBJECT most strongly to the kind of TV propaganda you get beamed at you, stressing the dangers of global terrorism.. It is Orwellian, and way over the top to my mind.
perhaps you are calmer about it because you've actually been bombed and lived through it first hand...I'm not beng a wise ass....don't you think that having actually had a war in your borders changes your outlook? Often times the fear of something, the unknown, is worse than the thing itself, although it's hard for me to imagine anything worse than an actual war within your borders coming up the street where you live.....except of course for walking around cowed and fearful. willing to put up with anything in the name of safety...