Larry434 wrote:Since our elected representatives, near unanimously, deemed it to be in our national interest to authorize the President to do just that if he considered it necessary to to preserving our national interests, YES.
I think it was the right thing to do.
Keep in mind that many of those politicians...and common sense...have told us that the authorization was for the sake of portray a picture to Saddam that we meant business.
I compliment them for doing that.
If I had been a congressman or a senator...I would have done that myself.
But I would have expected the president of the United States to go about things in a reasonable way...rather than in the disjointed, stupid way this one proceeded.
Hey...he can be excused. He's a moron.
But you people who show intelligence should not be excused for your short-sightedness...nor your conservative knee-jerk reaction to this mess.
Getting Saddam out was not...and never will be..."necessary to preserving our national interests."