Hope the powers that be don't see this, Roger. We don't want Phoenix to starve to death!
Phoenix - what ingenuity! Now you don't have to get up and water your garden. Hmmmm, now you've got me thinking of ways to spend more time at A2K ...
But...will this hose to the garden excercise attract neighborhood skunks?
Well, it's good to see we have a reputation for recycling!
We are all good citizens of the earth and Jespah is our leader.
Cool beans! (Yeah, I say that a lot.....sorry!)
I see a number of us came from Abuzz. Just hope this does not turn out like Abuzz has. Mind you I am still trying to figure out how to work with this one.
Of all the things I might worry about, Smitty, that just isn't one of them.
Keeping my fingers crossed roger, that you are correct.
I think you are the one that asked me if I was going to type out a Profile & I would, but never was asked & really do not know how to get there in the lst place. Feel as if I came onto this site accidently & by only supplying my handle, e-mail addy & my personal password. SO I am sort of wondering as to what I did wrong or what actually went on. Oh well time will tell.
Oh? If you want to set up a profile, just cursor up to the top of this page, and look just above the "View topics with posts since your last visit" and you will find the profile option, which will send you to you profile and a few other set up options, including the avatar control panel at the very bottom of the page. It's kind of fun and you'll be surprised how quickly people recognize you just by the avatar.
Lots of people don't fill out profiles, though, so don't feel obligated. It's just a quicker way to get acquainted. Of course, you can click on anyone's name in the box to the left of the message block to see their profile - if they have one.
Hi Smitty!
Welcome to able2know. I think you're going to like it here.
I'm kind of curious about the designation 'newbie' and how many posts it will take me to qualify for the next category. Will it be this post? Let's see.......
Nope. Maybe 35 is the magic # let's see
10 Dream - and a hearty welcome!
Yikes! Sorry - that was to move from just-hatched to newbie! Sorry!
sozobe, to get your avatar back, highlight the link below, and then copy it:
Now, go to your profile page, and at the bottom where one adds the avatar image, paste that in as the link for an "off-site" avatar image . . . you'll be back in business . . .