@Fil Albuquerque,
A true God (ground of all being):
1 - Doesn't have needs, it's full!
2 - It doesn't have wants, is satisfied! (mathematically complete)
3 - It doesn't need to think. Again it is complete, full, nothing to troubleshoot, it can't outgrow itself. It is done period! Thinking requires you to be inside time and try to survive by guessing the future, a characteristic/domain of incomplete beings, not a God.
4 - God cannot change anything if it is the total of all there ever was, is and will be. It can only loop around itself ad nausea ad eternum.
5 - God does not have joy or sadness, it doesn't judge, that which belongs to itself, us, and everything else.
6 - God is just unfathomable ORDER! The sort of order that rings around the apparent transient disorder, to rap it all in the ONE final pattern, itself THE ORDER!
PS - Now take that information to your best elders and scholars and come back with something solid if they even grant you an audience which I bet they don't, you are just to simple-minded!