@Finn dAbuzz,
youre fullofit. The recount wasnt staged or funded by the Dems. If you wish to believe otherwise, BMG.
The hacking issue has legs of its own. I think it should be allowed to continue to a conclusion.
Dont sound like a whiner , things arent always running smoothly for us all.
I admit that Hillry lost under the 1879 rules of "winner take all " electorl college. We dont know whether Trump or Hillary woulda won with a propotional elector system.
Im willing to wait out the 4 years an see how he does. JUST STOP being so damn petulant about Trump's win.Attitudes by you and gooey and even George ob are as devisive as you can be.
1. You guys seem to be devisive when you lose (the GOP was commited to making the Obama terms be failures) Thats sort of a " lets totally **** the country " attitude. The Obama admin pulled this country out o a total meltdown and you obviously want to deny that.
2. You guy seem to be devisive when you win. You guys have been busy dancing on the edge of treasonous statements about "toppling the Union". You misrepresent everything you can about the "loyal Opposition" In this time the Democratic party's candidate
The only thing I can say is "lets see whether Trump's team is made up of ideologues (who could be dangerous to the state), or more pragmatic .realistic leaders. A few of his choices I agree with. Im not sure about Bannon and Perry.
The issue you wish to dismiss(ie Russian involvement) seem to be bricks in your party;s unity (A very recent occurence born mostly of convenience not planning). A majority of congress seem to be leaning toward a bipartisan agreement too investigate. It seems to be a logical and Americentric approach.
I dont know whether you guys look into a mirror much but , in your zeal to get this guy inaugurated and thereby immunizing him to finncial disclosures, you have seemingly abandoned the Ronald Reagan bumpersticker that read
"trust but verify" anything having to do with the Russians.
It appears that many of you guys (Im hoping that its not gunga-snake like) have unwittingly become tub thumpers for the Russian state and, by doing so, are filling many with fear that weve begun going down a road of "right wing power boss leadsership" that seems to be creeping up around the world (Turkey, Poland,etc).
Like I say, I think were living a new chapter of the Unions life, lets not unwittingly abandon the Democracy and the Constitutional limits that the Union provides for.
Please have some cheese. Its got natural mellowing agents that will help depress the nastiness and whining of which you Fuggl,Baldimo, layman, guijohn, and even George ob seem lately to be possesed .
Have a nice Christmas, Ill be goose hunting over the next few days and as soon as this damned deer season is over and the city dwelling nimrods get the hell out of the woods and stop shooting up the barns and cows.(We actually have a farmer up in SChuylkill County who lost a Guernsey to deer hunters who were from suburban Lehigh County (Trump country). When the all- clear is up, and I can safely wear camo gear again when I go out to my project sites we enjoy a winter time rabbit and turkey season. (Shotguns only ,no 50 cal Barritts).