Tue 8 Nov, 2016 01:57 pm
how did the plea of the naturalized Chinese-American Norman Asing to terminate anti-Chinese bigotry adumbrate not just the long frustrated search for economic & political justice in America by Chinese émigrés but the larger issue of how Anglophone Americans would abet, tolerate or resist assimilating non-Anglophone immigrants?
You don't need to use $1,000 words to get your point across.
Quote:ad·um·brate ˈadəmˌbrāt,əˈdəm-/Submit verbformal
report or represent in outline.
"James Madison adumbrated the necessity that the Senate be somewhat insulated from public passions"
indicate faintly.
"the walls were not more than adumbrated by the meager light"
foreshadow or symbolize.
"what qualities in Christ are adumbrated by the vine?"
BTW, nobody "terminates" bigotry.
Too many words of Latin derivation.
Suggestion: Use words simple enough to reach the maximum number of readers. You don't impress anyone composing a college thesis in a public forum.
Most native speakers find that style of speaking or writing deeply irritating. Someone who uses it can expect, at best, to be seen as ridiculous.