Sun 3 Oct, 2004 05:02 pm
It has nothing to do with her intelligence, character, abilities or anything else but Sweet Bleedin' Jaysus....Condoleeza Rice is uglier than home made ****.....REEEEEPULSIVO!!!!!!!!!!!
now you sound like a gOP raggin on lovely janet reno.
I think Connie Rice takes steroid shots for her lupus
I bet John Ashcroft fantasizes a three way with Janet and Condi.......
farmerman wrote:now you sound like a gOP raggin on lovely janet reno.
I think Connie Rice takes steroid shots for her lupus
Does that make her balls hairier?
oooooohhhh - nasty stuff go'n on here.
totally uncalled for...I'm gong to spank myself :wink:
I don't get why people think she's so ugly.
no man, Im sayin she has a med condition and you are makin fun of her bi- (kickycan is over on another thread kickin hisself in the ass , you should go over there and you guys could do each other)
hereya go bear
She doesn't smile often, especially on TV, but her job isn't to be pretty. Here's a pic - is she still ugly?
And what the smeg do her physical attributes, or anyone else's, have to do with their job.
This is crap, Bear.
That's what I'm saying sister!
Mebbe you can go do it in the woods, where it belongs?
Maybe male condi-bashers' penii are feeling threatened.
Ack - I hate all the stupid personalizing of abuse that goes on in politics - like the appalling stuff about Clinton's penis - but I especially hate the appearance sheiss - which STILL tends to be mainly aimed at women...
Lol - both straight to the penis!!! Oh my...
eeyep, women and John Kerry's hair.
i think BPB is basing it solely on this condi caricature
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