Fox news apology for lies about Kerry

Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 01:22 pm
right on. i lived on the upper west for a while. but spent most of my time downtown at our grungy rehearsal space at 38 & 8th. long freakin' walk i tell ya.

wish i was still there. took the wrong train and wound up back in lost angeles. only good thing i can say about this "biggest suburb in the world" is that i met my wife here. trying to get her to move back east though.

and i really, really miss the huge $1.00 slices !!!
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 02:21 pm
Well obviously you ain't gonna join Joe and me downing beers at the Chelsea Piers...not from LA.

Hey...maybe we'll come visit ya there.

We'd bring ya a couple a slices...but food gets consumed way too quickly between us...and the slices wouldn't stand a chance.
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 02:52 pm
what kinda rehearsals d-tom?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 06:03 pm
rock stuff. back then i was a skinny li'l rock singer. sadly, i am now a somewhat larger rock singer. Laughing gained a lot of weight post surgery. it's comin' off now. only yo be replaced by grey hair an' wrinkles. rats...

guess now ahm agonna beya blues singer. hahahahahahaha...

how bout you? what ya into?
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 07:56 pm
Wilso wrote:
It must have almost choked poor Rupert.

Lol - oh no - Rupert says his editors have independence.... Rolling Eyes

As I am sure they do - as long as they freely choose to do as he wishes...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2004 12:13 pm
Wilso wrote:
It must have almost choked poor Rupert.

no worries, mate. hannity would be right there, "reporting for duty" to take over the murdochian legacy. only more conservative.

gggggaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk !!!!!
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Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2004 12:33 pm
iberal! hate america firster! saddam lover! secularist! vegitarian! tree lover! save the whaler! environmentalist! anti-outsourcing freak!

As opposed to what?
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Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2004 12:36 pm
i don't understand your meaning...
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Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2004 12:38 pm
The neo-con social rubric:

Love American conservatives and no other Americans. Call other Americans traitors and Sadaam lovers. Accuse of all others who disagree with you of being health food nuts (wouldn't that be good for the cows, chickens and and sheep?)

Characterize conservationists as "tree huggers." And what's your problem with Boston Whalers. They are less likely to be deflated than a Zodiac.

Do I see a Don't Tread on Me flag on a dinghy?

I think so.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2004 12:39 pm
It looks as though the rightwingers will have to rely less on their media outlets and more on the actual fear mongering at this point. But then again, that tactic may finally lose it's efficacy as well. The Swift Boat boneheads are still trying to bullsh*t their way into public opinion, but after the last presidential debates, I doubt their tactics will hold any further influence in this election.
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Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2004 12:44 pm
padmasambava wrote:
The neo-con social rubric:

Love American conservatives and no other Americans. Call other Americans traitors and Sadaam lovers. Accuse of all others who disagree with you of being health food nuts (wouldn't that be good for the cows, chickens and and sheep?)

Characterize conservationists as "tree huggers." And what's your problem with Boston Whalers. They are less likely to be deflated than a Zodiac.

Do I see a Don't Tread on Me flag on a dinghy?

I think so.

pad, pad, pad... go back and read the whole post... especially the last line.

if you've been paying attention to my posts, you realize that this stuff is fully out of line with my general philosophy. it's called a "joke"...

and don't talk about my dinghy. it makes the wife jealous.... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2004 12:53 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
It looks as though the rightwingers will have to rely less on their media outlets and more on the actual fear mongering at this point.

you would hope. but....

i heard an interview with former tejas governor, ann richards, the other day.

she gave a pretty good illustration of how she, and i agree with her, of how the republican machine works. these are not exact quotes, but nearly;

"every morning, as governor, i would wake up to the constant pounding of republican attacks. they would say anything true or not. doesn't matter, just get it out there and attack. say it enough and people begin to believe it."

"it's like banging away on a rock, just keep wearing it down".

so, to me, i can't listen to what comes out of the republican spin machine ( or pretty much any spin machine) and take it on face value. i try to look at what they are actually doing. and what is actually going on, to the best of my abilities.
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George III
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2004 04:01 pm
fox apology
Doesn't anyone get it. This was a desperate attempt to turn the debate into a tie. The Bush, I mean Fox, strategy is to throw lies on the wall and see if any stick. If they don't just apologize and generate more "mistatements" and "accidental postings"
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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2004 12:43 pm
Are you people serious? I consider myself a free thinker and while I admit that Fox made a mistake by posting that story I can't imagine the moron that would take it for truth. It's an obvious joke and should have no found it's way to the website. Maybe FOX should be reprimanded for that in itself. But if you believe this as truth... or even an attempt to slander you'd have to be more gullible than my 45 year old mother and half as intelligent.

Do you hypocrites even remember what happened at CBS a few weeks ago? Dan Rather airs "unimpeachable evidence" as he calls it and days later its shown to be faslified documents. Life goes on.

Fox news posts a article saying that Kerry is a selfproclaimed metrosexual and Bush is a cowboy. Democrats get their panties in a bunch.

This is absolutely amazing to me. Can you guys even step out of the box for a moment and see what's going on? Who's really buying everything the corporate machine is selling.

Ignorance makes me more angry than hate.
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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2004 12:58 pm
Coupland opines:

This is absolutely amazing to me. Can you guys even step out of the box for a moment and see what's going on? Who's really buying everything the corporate machine is selling.

Ignorance makes me more angry than hate.

This has NOTHING to do with ignorance, Coupland. Sorry you missed that.

This has EVERYTHING to do with FOX's miserable attempt at getting an untruth into their paper, because as straight satire, the article was extremely unfunny. So, if the whole thing was a parody, why is the author, Carl Cameron, apologizing? I thought it was the editors who decided what went in and what stayed out? And why apologize for something that was intended as humor to being with?

You really need to buy a clue here. Dan Rather got burned by a man who despised Bush and did something so egregious in modern journalism that it has now permanently tainted the business (IMO).

If you consider yourself a free thinker, than freely rent (or buy) Oufoxed at Outfoxed.com, and you'll see for yourself, by testimonials of former FOX employees who decided not to play the game, the policies and methods that FOX uses in promoting their one-sided Republican talking points.

FOX shamelessly takes it to a whole new level, and has been for a while now.

If you want good satire, read theonion.com, or watch John Stewart's Daily Show. Now THAT'S good satire.

THIS is why people such as myself get our "panties in a knot." The fact that you used that hysterical phrase speaks volumes.
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Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2004 01:05 pm
or, you could listen to this. straight from the fox's mouth;

fox repl. bias
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Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2004 09:57 am

BS. If this had ANYTHING to do with a news organization spreading utruths then you wouldn't be turning a blind eye to CBS. You'd be just as critical with CBS as you are with FOX, more so I feel. Dan Rather did not just make a blunder. He intentionally rushed a story without sufficiently verifying the evidence in order to harm the President's re-election campaign. What was on his mind? "I'll just say it was a VERY reliable source, unimpeachable even, though I don't even really know exists says this is true?"

You liken running a news story about obviously forged government documents about our president to running a false quote that a presidential candidate referred to himself as a "metrosexual"? WTF. Do you feel that a metrosexual is a derogatory term? I dunno, I don't care even if it were true. But please explain to me what Cameron's true meaning by the story was. To prevent people who dislike manicured nails from voting for Kerry? Are manicured fingernails how you decide an election? Think about it, this is just silly.

"So, if the whole thing was a parody, why is the author, Carl Cameron, apologizing?"

??? Uh, hello? Because it WAS a parody and got posted on a News website as truth. What other reason would there be? It shouldn't have been posted. Ever tell a joke that might offend SOMEONE you know were they to over hear it? Blonde joke? Sex joke? I don't think Carl Cameron did anything wrong but making a joke about either candidate. I would feel the same if this were about Bush. The problem is that it got posted as truth and that is not right. But it's silly to think this was intentional. It was retracted directly. Cameron and Fox News both apologized immediately. How long was it that Dan Rather took again as he scrambled for a way to save face? There is definite bias here. The ignorance I speak of is the fact that people are only interested in the truth that benefits their candidate. Bush got flamed for not denouncing the Swift Boat Veterans by Kerry's Campaign but where was he when this CBS scandal was going on?

This is an obvious spoof that , I agree, should not have made its way to the website. I think both of these false news stories will make people question the news media for a bit atleast. But ya know what, that's great! Most of the news media is democratic biased yellow journalism. CBS has had it out for republicans for a while. It's a shame that so many people in america buy into their slanted point of view.

If reality operated according to what CBS reports, Al Gore would be president right now.
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Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2004 10:41 am

You weren't listening. I was P*SSED when CBS did what they did, obviously out of a disdain for Bush and with the hope of smearing him even more. But FOX has a LITANY of smearing and being a voice for the RNC. It's been well documented already (outfoxed.com). Why you would rail on CBS and Rather instead of recognizing this is beyond me. THAT is the true BS being espoused on the airwaves. It is egregiously hypocritical. CBS got burned, and they deserved it. Now how about a little objectivity.

What is an OBVIOUS spoof perhaps to you has already been absorbed by the millions of minions who believe every word that FOX tells them, and many of them DON'T GET IT. Get it? That's the point. It's easy to introduce a lie in the guise of news, admonish the messenger (or some lower level pee-on), and then let it fester. There are so many people who don't have the capacity to follow up on the ruse, and will believe the original article.

That's how propaganda works in this country. It's how it worked 60 years ago in Germany. I don't see much of a difference.

But please explain to me what Cameron's true meaning by the story was. To prevent people who dislike manicured nails from voting for Kerry? Are manicured fingernails how you decide an election? Think about it, this is just silly.

So, what section of FOXnews.com was this presumably supposed to be placed? I think what is interesting (and what you seem to continously miss) is that Carl mixed parody with fact. If you read such online parody as The Onion, you'd see that those guys are professionals. Carl is far from that, and his unbelievably lame mix of fact with fiction is going to still fool alot of people. IT'S HOW FOX WORKS. It has been well documented.

Now, did Carl Cameron personally put this on the site? How does FOX's policies work in submitting an article?

Wouldn't we ALL like to know:


0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2004 11:23 am
Let's also be clear on what happened immediately AFTER the story, and only on FOX:


From the September 30 edition of FOX News Channel's Special Report with Brit Hume:

Carl, what's up with the manicure? Does he regularly get manicures?

CAMERON: Not so regularly. But suffice it to say in his hotel spa, some of the ladies today were particularly amused and excited about their appointment with John Kerry to get him set up for tonight's debate.

HUME: I've had a manicure in my life. It was a rather pleasant experience. But do you think it was the thing to do today, perhaps?

SUSAN ESTRICH (FOX News Channel contributor and Democratic strategist): No! No! No! Look, I get my nails done all the time. I mean, I'm a fool for manicures. But obviously, what John Kerry needs to do tonight, among other things, is make a connection with average working people. And probably the way to start doing that is not with a manicure. Now, you've had them. But my guess is most men don't stop on their way to an important event with a manicure. But my hope is for John Kerry's sake, is that tonight people will forget about the manicure.

HUME: [W]e now know that he got a manicure today. According to Carl Cameron, he got himself a manicure today. What's up with that?

MICHAEL BARONE (FOX News Channel political contributor): I see nothing wrong with a manicure. I've been advised by friend to get a manicure. But I confess, I've never done so.

HUME: Well, I've had a manicure. It's not an unpleasant experience.

MORTON M. KONDRACKE (FOX News Channel co-host of The Beltway Boys): It's not what folks do out in the country is get a manicure. Why do they announce this kind of thing?

HUME: Believe me, they didn't announce it.

KONDRACKE: All right. Well, it's all right. Then it's silly that he would have done it.

FRED BARNES (The Beltway Boys co-host): This is a man who needs to stop windsurfing, stop getting a manicure and desperately needs to go bowling.

BARONE: Well, he does -- I mean, this is a man who lives a lifestyle that's very dissimilar to that of the ordinary American person with five palatial houses.

HUME: You've got to wonder. This gesture, John Kerry, reporting for duty didn't work. I don't know that this will either.

From the September 30 edition of FOX News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor:

NEWT GINGRICH (FOX News Channel political contributor): Well, the first thing I would tell him [Kerry] to do is don't get a manicure. I can't imagine a dumber thing going into the debate than the last four hours of news broken, I think by Carl Cameron here on FOX News -- because it makes him look silly. And it guarantees that everyone in the country's going to look at his fingers early in the debate. I know that sounds small, but it's the little thing like Dukakis in a tank that just doesn't come across right and sort of jars people who are looking for an excuse to vote for him.

O'REILLY: Well, he did the tan thing, too. He did the spray-on tan thing, which I thought wasn't very smart. I mean, my line was, gee, you know, what do you think Osama bin Laden's going to think about this spray-on tan? Is that going to frighten him? I don't know if it will.

PAT CADDELL (FOX News Channel contributor and pollster): I'll tell you what, as a Democrat, I don't quite understand the fact that, you know, while the president's out meeting with people who've been, you know, hurricane survivors, my candidate is out there getting a manicure today and --

O'REILLY: No, the manicure thing -- and the tan thing, that was not good.


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Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2004 12:23 pm
You're asking me to be objective? LOL

I'm the one saying they were both in the wrong. But I'm asking you, what are you pissed about? You're saying the damage is done, millions of minions read the report and it can't be taken back. WTF do you think they think of the report? That Kerry is a metrosexual? Please explain to me what you feel that this has done to his campaign. I'm saying this isn't as bad as what CBS did. I think Cameron's story was posted by mistake, because of the obvious silly nature of it. But CBS was definitely out to get Bush.

How does FOX's policies work in submitting an article?

I agree. A parody shouldn't have ended up on the site. Who ever is in charge of that side of things should be fired. Cameron should be reprimanded but I don't think the joke in itself warrants his removal.


What is an OBVIOUS spoof perhaps to you has already been absorbed by the millions of minions who believe every word that FOX tells them, and many of them DON'T GET IT. Get it?

Mixing parody with fact? What? Isn't that what makes a parody or spoof funny?

"A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature"

Ever seen a caricature?

And yes, I know how propaganda works. I'm still not clear how you consider a false quote of Kerry proclaiming himself as a metrosexual is propaganda. I'll ask again, please explain.

Let's also be clear on what happened immediately AFTER the story, and only on FOX:


Aren't the above linked quotes from Sept. 30th and Cameron's post from Oct. 1st? I'm not sure how you figure this happened after Cameron's false story. Oh, and did Kerry really get a manicure? I was previously unaware of that.
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