Kerry wiped the floor with Bush

Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 07:19 pm

No, the problem actually is that Kerry never mentioned anything about his cuticles, let alone being "silly."

The FOX reporter blatantly LIED in his article, and tried to pull it off as truth. Now FOX is trying to instill "humor" in their articles, but we all know how unfunny Republicans can be. John Stewart is the funniest S.O.B. when it comes to calling the Bush cabal on their myriad BS.


And here's the lame excuse:


See? You rightwingers don't pay attention, and believe the bull. And thereby lies the problem.

As I've always said, the truth matters. Don't let Republicans tell you otherwise. ESPECIALLY now.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 07:22 pm
Xena wrote:
Guess what, a new twist to the report story.

New Document Indicates Kerry Wrote Disputed Vietnam Report

The New York Sun and Chicago Sun Times reporting this morning: http://www.nysun.com/article/2542 and http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-lip01.html

BY THOMAS LIPSCOMB - Special to the Sun
October 1, 2004

Did Kerry write own report of disputed clash?
October 1, 2004


Cut & paste, cut & paste. Are you capable of forming and expressing your own opinion?
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 07:28 pm
RfromP wrote:
... It appears you may be getting your facts from a biased source or a source that presents the facts in favor of its agenda.

Well, yeah, I s'pose you could say that ... here's the Main Source for my Kerry Biographical Stuff
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 07:36 pm
timberlandko wrote:
RfromP wrote:
... It appears you may be getting your facts from a biased source or a source that presents the facts in favor of its agenda.

Well, yeah, I s'pose you could say that ... here's the Main Source for my Kerry Biographical Stuff

Nowhere in your "source" does it mention:

7 of those months were spent not in a combat command position, but in non-command, non-combat administrative duty aboard a destroyer, the USS Gridley, a vessel tasked with picket duty and which rarely ventured within gun range of the coast. At the time Kerry transferred to Swiftboats, they were not inland-combat-deployed, but were assigned to coastal patrol duty, with little likelihood, and scarce history, of encountering hostile fire. Two weeks following Kerry's arrival, the Swiftboat mission was changed


an "eye-on-the-prize" political patronage job if ever there was one, exceedingly common in the career paths of those who go on to state and/or national legislative office.

The rest of your comments were opinion and supposition, not facts.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 07:42 pm
Dookiestix wrote:

No, the problem actually is that Kerry never mentioned anything about his cuticles, let alone being "silly."
Dookie, I can't take you serious while you're whining about comics. That's the silly part. People stupid enough to believe that those quotes were real, usually can't read, so don't trouble yourself. Surely you can find something with more substance to satisfy your hyper partisan appetite.

LOL Timber.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:02 pm
People stupid enough to believe that those quotes were real, usually can't read.

BINGO!!!!! And what's the readership of FOX news? Why would the author apologize if it is assumed (by you) that the entire article was meant to be funny? If that were the case, there would be no reason for Carl Cameron to apologize, as well as FOX news to offer a lame excuse as to WHY he wrote what he wrote.

I'm not whining about comics. This is nothing about comics. It is all about the TRUTH, and how these operatives for the Bush administration will do ANYTHING to obvuscate the truth via the FOX news network.

What IS obvious is that, as Kerry did very well in the debates, and Bush looked like a p*ssed off six year old being admonished for doing what he did in Iraq, the neoconservative spin masters are doing whatever they can, albeit in the most subtle of ways (although they got caught this time), to spin this to their advantage. They HAVE to, because Kerry wiped the floor with Bush's idiocy last night.

THAT'S the point.
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:11 pm
Dookie, I can't take you serious while you're whining about comics.


Love yah, but yah gotta start paying attention, it was a REPORTER not a comic, but that's why John Stewart has to keep reminding people he does FAKE news. The real news looks and sounds fake.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:19 pm
Ah, ok.

Um, wait a minute. You've deliberately misquoted me! I NEVER placed a period there! I demand a retraction and a public apology! This must be one of your leftwing conspiracies to try to discredit me! AHhhhhhhhhh.

Hmmm. I wonder why they printed that apology.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:23 pm

Please do visit this thread sometime, it sounds like you have enough knowledge on the matter to contribute a lot, in as far as it's not already been covered!

Debunking SBVFT
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:24 pm
On another Fox-related topic...I watched Hannity and Colmes tonight. It was so nice to see that look of desperation in Hannity's eyes as he tried in vain to put a positive spin on last night's debate. Oh man, that was some seriously good entertainment. I heard him sounding a little bit more meek and mild today on his radio show too. I relish his pain.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:30 pm
He's smart enough to understand that Bush is a fake president in texas clothing. It's painful to realize it after all those hours supporting him. Any yuk can see Bush agitated and unsure of himself yesterday - not presidential in demeanor or speech of the superpower of this planet. How many more times you wanna hear that Kerry flip-flopped on Iraq?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:40 pm
It was quite obvious that Bush was unprepared and that was a tactical blunder that could cost desrly. The weight of all the debates will provide lots of reason for the undecided to make a clear choice. Even the strict partisan talking heads were reluctantly granting this round to Kerry.
theres actually 3 more rounds, the second round places all the focus on Cheney and Edwards. i feel that Edwards will also do well as he is intelligent, compelling, and somewhat folksy. edwards is the type of debater that Bush only dreams of becoming.

It aint over. Theres 4 debates , and Bush can do major damage control if he merely shows up awake and unflummoxed in his next shot. Bush put in a very bad performance and Kerry put in a very good one. If its more even next time, I feel that Bush can give his base greater confidence.
However, I was really beginning to worry about Kerry's lack of getting his message and image in focus. Im no longer concerned and Im now sure hes my guy.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:44 pm
I agree that your last sentences are really key, and really heartening. Probably the single most encouraging thing about the debate.

I saw something in the rash of analatical articles that were posted and that I found today that went something like "Kerry has defined himself as Mr. Homeland Security." That rocks.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 08:45 pm
farmerman, there's a lot of truth to the saying, first impressions are important. I think most people realized that Bush doesn't look presidential at all when confronted by somebody that's much smarter and articulate. Bush just can't keep repeating that Kerry is a flip-flopper. That'll only lose him more voters every time he says it.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 09:26 pm
RfromP wrote:
Nowhere in your "source" does it mention:

7 of those months ...


an "eye-on-the-prize" political patronage job if ever there was one, exceedingly common in the career paths of those who go on to state and/or national legislative office.

The rest of your comments were opinion and supposition, not facts.

The Stuff about the Gridley comes from several sources, including:

The Naval Institute Guide to Combat Fleets of the World: Their Ships, Aircraft, and Armament; Prezelin, B (Ed), 1053pp. Index, Illustrations, Photos, Bibliography
Annapolis, MD, U.S.A.: Naval Institute Press, 1996
ISBN: 1557501092, as well as from

THIS and THIS, which appear on http://home.nycap.rr.com/pwcarter/images/gridley%20banner.jpg (click image for page), the ship's unofficial home page, and also from

HERE, which appears on an unofficial but authoritative website held in good regard by researchers and naval historians.

Additional biographic material was obtained or cross-referenced from
About.com, The Boston Globe, The Center for Public Integrity, The Harvard Crimson, The New Yorker, The Washington Times, and Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War, among others I'm too lazy right now to retrieve and link.

As for my "eye-on-the-prize" comment, well that derives largely from personal experience (though a perusal of the bios and CVs of any number of pols will confirm it), as my entire family, on both sides, is infested with lawyers, jurists, appointees, and politicians - most of whom, I'm sad to say, are staunch Democrats. I grew up surrounded by the critters, and still talk to some of 'em ... when I have to. Among the preripheral attendees at a recent immediate-family funeral were a couple of on-duty Secret Service agents ... they sorta come with one of my not-too-distant relatives.

And if you wiish to challenge my Marine Corps-related sentiments and/or observations, "Bring it on".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 09:56 pm
timberlandko wrote:

The Stuff about the Gridley comes from several sources, including:

The Naval Institute Guide to Combat Fleets of the World: Their Ships, Aircraft, and Armament; Prezelin, B (Ed), 1053pp. Index, Illustrations, Photos, Bibliography
Annapolis, MD, U.S.A.: Naval Institute Press, 1996
ISBN: 1557501092, as well as from

THIS and THIS, which appear on http://home.nycap.rr.com/pwcarter/images/gridley%20banner.jpg (click image for page), the ship's unofficial home page, and also from

HERE, which appears on an unofficial but authoritative website held in good regard by researchers and naval historians.

Additional biographic material was obtained or cross-referenced from
About.com, The Boston Globe, The Center for Public Integrity, The Harvard Crimson, The New Yorker, The Washington Times, and Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War, among others I'm too lazy right now to retrieve and link.

As for my "eye-on-the-prize" comment, well that derives largely from personal experience (though a perusal of the bios and CVs of any number of pols will confirm it), as my entire family, on both sides, is infested with lawyers, jurists, appointees, and politicians - most of whom, I'm sad to say, are staunch Democrats. I grew up surrounded by the critters, and still talk to some of 'em ... when I have to. Among the preripheral attendees at a recent immediate-family funeral were a couple of on-duty Secret Service agents ... they sorta come with one of my not-too-distant relatives.

And if you wiish to challenge my Marine Corps-related sentiments and/or observations, "Bring it on".

Your previous post made no mention of the above sources, just the one, hence my response.

Your sentiments and/or observations are your own and in no way challengeable by me.

You may want to reread my responses to your replies to my posts. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 10:59 pm
Timber's "sources" have all the Hallmarks of the AgitProp masters.
Is there any way to determine exactly WHEN his "grey ghost" site appeared on the net?
Is this something cooked up recently by propagandists?

If so, then you have a significant indication of just how organized and nefarious the Cabal's Machinery actually IS.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 11:06 pm
Kerry beat Bush's a$$ like he stole money.

Re: North Korean negotiations. One would have to be mentally retarded to want the US to engage the NK's in other than direct bilateral negotiations, especially when the alternative allows the Red Chinese to poke their noses under the tent and attempt to fashion any US/NK agreement to their own purposes and to the potential detriment of US national security.

Unless of course, one disagrees with the words last night of our beloved C-plus Augustus that other nations should have no say so in what the US deems is appropriate for its security, or perhaps wants the US beholden to the Red Chinese for their quite willing and cheerful assistance in dealing with the NKs.

Even George Bush, as stupid as he is, and he is quite stupid, is not so stupid to want to owe the Red Chinese for helping the US with NK when it is unnecessary and places into the hands of the Red Chinese an additional chit they can cash in during future trade and security negotiations with the USA.

Think again. By having the Red Chinese intercede with NK the US undermines its ability to protect Taiwan and pressure the Red Chinese on fair trade.

As to the Swift Boat liarsÂ… and a comparison of John Kerry and George Bush.

When honor and duty to the nation called, John Kerry rode to the sound of gunfire. George Bush rode in the other direction and hid out in Texas getting drunk and stoned.


"Although it may not be true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative"--John Stuart Mill
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 11:08 pm
Yay, kuvasz is here!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 11:11 pm
Just got back from timber's cited site... it is a ("The") "UNOFFICIAL" USNavy site, and the FIRST item on its functions bar is a DISCLAIMER disavowing any responsibility(or liability) for veracity or integrity of content.

The site claims to be managed by a "Thoralf Doehring" (any relation to Obersturmgruppfuhrer Klaus Doehring?).

(Criminy, they might as well just come right out and attribute the site to Josef Goebbels!)
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