Dalthan wrote:I caught the last half of the debates and was wondering if you guys had key lines or quotes that show kerry beating bush or bush beating kerry. This saying "Kerry wiped the floor with Bush" doesn't do me any good. How was Bush beaten and if he wasn't how was Kerry beaten?
Throughout the entire debate, Kerry flat out accused the president for misleading the American public on the war in Iraq. Bush did not have a comeback other then something like this. . .
Bush- It's my belief that you can't win the war on terror unless you're steadfast and resolve. You can't change your position and lead.
Kerry- I am resolute and I haven't changed my position no matter what you say. I wanted you to do what you told the senate you would do, use force as a last resort. Do what your father did and get an alliance of nations, and spread out the duities. You instead ignored the rest of the world and went at it alone, it was the wrong way.
Bush- You can't lead the country and say it was a wrong war. You flipp flopped.
Kerry- You lied to the American public and Americans are dying over it.
Bush- You change your mind.
Kerry- Am I really debating this individual?
Bush- I am rubber, you are glue.
Kerry- You are leader of the free world, there's no virtue in consistency if you are wrong.
Bush- drool, waaaa, googoo-gaagaaa
Kerry- ???
Bush- Rummy. . . help meeee