No, I guess I
can't actually change the poll questions or add options anymore ... well, that makes sense I guess, otherwise you could retroactively make people have voted for things they didn't vote for.
If I could have changed something I would have added one option - "Yes, I'm both volunteering and donating". If that's you, just vote for having volunteered - I personally consider that a 'deeper' contribution than just sending money (unless you're, like, George Soros ;-)).
As for both volunteering and "discussing the issues with friends and acquaintances", well that's kind of self-evident, isn't it - anyone who's a volunteer will also most likely discuss stuff with friends. So just go for the "highest" that applies to you ...
padmasambava wrote:You have no "all of the above" or multiple option choices.
I discuss, volunteer, and donate. There is a lot at stake.