Cycloptichorn wrote:But the far-left wing of the Dems is out of touch with most of America, and those issues they will bring to the White House are the issues I will be voting against..... <-- ALV
No more so than the far right. The problem is that the far right has co-opted the republican party. I feel there are a lot of people who are stuck because of this.
Just to ask, what issues would those be that you would be voting against?
Glad you asked.
1. I live in California, where the most 'progressive' of liberals held both houses and every elected constitutional office in the state. They ran my state into the ground with their liberal idea of what the government should 'be'. They ruined the state's economy with their spending. They throw millions upon millions of dollars at the schools, but do not require any accountability. They pushed through anti-business legislation, which drove thousands of both large and small businesses out of state. They are a good example of what would happen to America if they gained such power at the Federal level.
1. The Federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in San Francisco, is the most liberal, Dem appointed court in the country. As such, they have been overturned more often by the US Supreme Court then any other Circuit Court in the country. Again, an example of how most Americans feel the left-wing of the Democratic Party is out of touch.
3. Second Amendment.
4. The death penalty.
5. Taxes, taxes, and more taxes.
6. Socialized health care.
7. Draconian environmental laws. (Ironic that wealthy libs supported wind power until windmills were built that "blocked the view;", now, wind power is a bad thing
8. The lack of diverse thought by most 'progressives'. A short stay in a university classroom with a left-wing instructor is just one example.
Anyway, my fingers are getting tired now. You asked for my beliefs on issues; these are just some.
And before everyone attempts to put me in a box, I am against the Patriot Act, I am pro-choice, and I believe a person's sexual orientation is no one else's business. But observing what the left-wing of the Democratic Party has done in my state makes me shudder at the thought of a leftist federal government.