Was that really necessary, Mr Stillwater? Poor wee hamsters!
... however, I enjoyed the slide show.
If Pondy wants to get to the hamsters, he's gonna hafta go through me
It isn't really the hamsters' fault. How can they be good, productive employees if their cages are never cleaned?
They reported the breakdown of the conveyor belt that runs under their cages, but no one has shown up to fix this problem. They are now up to their furry little armpits in their own BB's!
Now, some of the wheels will no longer turn as the BB's have made their way into the bearings, creating a cement that has siezed up the mechanism.
The hamsters really miss the squeaking noise made by the wheels. It was their only comfort in a world that is quick to blame them for things beyond their control.
farmerman wrote:hamsters are quite tasty . Like that guinea pig on a stick you get in Chile
mmm, yummy! I love spit roasted Guinea Pig! Andean delicacy.
Now is not the time to give in to hamsterrorists! What sort of a signal are we giving to the free world if our attempts at bringing liberaation and democracy to freedom-loving......... wrong speech, sorry.
Anyhows, these are 'workplace reforms', freeing up labor from the tyranny of outdated and tyrannical work practices (ie the practice of NOT putting hamster-drones in blenders). Stay the coursest America and I will leadshipmentize this nation as its dictator...... President.
msolga wrote:... however, I enjoyed the slide show.

Thank you. I find that the technology of 'purty pitchers' instrumental in communicating with my fellow A2Kers.
So THAT'S what happened the last few days!
We prefer to think of them as "freedom fighters".
dlowan wrote:We prefer to think of them as "freedom fighters".
Every damn rodent is part of the 'Underground'. Time for the even BIGGER stick!
dlowan wrote:If Pondy wants to get to the hamsters, he's gonna hafta go through me

My hero! .. er, heroine? Go Deb!
I got teeth, and I ain't afraid to use 'em...
Mr Stillwater wrote:dlowan wrote:We prefer to think of them as "freedom fighters".
Every damn rodent is part of the 'Underground'. Time for the even BIGGER stick!
I am not a rodent.
I am a lagomorph, and you are a higgoramus.

I have these fair knights and their noble king (he's the one
not covered in ****), Arthur the King of the Britons. They will sort yon beast out....
<watching anxiously> Will good triumph over evil?
Go wabbit!
Until I can spot the difference (if any) YOU'RE a rodent, Rodent! Put up yer dukes Sockpuppet!

I suppose the job is getting too big for hamsters... and we need a bit more power. Maybe, instead of hamsters, we just need a good old fashioned...
Who are you calling a sockpuppet & rodent?????
Yikes - gettin' a bit dangerous 'round here!