Probably someone could invent a toilet seat top magnet or hook and eye. Or something.
Why am I defending these things?
Because they're there! But wait. I often don't like things that are there. All day long, really.
Listen, consider a compromise. A stack of silken pillows in a great basket for easy use upon need?
anywhere with urinals....
So there I am, watching the World Championship Poker Tournament and Dys comes in and says he has posted his complaint on A2K. Sigh.
1. What if the bathroom looks cold and barren without a cute little cover for the lid?
2. You never answered Montana's question about one with cowboy boots on it. That's sort of a neat idea. It could also have a little lasso to, um, hold things in place.
Besides, men do miss the mark most of the time, or at least drip a little, so that isn't a good argument, my sweet cowboy. HAH!!
And finally, I'm loving the mental image of Osso's friend staring at the other's eyebrows. I think this one is going to stay with me for a while.
Hey Dts, wanna take a bubble bath??
Feeling lucky, cowboy?????
Um, back when a pal and I rented an old eagles' lodge as a studio live in space, she and her boyfriend took one office sized room in the front of the place and I and mine took the office sized room in the back. Small, like 7 x 8 feet.
She/they got the ladies room and I/we got the men's room.
My first mural... When boyfriend wasn't around, I kept a plant in the urinal.
We didn't have a shower. I showered at work, luckily I worked in a (physical) rehab and lab center. Or... bathed in the kitchen sink.
Hmm, did I put a picture on a2k? I scanned it but maybe I didn't post those early studio pics.
Ah, time for lunch.
But wait, osso's friend was looking at his own eyebrows, or, whatever.
There is only one civil solution to this disagreement, and it will solve innumerable other problems as well.
Separate bathrooms.
Men and women were not meant to share a bathroom. Bad, bad idea.
Oh, I dunno, sometimes it's a fine thing. Ex and I shared a bathroom for decades. Oh
dyslexia wrote:they are evil and sexist and evil.
I just hate the concept, and the way they look.
And - if ANYONE ever tries to give me some damn thing to put the spare toilet roll in, they are dead meat. They'll end up wearing it on their tonsils.
Mind you - if you have a specially hard, mean loo seat.....
They really make the seat fall back down? Well well.
I had a loo seat that wouldn't stay up in my last house. (The damn plumber had put the toilet too close to the wall!!!!!)
None of the fellas complained - until the house-cooling party, when I asked about it, and promised the new place would not be like that. The stories of brave, drunken, manly courage and ingenuity in the face of adversity...
I suppose it is pretty cold when it is 30 degrees outside....
Separate bathrooms--Eva wins the prize once again.
Jo has a point about sharing, but that could be an impromtu agreemant to meet in the bathroom with the nice tub.
The stories of brave, drunken, manly courage and ingenuity in the face of adversity... Manly men, oh yes, and brave and ingenious, ooooohh. Yep, Gloria Steinham had it right when she wrote the article about what would happen if men menstruated. Still, ya gotta give 'em credit, they are the best at making a celebration and ritual out of basic, bodily functions.
Still, I am impressed that they didn't say anything about it in the first place.
I'm returning the little seat cover today. I'm thinking of getting and exchange instead of a refund. Any suggestions as to what I should get in place of the seat cover??
Good riddance to the fluffy thing.
Replace it with some really really really really good bath gel! Blue Water for Men! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
...and speaking of toilet seats...
I once dated a woman who shared an apartment with two other women. Having had a few beers there one evening, I went into their bathroom and lifted the seat cover and seat. Written around the underside of the seat was the phase "It's so nice to have a man around the house."
I certainly agree with that statement.
I don't suppose the store carries the good french soaps...