Tue 21 Sep, 2004 06:28 pm
I have decided he is just to liberal
And here I thought you didn't like Geddy Lee's bass playing.
The first two or three years he was on radio I listened, thinking I had to answer his every argument. One day I realized how he feeds off of people like me and quit listening. It's wonderful to be free from a dumb compulsion like that.
panzade wrote:And here I thought you didn't like Geddy Lee's bass playing.
Too funny. BTW I had the pleasure of seeing Rush (the trio) a couple months back, they haven't lost a step, still rocking.
I "discovered" him in the early nineties, and was thrilled to hear a different perspective.... not long after that, I got really pissed at some of his remarks.
So, I quit listening then--though if my husband and I were stuck on a long tip--I'd end up hearing him.
He's right on some issues--but some of his views about minorities are too irritating. Its been so long I can't even remember what he said--I just remember saying to myself that that was the last time I'd listen to anything he had to say.
You can't say as many words as he does and not be right about something. I don't have the patience to weed them out.
I was just listening earlier today.....Live in Rio....those guys are phenomenal and .......oh....wrong Rush...screw that other fat bastard......
doglover wrote:edgarblythe wrote:The first two or three years he was on radio I listened, thinking I had to answer his every argument. One day I realized how he feeds off of people like me and quit listening. It's wonderful to be free from a dumb compulsion like that.
Prior to the tragedy of 9/11...I was a dittohead. I hung on Rush's every word...I'm sorry to say. Thankfully, after 9/11, I opened my mind to other possiblities and discovered that Rush was not the second coming of Christ. Since I stopped listening to Rush I am a much better and even happier person. When I come upon his radio show by chance these days, I stop and listen and wonder how in the heck did I ever listen to the vile dribble that comes out of his mouth. Rush is the most famous and most listened to drug addict in the country today.
let's not forget Keith Richards......
I don't listen to him He shouts.
He's a big festering pus filled ...
I have never listened to his radio stuff but some years ago he had a t.v. show that I tuned into once and he showed photos of Bill Clinton and manipulated them to show Clinton kissing Castro. Could have been funny except he presented it as legitimate. Never tuned in again.
I didn't see his tv show. He apparently was pretty charming.
I listen to Rush only incidentally as he is on our primary news station here. I think I first heard him in1986 or 1987 out of an Amarillo station when I was working in eastern New Mexico and some time later he was franchised here and immediately took 770 KOB Albuquerque from #3 to #1 in the region.
Like the rest of you I think he is way off base on some things though he had just turned 40 when I first heard him and he has learned and mellowed considerably over the last 14 or 15 years and is seldom as blatantly offensive as he once was.
What Rush has going for him is that he was essentially the first nationally syndicated radio talk show host with a clearly conservative voice. He was reciting a mantra of conservative virtues that nobody else was doing and his listener base of 20 to 30 million people felt validated as nobody else was doing for them. That outweighed the occasional inappropriate rant that most of us could not agree with.
Rush doesn't have a flock following him as testified by his inability to influence a Republican victory in the last two elections. He was just saying stuff that a lot of his listeners already believed. That is the strength of all the conservative talk show hosts out there and there are many to pick from now.
I imagine Rush's star is fading and he'll hang it up in the next year or two. But however angry you have been at him, there is no disputing the phenomenal success that he has had.
Gus you old astutie cutie you.....
Is that old gasbag still bloviating?
I thought they had hidden him out of sight somewhere until the public could find a NEW junkie to have contempt for.
Gee, I hope his backpain has gotten better... ( ;-) )