If someone doesn't know a language, how can he know about the irony in that country?
Well, this may be a probable explanation; but English was not a mother tongue for both Israeli engineer and his Japanese clients.
'taint only Murricans wot don't understand irony.....
Who else doesn't?
wabbits, incompetent steel workers
I do so understand irony! megaton harrumph!
Ways to express irony vary in different cultures. Things that can sound ironical to (for example) an Irishman, may be offensive to (for example) Japanese, and sound like complete nonsense for a Zulu (once more, example; no racism is implied!!!).
gibberish? we got a gibber desert here - dinna know it SPOKE!
Maybe it does, at night, when you sleep or go on-line
By all means, the dubious term is replaced by me on your request.
request? I was being IRONIC!!!
But the term was replaced since I was not sure in its spelling; English is not my mother tongue.
Steissd has a good point ( or does he ?)
Deb-sowwy of course you do
nemmind - I NEEDED a good harrumph!
Irony here we do find , of a humorous and sarcastic kind :-
"He was a gentil harlot and a kinde;
A bettre felawe sholde men noght finde.
He wolde suffre, for a quart of wyn
A good felawe to [liven as a swyn]
A twelf-month, and excuse him atte fulle:
Ful prively a finch eek coude he pulle."
That old Geoff eh ?
Ah - they don't maken hem like unto thatte onny morre!
forsooth aint that the trooth
Well, if 'tis forsooth, then 'TIS the truth, isn't it?