Wed 14 Sep, 2016 05:45 am
I'm from Holland and I need to make a graphic design for my dad's trucks. But before I send it to the printer. Can anybody check if I made some mistakes?
Our Various marinades:
Our three flavours of marinade are so good because we use over 13 different herbs and spices.
Microwavable Spareribs:
Because of innovative techniques the pouch will open itselfs when the ribs are finished!
Thanks in advance!
Over 13 - do you mean 14?
If you are going to capitalize words in each of the subject lines, then I would make the first one Our Various Marinades:
contrex wrote:
Over 13 - do you mean 14?
We use 'over' with a round number to draw attention to large numbers or quantities - over 100 years old; over 50 flavours; over 1 million customers. 13 is neither large nor round.
Various marinades:
Our Three flavours
, of marinade are best because we use over 13
different herbs and spices.
Microwavable Spareribs:
Because of Our innovative techniques
open the pouch
will open itselfs when the ribs are
done, finished revealing its magnificent contents!
Dunno if that helps much Tim but I'm kinda compulsive in the realm
Correct is
open itself - not itselfs
Thanks Saab but that's how Tim spelled it
Quote: 'over' .... to...large numbers
Tim, Con has a good point here. You might wanna use the actual number instead
Actually, I think "over 13" is good here. They have at least three products. Some might use 14 herbs and spices, while one may use 23.
Thank you all very much! I'm very grateful.
I would say our three marinades not three flavours of marinade. Clearly they're different flavours because there's three of them.
Tim, Izzy does have a point there