Wed 7 Sep, 2016 02:57 pm
My stepsister, Who is 13 and I-15 listened to my heart and asked her out, Is this right that we’re dating? We obviously love each other, Thoughts?
There is no blood relation,Should I listen to my heart? Should I wait? She loves me and I think I'm in love back(Cliche' I know) but I honestly really like her .My mother and step-father don’t know. She’s everything to me. God, This sounds ridiculous but I feel that clarifying this will help me.
You're young teenagers. You will meet other people. Please don't get mixed up in this.
First of all, you two are young. Given time when hormones settle down, you will be able to step back and realize "what in the world was I thinking even CONSIDERING this??" It's not normal and its not the kind of baggage you want to carry with your conscience. I would cut it off with her asap and look at her for what she is: your sister.
Whether she is blood related to you, or becomes part of the family because your father marries another woman: it is still a dishonor to your family first and foremost. So think in terms of that when your heart 'wants' otherwise.
Put a 13 and 15 year old together, living in close quarters, and this could very well happen. You talk about "Love" when you might just mean sexual excitement or the first time familiarizing yourself with the opposite sex, verbally and physically.
You sound like you are uncomfortable about this.
Can you talk to father or mother about this.?
She loves you and all that means? Actual love is not all sexual appeal. You two are having a crush in puberty time. Together you can mess up the life of your family and yourselves. Time to grow a brain, especially for you, two years older.