Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I blame rock and roll...chuck berry little richard elvis...a straight line from Sun records to the fiery pit.........good times.....
...but the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah never needed rythym'n'blues! Or everyone before the Flood.
Makes you wonder somewhat. Without modern (and post-modern) Christianity telling them what to do that
was sinful (like they couldn't read about it in the Bible could they?) what the heck were they doing????
Sure they had alcohol, but no drugs, no porno, no internet, no tobacco, no money, no banks to rob, no jazz or rock or hip-hop or Britany Spears, no contact with other lands so limited access to race-hatred (no KKK either). And for this they get drowned or blasted with fire??
Either it's total crap or all six and a quarter billion of us are due for something spectacular!