There is one that came to mind when I read the first post, and then more when I read dlowan's -- how awful.
The first one is that I was struggling to make my little pitiful program into something legitimate (before I struck out on my own), and really wanted to get a specific post-secondary education certification that would ramp up the credibility and be a great recruitment tool. It was usually the job of my boss and her secretarial staff to do this... she didn't want to. I argued and argued and argued for it and she said "fine, you do it." She agreed to pay the fee if I did the work of it.
So I rolled up my sleeves -- it was an absolutely enormous job. I had to create a book-length collection of forms, procedures, curricula, etc., exactly conforming to their very stringent demands. The back-and-forthing had gone on for quite a while and there was only about a week left before the deadline.
But I went to it -- 12-hour days (where I had to do my usual 9 hours+ of work a day as director of the program), horrible painstaking exact work, had to create almost everything from scratch.
With about 4 days left, and maybe halfway through, we got horrible news from my sister-in-law. At 9 months pregnant, she'd had excruciating headaches, was rushed to the ER, and was found to have a large (I think "orange-sized" -- I remember it was fruit) brain tumor that required an operation ASAP. First a c-section for the baby (who was about to term, not a problem for the baby) then a brain operation, with an OK but not fantastic chance for survival.
So. We HAD to fly down there. We decided this Monday night, my flight was slated for about 2:00 PM Tuesday (E.G. went right away, I came later, still before the surgery), and the deadline had been Friday. I went right to the office and worked my ass off. And I did it -- I crossed every T, dotted every I, it was a thing of beauty. Dropped it off with boss, who had to add some cover forms before submitting the whole shebang. Then I sped to the airport and barely BARELY made the plane.
So on no sleep, utterly exhausted from all of that, I was plunged into the drama in Texas (where my sister-in-law lived.) Ended up being the main support person there. Advocated for naming the baby before SIL went into surgery. Advocated for everyone saying whatever they would want to say to her if the worst happened -- in case. (Nobody else seemed to be there doing that kind of thing.) Advocated for SIL in face of distraught and as a defensive mechanism overly-controlling MIL. Lots and lots of that sort of thing for a week, including being primary caretaker for the new baby. (SIL pulled through, still fine as of now. Had one recurrence that was treated with a new procedure that doesn't require surgery called gamma knife.) (And the new baby experience is what pushed me over the edge into OK, we GOTTA have a baby... started trying the next year, after some ducks were in a row.)
Anyway... after all of that, came home. Whew. Did this, did that. Nothing about certification yet -- the next step was a site inspection, and I was surprised that I hadn't heard anything yet. But ya know, bureaucracy. Then, at a staff meeting, I asked about it. My boss said smoothly, "Oh, I didn't submit it, I decided it wasn't appropriate for us, and by the way our new facility in Burbank..."
I glared at her witheringly throughout the meeting (co-workers said I was way scary) and pulled her aside afterwards and said "WHAT?"
She hemmed and hawed (one of those lovely conflict-avoiders) and escaped.
It developed that she (who hadn't known me for long

) just plai didn't want to do it but was tired of my pestering and so told me to do the application because she thought it would be impossible that I'd get it all correct -- it was a PROJECT -- and then she could point to an error and blame me. But she couldn't find any errors, so...
Man I was pissed.