Walter Hinteler wrote:
You mean the quoted article
Yes Walter, it was a tongue in cheek comment tho which obviously doesn't work on here! So my apologies for that.
I had no idea that this went on. Obviously I couldn't condone breeding animals for hunting. Except perhaps in the case of game birds for shooting, and only then so long as the birds are going to the table afterwards. After all a relatively happy life in a stocked wood is probably much better for most animals that the normal mass production farming methods.
(Aztec waits for a lecture on the realities of Grouse/Pheasant farming)
"Even some among the hunting fraternity admit that some hunts use artificial earths and leave out animal carcasses to ensure a plentiful fox population. '
A few hunts do it and I have to say that I disapprove of it totally,' said Janet George, co-founder of the Countryside Action Network.
'There is no need to encourage them to breed. They will breed anywhere anyway.' "
Good to see the practice isn't too widespread isn't it?