these despicable people will have their fun with the fox, and they will have their fun breaking the law, but they wont win.
All we are watching is the slow painful death of fox hunting, which is a pleasant change from the slow painful death of wild animals.
Incredibly primitive behaviour, really.
I think there is something primitive about someone's need to indulge in blood sports. These people like to think of themselves as sophisticates. What they really object to is being made fools of. They can still keep horses and packs of dogs and get dressed up and cavort around the countryside, provided they are after a rat. How sophisticated is that?
Severe deer overpopulation here in Michigan. We need more hunting opportunities, not less. Deer meat all over the roads, lotsa smashed cars, injured people.
Kill 'em and grill 'em.
Properly killed and prepared venison is delicious and a lean protein source. Hit by a car not only is your car ruined but typically so is the meat. In this case, I hope there was no passenger.
Why did I just KNOW there'd be this turn of events here?
Well, I was very much surprised.
It's all about the divine right to kill animals, Walter.
No, not just kill them, but to also grill them.
You should notify your local Member of Parliament, cjhsa, if you want more action in that way.
is the man trying to blow up the dog?
Nah, he's about to shoot at the sky.
ah yes Canada goose armed with air to surface missile, ratge 2miles altitude 100 feet bearing 270 deg...jeez there's a whole flock
I hope they don't ban fishing. There is nothing like a well educated man spending all day on a rainy riverbank with £500 worth of state of the art fishing gear, trying to outwit a 5 ounce tench that has a four second memory capacity.
ah yes a worm on one end and a fool at the other.
What a bunch of retards. No wonder I don't hang out much at A2K any longer.
And you came only back to tell this.
At least, I feel honoured.
But I am deeply, deeply offended, Walter! :wink: