YESSSS! at last they keep their election promise.
it is barbaric and on a level with dog fighting and bear baiting
If they try to argue that hunting is pest control - then why the expensive horses, 'pink' hunting jackets etc? in hunting areas copses of trees to ensure a supply of foxes to hunt are protected - how hypocritical can you get?
The fox population will be controlled by the food supply
they block up the earths so the fox has nowhere to run to and foxes are often caught and released to be chased - illegal but it happens.
Peoples cats and small dogs are frequently killed by the hounds
This barbarity and cruelty is the beginning of a very slippery slope that leads to other barbarity
the trouble is they'll make a song and dance putting down packs of hounds and blaming it on the bill - they could muzzle them and go drag hunting ( an aniseed trail is left for the unt to follow) if they just enjoy the ride across country, i can't imagine they'd ever be suitable for house dogs