Good afternoon...I'm following this forum because (a) I'm a political junkie, (b) yall seem to have diverse opinions expressed sincerely but without too much rancor and then there is (c):
Back in early August I got a call from a political pollster asking the usual questions "If the election was today..." "Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree.." and so forth for several minutes with the pollster talking in, I assume, a deliberate monotone. After that, though, he became much more casual and asked me things like age, education level, race, occupation etc. He concluded by saying that I would be receiving a letter which I got on Aug 20th. It was from "By the People" - a project of our local PBS TV station, The League of Women Voters and MacNeil/Leher
It would be one of 17 Deliberations (their word) that would take place two weeks before the election and would "...give citizens like you a chance to express your opinions about issues.." and "...there will be a national (PBS) broadcast covering the events like ours." A summary, I assume.
"A couple of weeks before the event a packet of background material will be mailed to you. These materials will provide you with balanced information about the topics under consideration."
If this thread is still around when I receive that packet, I would enjoy discussing the topics with you.. Chances are you won't be able to change my mind but you never know.
In the meantime, I'm trying to resist getting involved in yalls discussions. Please try to remain nice to each other. Thanks. johnboy
cavfancier wrote:cjhsa, your dad is a gun-toting animal doctor? That is really cool. I see a movie....a really good movie.
You should see some of the footage of his electifried squirrel feeder.
cjhsa wrote:cavfancier wrote:cjhsa, your dad is a gun-toting animal doctor? That is really cool. I see a movie....a really good movie.
You should see some of the footage of his electifried squirrel feeder.
Oh how I would like to see that. Squirrels and their cousins, pigeons, are simply a nuisance apparently related to rats. Don't touch the marmots, though.
I guess I haven't introduced myself. Americans would see me as mostly bleeding heart liberal, a middling term at best re the rest of the world.
I see myself as middle, with more sympathy toward marxist
revolutionaries than extreme fascists, though comfy with neither of them, nor with total lack of government.
It's just that my idea of middle is some to the left (both re government perogative and social choices) in the US.
I have some agreement with libertarians and the odd aberrant Republican in the US, from time to time...
Whether this is left or right or north or south, I am not a fan of bombing as useful. I am not entirely anti war, and not entirely anticombat. I am sorry bombs are now our cannons.
I think many people sitting in abject hatred of each other have more in common than not and cry the sadness and destruction that comes from not working things out. And past that, the hatred for years to come.
I am not all peacegreasy. I think of this in practical terms.
And, I don't post much. Am fairly emotional or acerbic when I do. I am not very interested in coming up with data for my accumulated lifetime view to answer one post. Though I admit my lifetime view is always changing at least a little bit and sometimes more.
I grant you the right to your own opinion and am unlikely to mock you or the logic of it.
Addendum, I meant to add that though I don't post much, I read quite a bit of the politics forum.
oh, chjsa, could you shorten squirrely? My heartfelt post now covers the western plains...
I'm not your father's liberal.
I hit back. Hard.
But you should know this already, massa...
Will this move the thread to a new page?
Nope, but this will.
Edit: Damn! you beat me.
Heheheheeheheheeheheheeheheeheheehe..........just like we do in social policies...

Who? Rabbits, women or South Australians?
Well, now that I'm on this thread I may as well introduce myself.
Hi, I'm Adrian. I'm a realist. I have never been known by any other name because A2K is the only forum I have ever joined.
So, Walter, have you 'fessed up yet about your past internet personalities?
I splitted identity would confuse me even more than reality already does.
So, I've always used my real name, here, and on the other forum (requiescat in pacem , Abuzz), I've been in.
Adrian wrote:
Who? Rabbits, women or South Australians?
South Australians.
And women, of course........and rabbits....
I used to be cj on the Livable Rotterdam forum ... <grins>
(All those posts long disappeared tho)