Hi ft.......good to see you.
Now george, don't get your back up just because I pointed out that your argument is so often used by pathologically narcissistic folk looking for an excuse for unconscionable behavior. It's a poor excuse, regardless because it assumes so much, is a huge generalization about a large group of diverse people and makes the same mistake anyone in France may make who generalizes about Americans. Nonetheless, I will admit that when I've been in France, I haven't liked the caricature so often accepted as fact by so many French people. I was always embarrassed and striving to prove them wrong..........but mostly to no avail. But that's still no excuse for the outrageous behavior of this administration........who are, btw are demonstrating the accuracy of that "horrible American" caricature.
You and Walter are patient, and that's a good quality in anyone.......sometimes. So you think it's the Catholic in you both........hummm, maybe.
And for the record,
george wrote
Quote:I do recall that the clinical definition of a Psychologist is one who, on encountering disagreement on any matter, asks, "How long have you felt that way?".
This is only the case when I'm being paid. All other times, I make the attempt to stay out of other people's brains (admittedly, I'm not always successful.) But to quote a great American, Bill Clinton. He says that his grandfather taught him that no one is perfect, but no one is all bad either. And this I believe to be true, even if some of us are worse than others.
Hi Timber........great to see you as well. Great to see you all. I haven't much time either and will have to disappear again soon for a while, but it's nice to touch base.
And Walter, I did get that much from my attempts to translate the article. But I couldn't pick up whether it was a sympathetic article or not.