Just for track-record giggles, blatham, check
This out. Heck, my biggest miss back then may have been in assuming Kerry had let me down ... I originally thought him likely the strongest of The-Footnotes-To-Be, then, obviously prematurely, bemoaned his apparent-at-that-time failure to garner his party's nod.
I disgree categorically with your contention "
... this crowd in this administration is uniquely incompetent and arrogant, and that is hurting you ... "; I happen to feel the shrillness, pessimism, and partisan hyperbole of The Left, in general, and The Democratic Party in The US in particular, play beautifully into The Republican's game. The way Ifigure it, you folks are still "mis-underestimating" us folks ... bigtime. Cool by me :cool: .
Lest I forget, thanks for all of that. It makes our job so much the easier