I continue to believe John Kerry is the lesser evil in the upcoming election, but he sure is evil.
Recently, John Kerry's speech writer wrote:I'll use real diplomacy to do what George Bush hasn't - pressure OPEC to start providing more oil," Kerry told a rally in San Diego. "We'll stop diverting oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve until gas prices get back to normal. We'll simplify the patchwork of rules on gas all over this country so that we can reduce costs and make fuel supplies while keeping our air clean.
Source: CBS Marketwatch
1) A liberal shouldn't be in the business of telling Third World nations that rich American consumers expect rebates on their exports.
2) America shouldn't be in the business of pushing other countries around. If I wanted that, I'd be supporting George Bush.
3) The federal government shouldn't be in the business of telling the states how to regulate gasoline. If there was a compelling case for tighter standardisation, states could easily adopt each other's standards, or negotiate new ones.
4) Instead, Kerry should point out that Americans already pay gas prices which are ridiculously low compared to those in the other advanced countries. He should ask Americans to stop being such crybabies, and to stop whining about gas prices.
With alternatives like these, what's the point in voting?
Okay, rant's over.
[Edit: remove two embarrassing grammatical errors]