cicerone imposter wrote:It's comparable to saying Bill C's lying destroyed the US, or "really" killed humans. I think, technically, he might have created another baby.....except that was not to happen as we all well know by now. Killing over 15,000 (conservative estimate, because nobody knows for sure), by Bush's attack of Iraq is supposed to justify the replacement of one man called Saddam? I think any child would say that was "over-kill." How many more American lives and our billions, plus the increased incidence of terrorism around the world are worth the pre-emptive attack on Iraq that was supposed to be for the destruction of Saddam's WMD's that doesn't exist? And conservatives want to compare this with Bill C's infidelity? It's not wonder the US is now in a sh*t hole.
Think of it this way...If Clinton was such a saint, shouldn't some of his sainthood rubbed off on Gore? Hell, he was second in charge during the glory years, right? Or, could it be that Clinton's lack of morals and integrity spurred a need for change from Clinton's tarnish that ruined Gore so badly he couldn't even win his home state? (I am sure that will get at least one whiny response about the popular election, so you can hold it in...I am aware of what you will say) Clinton is directly responsible for the situation we are in today. You can kid yourself all you want.
Terrorism from al queda? Clinton's fault.
Economic recession? Clinton's fault.
High unemployment? Clinton's fault.
War in Iraq? Bush's fault, but Clinton didn't help the situation...
Environmental problems? Clinton's fault.
Reason my dog sheds so much? Clinton's fault.
Why do the yankees have so much money? Clinton's fault.
Sorry about that..I just got rolling along...