Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 11:47 am
Laugh out loud , ur head up ur ass after donkeys bin disembowled
im spliffin vowels n twisting owls , around ur simon cowell's, skowl
maybe if you took ya foot out ya mouth , ud quit running it off
all ur ******* shits soft , pissed off , cause ur flows are hoes
im just coming across , lord ask jesus , why this kids so lame , cause his daddy was sniffing cane well hes mommy was giving brains ... u couldn't fill a pinkey condom , make me go slinky on um , ur going down a staircase , ur brain does not know how air tastes , till i smash ya face with compressed O3 , u may not know me son , but ya mommas blown me , I made her overdose on codene , ur so scene , im cutting it out the movie , ur coppin holes in donut theories , im feeding pigs holes , screamin ur so fucked if you can hear me .fakes , deteriate , to be honest , dont know who ya moms is ,but ur two dads want dick , ur still voting chaney crying momma change me , baby , this is pre-school , go pick up some drugs an overdose or drag a knife over ya throat next time u act like a thug , swallow it an choke , heres a sledge hammer an a camera ,when u get a picture of my balls breakin , u can finally cum up with a flow , jack off on ya dog , have ya bitch lick it off , needle filled with aids an evil , you'll never be sick as prof , ripping coffin stickers off ,slappin um to ya forehead n foreskins , so u cant forget endorphins , crack ur skull n start snortin , smells like nothing important ... Ima smoke a bowl , well u choke ur throat and jerk off to what i just wrote , Quote - an you thought u were dope , till one pint a real rhymes has u overdosed , comatose , no wonder this bread gets burnt over toast ,drop anvils over ya toes in sandals , camel flows sacrafical spitting laama's , i dont give a damn rawwwww learn some grammer ,quit milking ya man bra's , knew we should have named u amanda ...... uv never bin in battle jsst babble its why war amps cant stand ya
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 11:50 am
and yea

your ******* terrible , ima let someone else rip you , its just boring for me



someone teach this kid why he has no idea how badly he's bin chewed up an served

Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 04:16 pm
I know when I'm defeated, an it sure ain't now
Look at at the crowd seein oopan like wow!
Then you come along, pretended to rhyme
Yo don't got time, yo rap is sour as lemon an lime
When ya can't beat neither in a rap battle
Like Seether tryin to sing to sleeping cattle
Can't get chords, as stormy as Seattle
But not even half as lively, your a snake without a rattle
I can do good raps without language an all
You tryin to call? Me out! Well that's yo own downfall
C'mon Paul! An listen up y'all
Someone's ass is bout to get kicked, yah, it's time to play ball!


And when I do, grand slamming
Comin at ye
With single and double whammies
As the cam sees
And the lamb flees
When they see you and yo colleagues
Ugly dead bodies!

So remind me again, of how I'm a joke
Not once have I choked
But did you read the sign?
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 04:39 pm
An for Some pussy with horrible sh1t,
Don't like ya one bit. I can still throw ya into a pit
While I trick
Then you try an ya trip, have you been munchin on chips?
Or too many porn clips?
Yah I'm the star of those vids!
Kay kids?
Lets learn about clitteruses!
Are ya sponge bob, stuck at home with the sids?
I knew you was a bottomfeedin
Yo wounds are bleedin
An all 99 of yo adopted babies are teethin
While ya writhing in pain
Trying to maintain
Control of yo mainframe,
But yo brain
Won't let ya, cuz ya insane
Yo raps are like a constant runaway train!

An that's all i hear,
with a couple sex related words to cover yo fear

For a minute too long
An I'm bout ta do wrong
An finish yo song
Kick ya in yo ding dong
Yo messin with King Kong
The one that raps, hung up
On you, shut up, ya foo
Can't take ya poo
Hey here's a spoon,
Eat it yo self, see how it tastes
The rapid disgrace
Of the words from yo face,
Now tie yo shoe lace
Before ya trip in this place
An say grace,
Pray that you won't completely fail
Whup! I've got time to bail
As yo lame-ass train derails
An yo body it skewered by 12 inch nails
An then the train's tail
Lands apon it's head
An bam! One rapper found dead.

Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 05:13 pm
yo get on tiny
0 Replies
lil host
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 06:44 pm
you just another mothafucka that well never make it
one chance one rule dont batlle with a legend you didn't take it
you no G bitch don't fake it
you = most hated
me = rap related
so you hear me Oopan
here is your future plan
hopless homeless man
why i am battlin?? bitch cause i can
the battle began
afta this you= no fans
i spit fire
ma pen aint no lier
so bitch hear me closely
i predicted your future one minute... here you are workin in a grocery
but bitch hear ma melody
cause i even predict a dollar sorry thats jus your salary
so bitch dont try ta battle me cause for this i was born
now you can you back to your gay porn

Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 07:33 pm
Your style is so ******* random I can't stand it
Talkin like "I'll smoke a Canned fish slap dicks and eat it like a manwhich"
Nobody wants to hear you talk I mean damn kid
Your worse than that fat bitch with the tan skin
What is it uhh snooki?
Uuuuh wussy
Uhh lookie
Uhh pussy
Your probably looking at me right now like yo his writtens are vile
But the funny this is they sucked so bad cus I mimicked your style
Id merk you so bad on stage the crowd be waitin for your mic to fall
Am I the only one who noticed this virgin pussy isn't tight at all?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 07:54 pm
@lil host,
So new dudes on the field, ****'s about to get real!
You can't wheel or deal, you lost yo virginity to a happy meal
So you can rap with good vocabulary
Well it's necessary to keep a beat ya fairy
You think I watch gay porn? Only the vids YOUR IN
Faggot. Call that a dick? Not once you'll win, all my kin
Know your music is a sin in this battle your pinned
Your pushin it!
And it's about to push back
With the force of the previously mentioned train runnin off the track
Headed for ya

Take a breath an we gonna see,
Yup, you've got AIDS and diabetes
You've got the swine flu and STDs
Like herpes and HIV
Failin from cancer an lepreousy!
Guess how ya got it, Mr. "I'm MC"
You got it from music made by me!
You've only seen the text, how bout live TV?
Someday you'll see
All over MTV

So remind me of how you're winnin today
Your life's gray? Well you'll sure as hell pay!
Gamma ray, killin all yo gays
Santa Fe, has less crime rates
Now open the gates, while I determine thou fates
Your tempo is a bit too late

Don't you go to school?
What bout the golden rule?
Do unto others as they do unto you!
I'm bout to do that
For the fat cat (you) is bout to have an attack
You still lack
My rhymin power
Like the Eiffel Tower
Buddin like a flower
Rain flames, watch the people cower!
You tumble
Fillin you with gun-holes
You cry as I plunder and you watch in wonder
And wonder when I'll be done,
But Hun,
This sh1t has just begun.
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 09:03 pm
battle cattle babble , what the **** are you trying to do play scrabble ?, her take so many advil u start dieing today , convulse no pulse , what the **** were you trying to say , u weren't a joke till i cut ya throat , u ******* choke artists so garbage ur throating artichokes, Ironic a vegetable eating a vegetable ,im hawking particle physics throwing carter flows , jimmy , jay , vince , im convinced since 2000 olympics you limp dicks have'nt been hard enough to even **** around u finished ? how long you bin bitch? , ima c section this defection ya moms pussy ******* stitched , with the image of my dick , n ur nuttin bitch on top of her lips , rip um off wrap um around her head , n circumsize , weld razors to chainmail gloves an work them thighs , ur so blue i thought id find a smurf inside ,ripped up to shreds kicked in the head , sandpaper lube you pussies wanted friction instead of jsst chillin ,pretend to be ya dentist , bust ya fillings , I don't give a **** how ur feeling ,r u high what the **** is a ceiling , **** is appealing , when was the last time you were ******* ****'n , ******* doing something other then frontin or cuttin ur **** n being a pussy , hell slap u with satens balls , so much rocket fuel ur taking off , do u know who ur talking to ? im oxin crews of mock sims dude , playing games cause u were programmed with no other options im opt'n someone off um , cough um into a coffin no caution no stopping go dropping ya jaw , u aint talking to broad sow ya mouth shut you aint talking at all , tell u to take a seat break ya knees and walk it off fake emcee , whacksville has no vacancy's , so they bum on the corners , not even 1 fourth the talent asking for quarters , suspenders ur only supporters sexual offnders on suspended sentencing , dangled over the scorpion pits , well im drinking fourties n spliff , listen'n to u bitch bores me wanna go j vorhies when you say why wont they record me , I wouldnt record these cornies girfriendsif they were horny , **** the games stab ur eyes with sorry pieces , im sorry i need to release stress , yup , candy rappers reeces pieces **** a thesis , cut the fetus out ya fathers penis , the world doesnt need this , genes with a G bitch , Lord knows i **** with the seamstress , love when ya girls scream sex , only loving you get with a kleenex , ur DUMB is that the effect of a birth Defect , never understand the concepts till u tunnel under where the con slept to escape this nonsense ,u lack luster , whack buster , eating ya last supper , ripped the ambillical n choked ya mother with the broken rubber , ur so dumb brother never had brains in ya scrodum , sow thumbs up butt plugs for online gangsta thugs , that never done **** , throw some chuck norris nunchucks , at ya matrix leave ya unplugged , hospital bed flatline , coroner can analyse that line , paralyed by a pair a rhymes , prepared to die in a paradox with a pair a glocks , n three guns pointed at ya head ready to blow it off , careful where you go with prof , to high i'll throw you off , you aint got the wings to fly , n no jetpack , jsstt asss full of hot air , with a couple bullet holes what you got there ? wheres ya quap ? wheres the cops ? wheres ya pop's ? pop pop pop ....
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 09:22 pm
oopan more like opagiued
his mom stopped suckining him off he raged
dats y hes on here cryin and rappin every one
hes about to be dyin and fakes im cappin every one
dis guy got destroyed by prof raped by host
and nova gonna burn him while hes tied to a post
yeah and that would be the only way ur close to the mic jahova
im an evil explosion but ur like a dyke nova
lesbians every where tesbians dead beware
ull die cuz ur just actin not reactin gives u a scare
its all hallows eve and im the scariest mothafucka out there
i ate hannibal like a cannibal
i cut jason vorheese up like swiss cheese
and stuffed micheal myers in my clothes dryers
im in the nightmares of freddy. i scare mister cruger
and im ready to rip u up like a cugar
i bite vamps and zombies and u bite everyone elses ****
im more beast mode than a werewolf so suck my tit
i send the devil to hell, so what do u think ill do to u
u suck do u know how i could tell i stuck my dick up to the screen got a blow and vacuumed my ballz too
now i know dis wasnt even close to my best ****
but its all i need it beat this breast wit
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 09:33 pm
imma go in, imma goin in so far
that when i stick it in, in order to get me off
ya gonna need a crowbar
i act natural, nuttin but a back scratcher
itchin to get in this game to serve whack rappers
but i'll do the task backwards
kill myself, come back and kill ya ass afterwards
saliva stuck to everthing in my sight, ask the mic
spit so much **** in ya face ya foreheads gonna look like an asswipe
pass me the mic, cause i havent wipped my ass since at least last night
so i rap tight, ya can call me scary mean, ya can stare at me
but i know for a fact ya wont **** wit me, like a hairy vagine
hay MARY JEAN, ya wanna get some pizza later?
took her out on a date, had her say my name so many times
cause i knew she'd be screamin it later
fucked in a stall, chick was a nut job so i
had her suck on balls, bitch put on a gas mask
bent me over and started slappin my ass with ratchet straps
im done with whack hoes, ya dudes are sperm cells swimmin in an asshole
got ya so confused when im spittin and you cats know
that ill stoop that low, ya say im immature and do stupid ****
my response is, ya only get one life and i sure as hell aint losin it
**** yolo i aint no homo, i aint gonna go slow, im just gonna go post, im just gonna go smoke coke, so beat it
i dont snort coke, man i eat it, i even weave it in my weed then leave it for the next evenin
believe it, right now i aint even breathin, eyes open 24-7, even when im sneazin
even when im sleepin, you wont even get these motherfuckers to shut even durning a lethal
injejction, im evil, so dont mess with
you point at me and say, wow thats so rare, dont happy there, cause im crazy bitch
you're about as important to me as my asshole hair, and i shave that ****
dont you get it? you'd be down in the dumps within a week
not even a week, prolly hours, maybe three
have ya down to ya knees cryin, pleadin thinkin ya diein
pick ya back up **** ya one more time then
im lyin, out the closet that i've been hidin in
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 09:40 pm
So you'll cut my throat, through the computer screen?
Yo all bark an no bite, it's funny when you try to be mean
I perform miracles with my very word
I'm gonna be heard, an you gonna get served!
Yah I'm not perfect, I'm bad with big vocabulary
And it's understood that they all think your threats are scary!
But remember one thing, and one thing only
In the end your raps are forgotten and your lonely
But me, I hope to go far with my gift
Bring this, a little farther than a rude unthoughtful dis
But till than, let's get down to business
You'll get pissed
and realize your disguise
Isn't working, yo just another man
Like me showin off raps to brag whenever you can
Yo friends are impressed
Sometimes yo depressed
Yo feel no one else is like you
It ain't true!
I hope I'm not alone
My master plan takes me farther than normal ideas one can conform
I'm warmed
By the challenge ya give me
But you're warned,
I'm better than you think
You can insult and think that you'll finally get rid
Of that defiant rapper who is more than just a kid!
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 09:43 pm
Prof will come to your house and finger your mom as he shoves your head up your cats vagina as your father sits in the corner and jacks off in fear.... Bitch
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 10:02 pm
So you can rhyme two and to, while cryin over a booboo
You're like hunger games rue,
yo small and your good at runnin, good cause you'll need to!
Rap an rhyme
slap you a fine
For crap this time
Cause you think you can do it like me, well this
Trap is mine!
An you walked into it
When talked into ****
And stalked till you go in a fit

I'm ripped an tricked
On route
You lipped an tripped
Down South
While nova's sipped then flipped

He's down
Time to hand me the crown
Are you a clown?
Jus get outta town!
An yo ****'s turned brown
An you look all around
To see the whole crowd
As the music gets loud!

A mic is in my hand
Behind me is my band
Plain opposite of damn bland
As yo sh1t is all canned!
An shipped to Vegas
Your a fukking joke now
An now yo legless
Cuz I chopped dem both down!
An yo legs were used
As the drummers, drumsticks
An then you are abused
While I do some rap tricks!
You little piddle
Here's a riddle
While I play the fiddle
An this kid'll
Take you out
Cause that's what I'm all about!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 10:17 pm
thats a loose fuckin cat. holyshit
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 10:17 pm
So prof will do what?
My cat is dead
My dad is in redding
An my mom is in bed!

I'll let the rivers run read, with all your severed heads
Alright kids? Cause I'm quite fed
UP with yo rhyme
Up will I climb
Till I'm up at the top
an I feel my ears pop
You've got altitude sickness
Well dude now, get this!
You look a bit like yo pissed
An yo while fist
Is in prof's clitterus!
Yah prof, watch yo mouth
Or I'll kick ya down south
Look me in the eyes,
An no surprise
You look away and hide yo lies
So you can use them on those you dispise
An everyone cries
Wishin you'd stop
But clop clop
Yo horse is bout to drop
An yo zit face is bout to pop
Under pressure of seein the cop
You ain't gonna go far
You got a scar
From my music
It's charred
An now yo barred
Still eatin raw lard
From the jar
Life is hard?

You don't say!
What a lovely day!
Perfect kind to make prof and nova pay,
You can get some fans
And kick cans
But man
If I ran
Fo president
It's inevident
I'd be the most definite
And infinite
God o freestyle
An the whole while
Ryan an Kyle
Will begin to smile
And you two get riled
And defile
The error and trial

So memories will fade
While on this ride

Yet I still do this
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 10:19 pm
Jus lettin ya know, Bona fide (bone-uh-fyde) is Latin.
It means "in good faith" Smile
Reply Fri 26 Oct, 2012 03:15 am
it means genuine dip **** , rip tits off , twist ya nips off , use ya mouth as a urinal use maggots to lick the piss off , holding onto the game so hard im crushing the box , when im fuckin a cop , i seem to be busting alot , bust in ya twat , n pull a bank job , thank god its halloween help u pull that shank off , ur two small to pull it when u wank off , shove you down a cows throat cause ur flows are bullshit, like having two magnums n ur throwing bullets , im picking up ammo shoving it in ya moms vag hole till she has a shot of forgetting where ya that goes ,whack flows ,no back bone , I could be half cut , machete 6 inch deep, chew a syringe when i sleep , speaking of bloody sick , throwing surraded razor blades with aids an raid if u bug me biitch , i aint dogging you , why you barking at me , pissing on good n evil , Bitch ya barking up the wrong tree , ghetto gippeto got you doing **** cause i said so , think ur hard cause u wear what rocawear , make no ecko , no sound when I jack fresh clothes off ya back slap ya girl with my nutsack , she said **** that n i respond exactly , eating a big mac meal , lets get real, cinema rappers how many reels can I fit inta ya , **** you need n enema , aint even a percent of the time , I censor my rhymes , sensing you never get a scent a the lines im dropping cokeheads , go to bed with pepsi bottles , who said you couldnt swallow 2 litres , 2 speakers n 2 pairs of sneakers , running havoc on ya colon kicking ya ass swollen , tied to the back of a stolen car ,going im going to barf , I thought you were already sick , ima kreug freddy with machete tips ,drown u in a wish fountain till ur lungs are penny rich u aint got any bitch or the common sense to **** around with a condom strapped , wrapped around ya raps dick head , ur ass gone done crap , thats all i have to say bout that ............
Reply Fri 26 Oct, 2012 03:17 am
Wink cheque please , i'll have what you served him to go please Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Oct, 2012 03:19 am
id shove his dad inside the cats ass the mom in the cats throats , n stuff oopan inside the belly button well we eifel tower that pussy
0 Replies

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