@k copelin,
ur an idiot .....
the placebo im talking about is literally -God essence
so let me get this straight ? ur an anti-christ ???
god may like all of us equally , but clearly didnt make you with the same level of braincells to kill
thats was flat out IGNORANT ****
you wanna Check mike ? its a mic check might wanna check ya nyke's stupid
just do it , kill urself an say hi to saten for me , I know he's waiting for me , cause supersayens make um horny , sorry I know ur mom wishes that birth control wasn't a sugar pill ,didnt she say it would be sweet if it killed , this lil demon , lil seaman , lil heathen , raised by atheists u got nothing to believe in , i may be bleeding leaving eden , at least I got eve ,weed n a reason
u cant **** with us
I rhyme circles around you
hell nine circles surround you
Mic check - Michael -he who is like god ,general of heavens army
so how the hell then can you harm me bra?
get rid a riddick an ya chronicles of narnia
its pitch black an the only light a flash insight , prof got night vision
u think ur bars are hard ? must like prison
better hope death forgives you this life isnt ....
like isnt it easy to preach a way of life???? its another to lead by example
thats why in the fist of god theres only a handful....
My name Is Michael Vincent Horsman Dugas
translation- Michael-he who is like god, general of heavens army, the one who banished saten
-Vincent -conquerer ,
- Horsman -literally means horseman , not minotaur , but a man who worked with horses or the four horse man of the apocalypse
-Dugas - is french pronounced Du Ga originating from the words Du gast , du meaning of , an gast meaning untilled.... as in the dirt of the land,back in the day to get a title or legitimate last name you had to own land ....
So my concience with god is clear .... I only ever use saten or shows of evil for a point ........... if you honestly believe an follow a religous doctrine.... I dont im spiritual no religon , then u shouldnt be doing what ur doin , it says so right in the bible - exodus i believe 1st testament .....