I do owe you an apology because I did something I accused you of doing.
I did not say it to your face but I did think it!
What I did was make a comment on the first link that you shared and my comment was irrelevant because I did not take the time to understand the link that you were sharing!
Oh by the way I did like your first link it does seem true!
You seem as though you were doing the same thing that I did "not taking the time to think about things in a non-biased way.
I can tell that you did not watch the videos because of how long they were compared to your response time and you also said that you were not going to watch them!
You commented on something without thinking it threw I did the same thing with the first link that you shared!
Do you think that it was foolish of me to comment on something that I did not take the time to understand?
What about you would you also be guilty of such a crime?
This is a Rap battle forum so I did not think that it would be very easy to hurt peoples feelings because of how you all talk trash to each other. You know what I mean about trash, "the things that you would not talk about in church because you know that they are [not] Christian like!