Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 05:37 pm
Dedicated to Bambino
Like Em and Benzino, theres only ONE END for you, P-HOLE
And thats in bed from a SLEEPHOLD
You aint got Dreads, stop smoking the Green-Ceelo
Everyday you pop Med's, crackass, JACKASS-Steve-O
You wanna send for a kid?
Now i know what you got an alter EGO
You ******* Peado!
Hold up ************...RELOAD

Dont ******* ever say i use rhymezone
Your minds blown
From all the white snow in your pipe bro
Tie yo, mic to a kite and just Fly home

**** it i cant even be bothered with you im going easy, let me finish you real quick.................

You call yourself a Menace?
I think you gone senial
See while, you biting lyrics from Eminems freestyle
I know you got ******* Tim Westwood on speedial
And i know you love little kids but they just dont love your penile
Disfunction, its there
A Cock and A Bull
"What a disfunctional pair"

lets see if your intelligent enough to get any of those lyrics, particularly the last one. Now if you wanna regain the peace i suggest you apoligize for your false accusation

Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 06:04 pm
False "accusation" my ass
You smoke a pound of grass you miss the bombs when I pass
You fuckin little bitch
Your weak, Tim Westwood would be man
What do you mean you wouldnt use rhymezone?
Just to piss you off more, YOU DO, now quit pissin and moanin
**** this your a waste of time
Im outtie

Got you, you think I'll give up that easy
What the **** you take me for, fuckin Weezy?
I kill you cats, fuckin pussy
I cant believe you came back at me
My names Bambino Im glad you see
Cuz next time you'll see me is on the TV
I aint black, I dont have dreads, I dont smoke cocAINE
Dont fuckin say that dumb fuckin **** a GAIN
Get your facts straight bro
The only head you'll ever get is from a cheap dirt hoe
**** Im killin this joe shmo
Pack your mother fuckin bags up and go
But your the sheep, Im the MC herder
Rot in Peices Charlie, you've just been murdered!!!!
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 06:19 pm
bro you dont even use multisyllables, 75% of your rap doesnt rhyme, and obviosuly you aint smart enough to spot the puns and punchlines in my raps as you thought i was just putting words in capitals for the hell of it lol and it is a false accusation proved wrong as you cant rhymw the **** i used in rhymezone, try search "cee-loo" or "paedo" or "steve-o" in rhymezone, go ahead. then tell me if i used rhyme zone
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 06:40 pm
Haha good wack rap
I dont think I've ever heard soft **** like that
This guy keeps callin me a faggot
Really though he's the ass bandit
What a fuckin clown
Wouldnt matter what color condom it is, it'll still come out brown
He's callin me his "son" and "hon"
One more fuckin time, you ass will be hung
I like Asia, dont get me wrong
I just dont like dumb fucks like you who think they can spit
Im the chosen one "Bruce"
You puuusay
One ching wong, song
Little fuckin hmong
Man your boyfriend really musta **** you over
Im cummin at you, "darn rat"
I'll blow your mind, splat
You little "gat"
Yeah Im being like you rhyming every little word like that
You must really like what I say
Just give up now "Jackie", okay?
"Chan" you shouldnt even be a rapper
That hurts doesnt it, yeah its a spinal tapper
Your the misquito, Im the zapper
Many chinks I know, dont know what a misquito is
This is America
You dont see rappers come from China
Know this isnt the part where I rhyme China with vagina
You would, I know it, but Im original
So are you gonna make a decision, bro?
You gonna give up, or lose?
Forfeight now that'll make some news
I can see it now "White rapper, trops the atomic on the Asian"
Get it, Hiroshima was takin out by the hole god damn nation
I dont where the **** you're from, China or Japan
It doesnt matter, your ass is still gonna get ran
Give up now and hit the floor man
But the rap ends here, the beef does too
Im done fuckin you up and embarrasing you!!
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 06:44 pm
Face it bro, you cant beat me, your punchlines and puns are ****, they fuckin suck like you, god damn you and your chink friend go **** or something!
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 06:45 pm
Lastly, what the **** are you talkin about, the battle i just did rhymed more than yours go suck a fuckin dick!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 06:58 pm
hmm i have a funny feeling you have no idea what a pun punchline methaphor or similie is, but i suppose ur going to google that right now just like all your lyrics you bite of eminem, i suppose a accent barrier maybe the reason why some stuff may look like it doesnt rhyme between us. but anyway im not going to retaliate anymore as im not even trying to insult you but you actually are a god awful rapper and i know for a fact everybody would agree with me. and i already have beat you as you have the most basic rap ive ever seen in my life. im going to ggive you some advice...go on google and research

complex rhyme schemes
subject matter

all of these things are what make somebody a great rapper, i have all of those but im still perfecting them, you however....have none of them apart from "rhyme" which you struggle with anyway. So your insults are just proving me right as you have nothing else to counter me with. so carry on calling me names and **** because you look like a prick because im right, so i did beat you, bring me a good diss and maybe ill respond but until then get back in school and learn the art of rap.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 07:01 pm
yo man you got good lyrics but you can step it up a level if you use mutlisyllables, i can tell the flow of your rap is on point though, just giving u some advice bro, peace
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 07:11 pm
Haha man you just keep talking about wack ****, Google? um okay then? This is a site, and I really dont care about what THE **** you say. I know what a fuckin metaphor is or I wouldnt listen to rap, I know what a simile is or I wouldnt listen to rap, I know ****, but I wont explain them to you since you seem to think I use Google? Wow man get off your dumb ass and actually record in the studio this **** is a website, you may need to stop looking up words about rap dog. If you dont have delivery or flow you wont make it anywhere. Hit the studio man, seriously,then again you probably dont have enough money for a studio. By the way dude that freestyle **** on my profile that you said was by Eminem, it was, it was my little bro Colton aka Cheddar, who did rip some of the lyrics off of 2009 Eminems freestyle on Westwood. Man you have know clue at all what is actually takes to become a rapper, if I didnt know what them fuckin words were why would I even think about takin on the game of rap? But I've done enough explaining to you, you made yourself look like a complete idiot. Dont say **** you dont know. Now Im gonna go on Google right now and search those words, okay?
Your a fuckin loser, kid!
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 09:44 pm
Sincerley to Charlie

Charlie must like ass
Him and Fred Flintstone got it on in the past
I'll kick your ass and patch it with a cast
Kick you in the snatch, till you queef out the cast that was in your ass
Wilma can rap better than you **** it
Pebbles can too
Em aint got nothing to do with this
Sit your ass back down and listen to this DIS
Your the only one on the oustide of this inside joke
God damn this is my home, dogg you couldnt diss my clothes
Your just an illusion to me
But on the internet your googling me
Get your blackberry bitch tweet that your losing to me
Now that your life is a big fat mess
Dropping mixed tapes that couldnt have an impact less
Getting food stamps sent to your chicks adress
Still pissed cuz you failed your gym class test
When I deliver its striaght talk
I usually drive the juniors
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 12:43 am
I don’t wanna hear about it,
Fear or doubt it,
Don’t shout it,
I won’t listen to your bullshit, All it
Is is a to put me in a pit, and this
Will make me another of those poor vict…
ims of depression,
A session of aggression,
A lesson in possession of my soul,
I’m digging another hole,
I’m losing all of my control,
I’m letting my feelings go!
Cuz when people try to mess with my mind,
I leave the whole world behind,
I’m a totally new kind,
Of people trying to find
Some quiet, some silence,
From all of this violence,
And these people with tough fronts
When really they’re just cunts,
They think they’re real strong,
And I’m wrong,
I can’t go on
With all of these motherfuckas for much longer
I’m gonna have to pull out a gun,
Aim it at your head,
Pump you ****** full of lead,
And watch you squirm until your dead.
Okay I’m sorry, what I said was not right,
I wouldn’t just kill you; I’d kill you in your next life,
I want revenge bitch!
For what you’ve done to me
And then I’ll make you see,
You’re my number one enemy,
Oh come on please,
Don’t go on your knees,
I won’t shoot you in the head,
I wanna watch you suffer, watch you bleed,
A real slow death,
Like with a fatal disease,
And then watch you plead
When you find it hard to breath.
Then I will make you believe,
I’ll make you hesitate,
I’ll make you sweat when you see me,
And you’ll start to lose weight
Then your gonna wanna pray,
That you don’t see me everyday,
Because you’ll be so **** scared of me,
You’ll start to fade away.
I’ll be coming for you,
There will be nothing you can do,
You’ll think you’ve escaped,
But I’ll turn up out the blue.
It’s inevitable,
So sleep with one eye open,
Just listen I ain’t jokin
That’s it Bitch, I have spoken
Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 12:50 am
i'll make it simple Bambino !!!

Im Reigning champ an you can't beat me so where does that put you ???

im just being honest .... nigga .... im white lol ... fuckin racist rappers lol...
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 12:59 am
Youve had some good moments I must admit
But i gotta agree with Charlie it's ur time to quit  
I want in on this beef son so get at me 
Before I write another verse that puts you in agony
Charlies got sick punchlines but urs need some work
You should quit and get a job as a burger king clerk 
Just kidding you don't deserve to work at burger king 
Just like Lebron and the heat don't deserve a ring
Do u get it u build this great name for yourself then ya let us down
U think u know rap here's a quiz what's the underground
And Don't u fuckin talk bout weezy cuz u know he's better 
Like my cheddar u cuz the cheese
Get outta here man get back to ur gay ass superstar dreams 
And figure out what a disfunctiunal pair means
Back to the real ****.... Yeahhh
Ur girls lips are sown to the inseams of my jeans
U gots a crack pipe up ya crack and it's labeled Charlie sheen's
U better get it out befo your ass gets high
And then ya ass will be ya face and u wont know why
get a drink before ur anus/throat gets dry
Look shits comin out his mouth oh wait nope those are rhymes 
Do u understand u sound like **** gosh i've told u like a thousand times
I'm on slaughterhouse **** son I'll end a career before it starts 
Or I'll go soft and smooth to mend broken hearts 
Precision precision like a ninja with darts 
Hittin every line so I'm goin to the top of the charts 
I got everything in my verses it's like I'm a bunch of walmarts

Sorry man but u needs to stop with the one and two **** it was impressive at first but now ur losin material to use not tryin to insult with this stuff just havin fun 
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 01:01 am
U barely even put **** up on here dumbass at least bambino takes a challenge if u wanna be the champ write some **** about someone and start beef otherwise don't run ur mouth unless ur gonna rhyme while u do it
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 03:01 am
u need to check urself .... ask illustraight an charlieforce .... im being nice by not battling with you guys ....

soon as you all get beat you don't post anymore .... cause ur ego's get damaged ..

everytime someone thinks they have what it takes to be the best they try battling everyone on here , start to think there the best ... try to battle me an loose ......

u wanna battle read the pages I ask all the time ..... noone wants to battle back ....
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 04:58 am
I'm not tryin to call u out or anything but if ur gonna declare urSelf as raining champ then you should be dominating this site takin care of the weak ones like qwerty a few pages back so u can keep this page safe for those who really deserve to be on it like illustraight and Charlie not tryin to start beef but just bust a rhyme for once
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 05:20 am
What a fuckin clown
Wouldnt matter what color condom it is, it'll still come out brown

That’s Madness’ line, you TOE-RAG!!!!

So many SPELLING mistakes, it’s UNBELIEVABLE
You don’t even sting as much as a “misquito” do
Wait, let me correct myself – MOS-quito!
You “trop” the atomic on Asians
I drop H-bombs on this pagan
‘Cause he’s never really believed that this rap god can just slay him
You still think I’m from the Far East
I suggest you find out where South Asia is on your atlas app
Then you tell me whether that’s where China and Japan are at
Hmmmm .... methinks you slept through geography class
Somebody oughta shove a globe up through your arse
And that’s the only time you’ll have the whole world kissing it
Face like Pip (South Park), and all the girls spit on it
I’m a “little fuckin’ hmong” and a great big “puuusay”
You’re fuckin’ me up, I’m fuckin’ you up too – hooray!
Why do you insult the Asians when they gave us Nintendo’s?
You couldn’t **** me up if you were a master of Kenpo
Iaido, Bushido, or Shogun Karate
I’ll kung-fu this kemosabe with ninjitsu variety
Unleash the Double Dragon like Billy and Jimmy Lee
Got enough skills to make this insolent Willy flee
I kicked your ass thrice now, so don’t get mad at me
The only “China” you have is the one on your mantelpiece
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 07:06 am
First off i diddnt say you use google i said why dont you go research the advice i gave you on google lol and its ironic you called me a dumbass lol. And i do record in a studio and seeing as you think i dont know what it takes to become a rapper how come i listed all the skills required and you aint listen or explained ****? ive received a letter from a small record label based in reading near london called CD KING AGENCY, look them up...i declined the offer as i feel im better off alone and im only 16 u prick. some of the most famous artists in the world use their studio...KEYNOTES STUDIO-look that up too. I use this site to improve and learn from good rappers on here. I dont look like an idiot because i know what im talking about obviously because i use those ******* skills in my rap so obviously i know what they are. PLEASE STOP FUCKIGN ARGUING WITH ME, I RESPECT YOU ARE LEARNING TO RAP BUT ON A RESPECTFUL LEVEL YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME, IF YOU THINK YOU ARE THEN YOU CLEARLY DONT KNOW ABOUT THE STUFF I LISTED.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 07:09 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 08:35 am
What happened here prick? start rapping you Bitch
I keep this **** realer than Pamela anderson Titts
Stop babbling bout dick
Stop gagging off it
My punchlines hit you one time, your getta crack on your ribs
Make you lay flat with a twitch like your having a fit
Or maybe you flinch because of the crack in your spliff
******* small fry, ill pull the BIG-MAC on you CHIP
You and your bro are just wack at this ****

Dont lie to me, you dont know anything about Rap
How can you tell me i need to record a sound track
Got the fans singing "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH"
Like ive got a Cow gagged (get it? nah dont think so)

Are you scared now bitch? did i make you piss the cover?
Dont try and blame your biting lyrics on your little brother
Your nothing
But your bitch whore mothers a little sucker
I never let her kiss my dick, i let her lick the rubber
Im kind of done with you witless ******
Usually only stuff chickens like you for christmas supper
Now ive ticked you off my list, not as "sick" but "other"
I can murder you whether you want it winter...summer?

Ill round this **** up, stop posting with your simple lines
Ill pistol whip you till maybe you actually spit some rhymes



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