Reply Wed 12 May, 2010 10:19 pm
nice , I was just getting hungry Smile cooking up some food for thought
look at these pussy rappers , a dude ur not !
ya mom's pussy or that condom suit's ur plot
tell me a story of how you died when ya dad tried
but couldnt get off without the victums hands tied
this hams fryed thats the last time ya dad'll try a war amp
im the result kids of high voltage an you want more amps
you go to the north pole for christmas , for dwarf camp
looked at ur future , so short sighted
you the sort to bite it
the sword
im the sort to wield a sword like a pen an write it
when you wrong it
emcee's get lit like bong hits
back off im on it
breatheing life into hip hop when i rhyme cronic'd
give a **** if im iconic
keep ya eyes on it
ripping the sky's on it psyonic ,
the professor pull out the couch an let my patients lye on it
heart mind n soul hip hop rely on it
on your planet it would die on it
but not well im on it
this throne the microphone has been michael homes
an this lil pig used atamantium no bricks
an ima endin ya with an enema even if there was ten a ya no ****

Reply Thu 13 May, 2010 12:56 am
givin this skill , for livin this real , drivin this wheel, till the rhythm is what ya feel , im livin an dealing with my past the hour glass smashed in the desert ,
passion in my efforts , just ask einstein F- works , over space n time we do our best work , death works in mysterious ways life plays detective , third eyes world wide display perspective but there aint enough glass under ur ass to relflect **** , I really don't care if you respect this ish , witness a michael jordan comeback the senior year swishes , going to achieve my greatest wishes
Get so angry that ppl fighting ,I strike like lightning lighting the light bulbs
above classrooms that might evolve beyond the gas rooms you call chambers
which you congregate and filled with ya ass fumes , seeds of thought that haven't made it past the last bloom , i invested in my baby since the last boom
im just a demolition expert setting eardrums to explode , so u can listen as I blast through blood brain barriers , leaving traces of the places an faces of this universe in 51 areas ,
letting go of the insecurities , the worry me's n always trying to hurry me
burry me today , and watch me grow a new concept tommorow
giving birth to a thought , they called an idea
one you cant find the description rippin through dictionary's n encyclopedias
non fiction it's the very thing that incite the media
to develop some insight ta what they feeding ya
reading the pages, succeeding the stage is the crowd
an if you think you'll profit off it if you don't give a **** about them now
what about when Wow
was custom , when you watched bboys busting an emcees having discussion
dj's hushed them , an beatboxin percussion
was graffitti'd in a book called hip hop it use to get ur adreniline rushing
Hey doc the worlds goin into anaphylectic shock
here you can do it ! Man i aint no medic Doc!
i need epinephrine stat ,
where is it ? doc ?
I left it in ya back
it's in ya breath when yea hack
take a deep breath in
this ain't a lesson
it's a fact ! Very Happy

Reply Thu 13 May, 2010 01:25 pm
Yo this is what i laced yesterday on g unit's piano man instrumental,dissing some punk called SPARKY......Well,greetings sparky it's nice to finally meet you/but looking at the clock,it's about time to defeat you/i'm about to start rubbin this metal together till SPARKS come out/and spray till this bitch is dead like his name begins with DUMBFOUND/haha,grindtime,call me THESAURUS,this kid and wack are synonyms/i could beat you senseless,but i'm generous,i'll keep the pain to a minimum/ima put you in the trunk,now you're my (CARS PET-CARPET),the way you're getting laid out/them treat you like dust off to the top of T.V,cause you'll get sprayed down/you'll probably start your diss like "HEY NOW" on some fruit loop ****/well,ima rape you real quick, so i guess we can say (2 CAN-TOUCAN) play at this/but i guess SAM i am,cause i'm serving you with just a word or two/bitch no one has heard-herd of you,so the CRANE has work to do/feel like it's a TOY STORY,cause i just lifted you up/now ima knock your head loose with punches,go pick the screws up/well,i think this is enough,i don't even need a punch to finish it/cause you can say double what i said and no one will give a ****...Bitch
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 May, 2010 03:53 pm
when you hear click boom, your in the wrong place ill let my clips rip soon, your heart vibrate like a bass when i spray like a mace, erase the base of your face taste my glock and embrace, the moments gone in a pace aint no room or no space, for 2 G's in the thug race so bow and say grace or your be dealing my drug case so ill give you some space, make your mind up incase we come face to face, your face will need to be replaced
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 May, 2010 11:07 am

Moses said to the Pharaoh, “Let my people go!”
But the Pharaoh looked down at Moses and said, “No!”
Pharaoh, Rameses, release my squad
So that they may freely worship God
But Rameses had a hard heart, he slaughtered all the children
Sent his royal guards to do the job to profit from the killin’
Moses was commanded by God to go forth
And collect all the Israelites under the roll call
He promised all the folk that they would go to the Promised Land
Lead them to God’s Kingdom together, arm in hand
Moses made his way to the Pharaoh’s building
And pleaded with Rameses to release God’s children
The Pharaoh wouldn’t have it, he laughed in Moses’ face
Then he watched as Moses turned his staff into a snake
He said, “Behold, this is the power of the Lord,
Now let my people go, or where this came from, there’ll be more!”
But Rameses wouldn’t give in, he wasn’t troubled up
He ordered all the slaves’ work to be doubled up
Moses said to the Pharaoh, “Let my people go!”
But the Pharaoh looked down at Moses and said, “No!”
Pharaoh, Rameses, release my squad
So that they may freely worship God
But Rameses refused, thus the Pharaoh wouldn’t budge
That’s when Moses told him that Egypt was gonna be struck
By ten plagues, each one bringing terror and disaster
Each of them was brought by the heavenly master
The first plague was when Moses stretched his staff across the Nile
Turned the water into blood, and all the fish died
Turned the river into bile, the Egyptians couldn’t drink it
Made such a stench that left the river stinkin’
The second plague God brought was frogs
They covered their whole house, stoves and women, even their dogs
However, the Pharaoh chose the plague to end the next day
But he rescinded his permission, went back to his old ways
The third plague was brought, which was the plague of lice
Crawled all over their floorboards, like groups of mice
The fourth plague God brought was a plague of flies
They came like killer bees, they reigned the skies
Harmed the people and the livestock, but didn’t harm the Hebrews
Because He knew the Hebrews were all God’s people
The fifth plague was brought; the livestock were no more
Killed by an epidemic disease which couldn’t be cured
Then came the sixth plague, the sorcerers suffered boils
Left the Egyptians in trouble, bubble and toil
Irritated their skin, marks were pale red
Some of them spread over men and killed them dead
The seventh plague was hail, showered upon them like rockets
The pinnacle of God’s wrath, even the Pharaoh couldn’t stop it
Brought down villages, and struck down crops
Rameses repented soon as he told Him to stop
Yet again he toughened up, thus causing the eighth plague
A plague of large locusts came to a raid
Devouring every remain, swarmed the entire kingdom
Every sorcerer and every slave vixen
The ninth plague was the second last
As soon as Moses stretched his staff, darkness covered every stretch of land
It was so heavy that, every gram burdered every man
But Moses and God both knew it would never last
The Pharaoh offered to let the Israelites go
As long as this darkness was removed from his home
However, he said that only the livestock could remain
Only the sheep and the cattle could stay
Moses refused, asked that he take that last advice
Said that before long, the stock would be provided for sacrifice
Rameses reacted madly, he was irate
Ordered Moses to immediately leave his place
Then he would go on to tell him
That if Moses ever appeared before him again, he would kill him
No Egyptian was ready for the tenth and final plague
It was clear that the Pharaoh still wouldn’t resign his ways
The worst one was looming, he didn’t see it coming
Or maybe he did? The coincidence is stunning
Moses preached to his folk once again
Said that the Lord has spoken to him again
He said to take a young lamb, and with its own blood
Mark all your posts on every door with the stuff
For at midnight, God will travel throughout the whole land
And kill all the first-born with His own hands
So that is what they did, a young lamb they had killed
Roasted it, ate it, and added just a spill
Of the blood, marked a sign of peace on their doors
Went inside their house, shut their blinds and closed their drawers
Everything was silent, a few moments later
The Angel of Death came to take them .....

I could have added the bit where Moses split the sea, but I couldn't be bothered to go into detail.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 May, 2010 11:39 am
Nice **** AGENT, jealous down
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 05:34 am
Who you know can write a script so impossibly sick you'll wake up "dead in the morning"/(its impossible to wake up dead lol)/or could cum/come so hard leave a cheerleadin squad "getting abortions"/break "meals with no warning" snap,crackle then pop...Rice crippies/going down the stairs face first like you was trying to bite slinkys/listening to my script have you stuck in your room sacred to piss/only reason you and ya friend think you tight is cuz your lyrics are compared to ****/ BITCH!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 07:38 am
Aint posted in a while,
Been thinkin of some **** to write,
But now Im back in the battle,
Back to win this fight,
12 year old white boy in the middle of country,
Your mum was knockin on my door last night sayin 'Please **** Me'
Although I'd **** most **** man I wouldn't even touch that,
Damn she like a hungry little rat, stupid and fat,
She so ugly my eyes be needin a crash mat,
Took one look at the bitch and decided that I never would,
So keep that dog-of-a-mum away from my hood?
The rap on this post is gettin kinda faded,
And I think I'm winning this fight, yes I made it,
Constapated, you boys dont bring out the words,
And why does every rap contain a swear and a curse,
This my verse, even worse,
I got you parents on speed dial,
Think your mum needs to shave cuz..... its been a while.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 06:16 pm
get off my sacraliliac , got a philly hack , really act like you is special
givin a twitchy surfs up, givin ya terfs up , hell im bringing earth up,
when i roll with boy's poised with the herb up
you slurr stuff like ya syrup'd up but ur only on ya first cup
first up, Professor first to touch the red button
and get ya heads bumpin like yea that was mic that said something'
it's the led that red something
untill im dead I know 1 Thing
you can be born into royalty ,
but it takes a real persons growth become king
become queen
everyone want to be apart of something greater then themselves
even God with it's Heaven n Hell

Peace yo Very Happy



put it in what ever order you like its what its all about

Peace Class study with ya bud buddies Wink

0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 06:20 pm
im syked lyrically hyped up
time to light up, shine bright despite luck
this fights dark so in the night my fight strucks
when the metal conducts heat ill pull back ignite slugs
i sit in anger after being used for ****
my lyrics stay true i hope u can feel what i spit
like the ****** who felt it after i stuck steel in his hip
now hes paralysed from waist up
cant put a meal through his lips
people think im pussy coz they see that im small
but they aint on it like im on it ill be the first cat to pull
yh i mean the trigger, i need to take this rat to school
leave him in a red liquid, infact i mean a blood pool

0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 May, 2010 04:55 am
Here's my time to beat "bullet2dabrain" making his BRAIN clap like a flip flop/claims to be at the tip top,but as i kill him watch his blood drip drop/gonna show you how torture feel/kicking you out like you forgot to pay the mortage bill/now listen up to my militant tone/then everyone can listen to your dilligent moan/you like "NO PLEASE STOP"but i keep hitting you with punchlines until both knees-drop/now i need to clean your blood off the floor,good thing my flow sneeze-mops/haha/people say you the best to talk about parents,but now im putting you to a test on the mic/showing everyone who's the best in a fight,putting you to rest in a night/and it will only take one round to take you down and make you look like a clown/your lyrics should be unallowed,i'm taking your crown if you make another sound/from day one spitting fire was my desire,trying to be like ill wire my attire/you were good but that was prior,i came in and rolled over the game like a tire/thats 6 lines down 2 more to go,no time to fix scars now few more to-grow/started as a rookie but grew more to-show/thought i killed em all but there's a jew more to-blow/put you in the oven now i'm letting you bake/have you all sacred now you're sweating the-shake/made a mistake petting the-snake/killed you quick people are already forgetting the-wake
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 May, 2010 12:14 pm
..... Go forward?
My shoes are pitifully awkward
I got a wart on my left toe that’s causing physical conflict
Trying to walk over these emcees with their criminal nonsense
I just fell and sprained my ankle, I think I’ve physically crushed it
It’s a debacle trying to get rid of this bum ****
It’s just these college suckers causin’ a typical rumpus
All these motherfuckers acting petty, do they want some?
But I don’t think they’re fully ready for the bum rush
Or a bit of rasta man with the bumba claat
Wanna start? Rack ‘em up, watch me tumble these snotty chumps
If that don’t work, we can always pop a hot one
Or hit ‘em with the bop gun
Sorry, Cube, I don’t want to copy you " I’m just tryin’ to cop a bar or two
Like Master P, whoadie, I’m always +Steady Mobb’n+ dudes
I try to make my ebonics sound more plausible
We all know how the saying goes: “Nothing is impossible!”
So I get to spit these clauses when I talk to you
Always caught out on the streets boppin’ like a college dude
I grumble when I walk with you, I stumble every often too
Get into arguments with the naughtiest of stubborn fools
Who still don’t understand, ‘cause their knowledge is so awkward, dude
I say take ‘em back to college or to boarding school
In the future, they’re probably gonna say my songs ain’t cool
Well, I say, “**** those motherfuckers and their fathers too!”
‘Cause I got some naughty porno to get off to
Gangbangin’ mixed with a port of Donkey Kong, whoo!
My ****-stain’s much browner than a Charleston Chew
Too much vodka and a lot of brew .... I’m coughin’ too
I feel sick, somebody get a doctor, dude
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 May, 2010 04:45 pm
************ i can feel your possitive charge
but im negative, ill lower your mind set then alcatraz bars
lyrical igniting the flame and rasing these stars
i put the G into gangster, my Rep may be large
ripping through emcees but im permanantly scarred
as i lie in the dark pen and paper in my garage
im scarred to see that every close person leaves me
coz im caught up in the drug game and killing if need be
chicks always asking "can you give me your seed b"
they dont want a relasionship they just wanted my cd
they just wanted to witness a lyrical emcee
release his emotions coz hes physically eroding and result to a kill spree
hide from his conscience and just wait to be set free
How the **** would you feel if your girlfreind had text me?
how it feels to have my mother tell me she regrets me
i heard my own family plotting ways to forget me.......

have you been raised on the streets constantly packing some heat?
have you been raised in a herd of thugs constantly savaging meat?
have you been trained to carry on, at the sound of police ?
never stop bursting solid rounds until the missions complete
pack the bag in another bag and dodge police and rotreit
reach it back to the hood then go to your flat and then sleep
wake up in the night for a splif and then weep
look back on your life, the whole your in is to deep
now its my job to be so grim, so pass the list and ill reap
until the time comes i meet my fate and land in a hole 6 foot steep

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2010 02:59 pm
Things just ain’t the same for chavsters
Urban rappers, these Pop Idol hapsters
Teenage bad boys makin’ this land look badder
Hoodies and text speech, now that can’t be sadder
The dumbest things can happen from yappin’
Whether you’re single or just survived a stabbin’
Goin’ to the pub for a Ploughman’s sandwich
With a glass of G&T or a pack of scratchings
I’ve seen them come, and I watch them go
Watch these blonde birds become snotty hoes
Talkin’ ‘bout how their boyfriend has dumped them, whoa!
And why these bruvs always gotta argue, tho’?!
Ain’t nothin’ you can do to stop it, though
Seein’ these kids lay up in the hospital
It’s nothin’ but a great, giant obstacle
And we’re caught right in “tharmidal”/the-middle

Everywhere that I go
All these chavs act like hoes
Just because they got gold
And their head’s been shaved bald
Everywhere that I go
Britain’s right down the deep hole
These Polskis take all our homes
How I wish they’d all just go
Reply Mon 17 May, 2010 04:24 pm
yh i feel what you say man..

so let me demonstrate,
facts be that chavs see the world is like a dinner plate
eat it up then leave it there until the dirt disintigrates
then complain to someone else that there lifestyles is so 2nd rate
yeh my life aint been to great, seen my close freinds in bloody states
sent through doors untill there body cremates
trapped in a box to be burnt n baked
wont, lord, give, me, a, fuckin, break.
my anger flows straight through my vains
until some ****** makes the mistake
of looking at me to see what he can take
ill draw for the ting that will make him quake
rock his boat, till his insides shake
throw, him, in, the, local, lake
and leave him be so he never awakes!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2010 04:25 pm
yo freeagent are you from london, i think i can tell because of the language you use, and if u are if u dont mind me asking your age, no creepy **** im 15 if that eases it.
Reply Mon 17 May, 2010 07:46 pm

******* RIGHTS HOMIE !!!!
Reply Mon 17 May, 2010 08:07 pm

Reply Mon 17 May, 2010 10:19 pm
true story

today in my life
gotta guy who's sayin he doesn't like me was gonna slice me
oops already getting sloppy , he said he'd chop me
that's not speaking very nicely
wtf these guys hate for , aint gonna stop me
just gettin back my stolen skateboard and they puff chest n get cocky
I've been called a stocky little rocky
and I said behind my back you wanna knock me
u talk **** behind my back again I'll knock u the **** out
he stuck out his arm to hit me , it clipped me on the chin
motha ****** im gonna win
gonna pin my arm up n choke um out , spoken bout
what was gonna happen before this fight broken out
before this ciph spoken about
i was protecting my life n choking um out
token bout 30 minutes after
telling the story to my girlfriends laughter
asked her , if it was ok
she sipped my oj
gave me a bj ,
hip hop gave me a dj
n when im at the tip top you'll be stuck on replay
i won't ******* sell out
just put my used condoms on ******* ebay
n ******* d day is on my b day
u know professor the 1 got you what the ******* ? he say

0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2010 02:02 am
I heard you went to the doctor and told him you wanted a lil wart removed/so he had you thrown out of his office 'wart' you screwed/you so dumb,you 'make-up your mind' by applying powder to your forehead/nigga go bungee jumping with the cord tied around your neck/you remind me of a toenail,the sooner you get cut down to size,the better/you stupid that you think BOYZ2MEN is a daycare centre/you so sloppy,you dress like an unmade bed FOOL/in fact i've seen wounds better dressed than you/HAHA/before dissing a soldier like me just think/if your brains were a fart,there wouldn't be enough to stink/your hair line is in recession,your stomach is a victim of inflation/and both of these should put you into a deep depression/COWARD!
0 Replies

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