dont get me started on pimples
u got a million that maches ur moms wrinkles
like the uteinle this my food give me a couple sprikles
nah that was the cherry on top
now lets bring terry on top
u know what im saying he mayed ur mouth drop
nah u froze when u saw him u made the cops
and ambilance show up to unfreaze u
im still keeping it real and u still c through
even with baggy pants u still bleed through
did i make u mad i didnt mean to
i just remembered
u gave me bday punches in the winter
and now im gettin u back the day after december
u get lyricaly punched
and if im liquor ull all be lyricaly drunk
and if we were in the same room id get the top bunk
and yes we do battle at lunch
but thats because ur the snack after i munch
all thease other ppl are afraid have u ever heard of such
thats some real bull
unlike u and kelsey im keeping it cool
cuz u told the teacher i was breaking the rules
but u cant do it here cuz im the profesor
ur so far one and only agreeser
and im about to teach u alesson
ur 1 year to late class in sesion
concider me ur 1 and only blesson
dont make me start dissin how ur dresson
u by a 5 dolar jacket and said u payed more get to confessin
u said u payed 80
and if that is true u just strait up krazy
just like ur rhymes u continuosly lazy
look at my rhymes so long if urs was half this size
id be mizmorized
thanks for reading my letter now its time to say goodbye