Reply Wed 4 May, 2005 11:34 pm
yo kid ytz didnt u listen what i just said
your not home bred
you eat corn bred so
you must be inbred
fed to much of ya daddy's cock
so the next time you come at me get off the fuc*in rock
you get off when your stalkin a women walking home at night
you roam in the dark were there is no light
cause they couldnt bare the sight of lookin at you
but you think youre a crooked dude
when you look at them nude
one of them took you to court and you got sued
now dont sell me short cause you got screwed
when they reported you to the po
caught you in a mask at the front door
when asked why u did it u replied that filthy whore
you got locked in my cell and fell to the floor
im 17 youre 34
ripped out your spleen like a carnivoure
leaned over grabbed your ankles flipped you at the door
you busted youre lip thankful that it wasnt your hip
pull a blanket around your eusophagus
bury you in the ground inside a sarcophagus
so next time dont be soft just cuss
you sound like a rusted faris wheel
busted and squealing
sorry im not feeling your flow
i cant when youre topics are not appealing
stop talkin the worst thing you ever did was get caught for stealing
bring real **** otherwise i dont feel it
with all your lies just quit
you die every time i spit
from every rhyme i emit
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 05:09 am
death star
Here we go again

u dont have friends,
u living off poor meat ends
u like your barbie and kens dont u
thats why u take photo's ov yourself in phone booths
i'm 18 and im at college, your at home watching **** eating porridge
your old sick and perveted, u shud be locked up til yer murdered
via the same name u go by u aint 17 u near a drive by
with yer grey suit and black tie , man your ready to die lyrically
what u do is jus sickly,
its my ambition to tell the truth,im smooth
i hit ice as i move, i groove,
when i see u
i smash your last tooth
hit u in hell, this wont be no kenan an kell
no it will be like jason x with mell
u get sliced, nice, y'ull be screaming for ice
as your bleeding life

hit me back
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 12:04 pm
NUSTYLES your rap didnt impress me/
i'm da best rapper and u aint no elvis presley/
man u aint no gansta to/, if u were u'd be owt on da streets/
u a nerd trying his best with me/
im a knife in your heart/ u a failed wanna b emcee/
like professor,/
u both grandads/ with a high blood pressures,/
RAPPING is like leisure, its like a pirates treasure
no 1 can take it away from me cos im at the top
and u all want me
explicitly come at me any1
dis a game i already won
dont care if u weak (like professor) or at your peak
ill beat yer with my fizzeak

JOIN me or hate me, up 2 u,
discriminate me, play me up2

IM an emcee who will take this to the stage
vocally i will spit out with rage,
am i rapping to fast for u
becos your still on the first page, im moving up
life gets tough, even rough but this stuff dunt phase me
i like it so crazy
0 Replies
Toontown boycot
Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 02:42 pm
Im finaly back from mb, i hit up Factor's Rap battle's at one of his concerts.

But seriously im sick of ytz

Who the **** dose this cat think he is? thinkin he's the ****...**** you bitch go play with your clit.Im a vet to the game, you's just been released... and your flows so weak, You aint ready to dance with me, your steps aint right yet,but ill give u one last chance on the set. Im like a soldier man and ima slay you lyricly you's just a lil bitch you should fear me, but no you aint hearin me, sit down and shut the **** up, you aint got the right to say who's winnin, dont play games with your life bitch you aint with the crowd nigga your not like me, i scream it proud n loudly dont even try and hound me try and hit me back ill slay u 2 times worse
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 02:44 pm
yea i am sick but get it through your thick head
im 17 and i'll leave you for dead
no more needs to be said
but you keep liein
creep on this mic you be dieing
your a try hard but its not enough
you look like a retard when your caught bluffing
quit huffin the paint thinner youre nothing
im the winner cause when i rhyme i go deep into your mind
you will sleep forever nevermind you wont wake up
your a fake takein other rappers **** to make a hit
your not a man when you have a clit
i cant stand your ****
i can handle it
but why when i dismantle it
take a candle to the page and set it on fire with my rage
i aspire to retire b4 the age of twenty four
but b4 i go i want you all to know ytz knees hit the floor he spreads open his back door his crack is the size of a whore so realize next time u rhyme to me no more slack comebacks with unreal facts im 17 and thats thats
the statistics say i have a sadistic spray so with it i say have a good day
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 03:01 pm
my ryhmes aint weak
im a geek you freak you cant even spell physique
you sound like your ass is leakin
so next time you speak dont beek
your rhymes come off meek
cause you have no technique
im never at my peak i plateu
thats why im always ready to go steady in to a battle
when i rattle youre brain you go to mummy and tattle
somebody had a will iller than mine
untill you take this as a sign
your fakeness will shine
im gonna take my time
break down each line
so the sound in my speach will reach into your mind
your just a leech sucking off rap
shut the **** up all u spit is awful crap
i think i need to give your jaw a slap
naw it wouldnt make me happy
cause i saw you when i freestyled clapping trying to sing along
but thats just it all you bring is songs
am i wrong when i say u cant battle me alone
so you go home and type to someone whos known
to drop it like its hot
but stop your not growin inside
youve already died now go run and hide
bfore i decide to collide with rhymes multiplied a hundred times
0 Replies
MC God
Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 06:04 pm
YOU,LILL MISS B,YIZ,Have been at it for ages
give it a rest or does it make you feel courageous
to talk **** for like 5 pages
now my eyes a hurting from reading ur fake rages
i guess ur still a boy learning lifes stages
please stop blabbering on about ur god dam ages
you're like a cut in my leg ur getting contagious
so finish this **** i emit it's all getting a bit
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 08:52 pm
i'm new here, who wants to battle?
eh yo, i heard that you still can't write, i'll ask anyone and they'll say MY rhymes are tight
you wanna fight? i thought you were my fan
stop the garbage and fight man to man
you're probably an afghan, so i'll call you the ape-man
banging your chest, swinging from vines you think you're Tarzan
hey guess what i talked to your last hunny
she's fat as a cow, and in a wheel chair thats funny
she told me that you payed her, to be yours for a week
she said you have a stupid little pip-squeak, physique
don't even speak, you little weak freak
everytime you get a girl they drown themselves in the creek
watch out ahead, its Ted the pin-head
he so scared of my rhymes, the scene he just fled
you probably went home to wear your moms lingere
sitting in the corner trying to be your dad for a day
you're ass is so dumb you put air on lay-away
you got a the subway and tried to get to thunder bay
you better step down, i rule the nation
when i hold the mic its like a fanatic mutation
you need salvation, you need to be saved
i passed you a long time ago, don't you remember i waved

0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 12:57 am
mc god and reckless u disrespected
you cant find your own **** to spit
i suspected its cause emit i used
it wasnt meant to be abused
dont get mad at me cause i wont loose
it wont be sad to see when i gladly have you battle me with my words
your all saying **** you heard me say
for that i shatter your vertabre
with my verbal spray
smokeing herbal everday
sayin verbs and nouns
when we go round for round
your bound by the fact you cant rap
i'll permantly dismantle your trap
when your gums flap something happens
but its not rappin
you got crap in your teeth
your a theif its ok i have no grief
i create new stuff so quick its sick
picking my debates
theres one thing i hate when you betray sprayin
your sayin your laying something not yours
the dumb thing is you have no plot
thats why you got nothing
i rip out your stuffing
its kinda sorry
when i leave your corpse gory
dont give me a shout this is the end of the story
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 01:33 am
i flow through space and time
no u cant face my rhymes
i think being two faced is a crime
have you ever placed a line on the table
wasteing your mind, cant even pay for cable
realized you need to pay the bills,
but not able when high as hell
then i listen to you tell me im dissen,
you arent hard just retards see we sparred
i busted your ass filled with lard
see i dont do coke im just jokeing
i'll stick with token
but you dicks think im broke
i sell brick
you fellas aint slick
how many tricks you got on the side
yur gonna hide when i ride by
you lied and said you had my money now u got to die
when the led enters your head all you will see is red
i said id come at you again
fags when you gonna listen
quit wishin
you could diss when ur missen key components
why are my opponents incompetenent
this is not competition its like playing an infant
my spray is compelling to this day
i diss your ways
go double fissed your gay partner
now you got me pissed
i missed this feeling
but if you dont quit stealing i will show you the real thing what i bring when i tingle from head toe i said i know what i spit i'll show you it will be infinite but still intricet chilling kickin with the bros i started to flow with my heart it was the start of my passion i took alot of bashings along the way they said it was wrong the way i spray well hey if you dont like me i dont care im mike d i swear i dont give a **** if i live or die dont give me a try i rely on my skills i will suceed i need to be freed i dont believe in greed i want to retrieve my past remember my last breath memorys are fastly forgotten things have gotten tough but when its rough thats when the stuff from inside deep wakes up is no longer asleep i weep for ppl who have died friends that now lie eternally but internally there still with me i still see hate,anger,rage its fate u grow from the manger and at a certain age u contain knowledge that brings you pain now these things im saying
doesnt make every day easy back when i was playin as a kid with freezies
hid away in the trees i could see everybody but nobody noticed me i chose this to be relaxing i focus my attack when im backed into a situation if i hit u with information everyone has there own interpitation for the duration of our lives we have to live with kaniveing ppl i strive to beat the evils silly of me to see what it use to be like, this all for me mike d
0 Replies
Toontown boycot
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 07:05 am
The only reason this went on, was cuz no one tried to step
just seems like yall got hep
im sick of half you bitches
i havnt been chalanged
cuz ill put most of u in stiches
lets see who got the better aim with the glock
Let see who come out on top
test me
push me pussys
Everyones goin at my boy profes
but i dunno what half you said
i dont wana know what you ment
please do not explain
just cuz u rhyme dont mean you can cause pain
my **** is somthin you understood
i dont care if u from the hood
i aint a gangsta
you aint neither
but i know that i can spit and still cause u a fever
cuz im better then you...
YTZ! try and step foo
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 09:24 am
i went to canada with forty four gats
came back to brooklyn with forty more gats
so now, i'm packing eighty four
wait i ain't check the stash yet, there may be more
but wut am i saying? i already had a hundred way before
so when i check the stash there'll be eighty more
already got eighty past the bill
so nobody can help y'all, not even doctor Phil
i comit actions of shooting, killing and dissing all to the same dude
put him in a hospital, have him breathing, eating, shitting and pissing, all through the same tube..

lol.. i'm just wildin out catz.. i like the skill prof... ey yo toontown waddup b..
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 08:09 pm
this ones for history
if u diss me
the story will be
fist freethrowing
when i freestyle i never stop knowing
ive stopped going unprepared
is it rare when i a rapper tells the bare truth
like a crime slooth
this time i break a tooth or two
im ruthless i new this
but to u its ludacris
you will keep missing the point
when im dissing i seperate your joints
you want to segragate the good from the bad
i wouldnt if i had the choice
to slice the ying yang in half
i sing i sang i laugh well i still can
will a man be my end
i dont pretend like in know
the messages i send flow
am i savage when i bend your elbow the wrong way
i go away lay my rhymes in order
but i stay on the border just outside watchin what happens
in a rapping match i leave the crowd clappin
it makes me happy and proud inside when im aloud to say what i want to
today i want you to do something new a lil different
hope my message sent that was my intent cause im not an infant
do i sound impetent im impossible to replicate
im hostile so i will retaliate
so when i come around you better relocate

toontown youse my boy
hipnotic bun you have respect so u get mine right back
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2005 02:16 pm

my flow always seems to be reognised
by u guys

y'all like flies around sh*t
everytime i spit. y'all aint with it
y'all sumwher else like in each other bedrooms
toonz and professor

Yo Toonz u get too hyped
From a ten word rhyme it took u hours to type
take this wipe, good night

Yo Professor, i didnt forget about u
i never knew u played with barbies when u were to
your girlfriend told me
i was cool until she got horny,

i rip thru rappers like a snicker
im stail waiting for u 2 to pull the trigger
u both sound peacefull/
i went by the church and saw u both tearfull
praying to god for rap lyrics that are leathal

u both pricks, keeps throwing your baby sticks
listen to britneys mega mix
come back at me when u both finished sucking each others di*ks

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 May, 2005 04:37 am
your stuff is like flies on ****
its dieing no ones listenin
quit trying every time your missen
with every rhyme my lyrics glisten
quick to piss in your face
your a lil off base
i'll hang you with a shoe lace
but the true grace shows
when i flow with blows from elbows and steel toes
your fates sealed i know u wont be real
i dont feel your ****
i think a moron could have gone and done better at it
combat tactics
come at me and i attack you pricks
with my battle antics
you manic depressent
dont panic when i kick you till u cant move
when your lungs compress killed by the pressure
now your convulsing haven seizures
no blood pulsing when your locked im my freezer
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 May, 2005 04:55 am
we dont recognize your ****
we advise you it be better if you quit
realize your just a bitch with a clit
you not a real guy theres to many lies in your spit
guy i emit wit
you can die if you get hit by it
sit down listen to my sound
dont be dissen my verbs and nouns
my verbal sound
when i start rapping you become drowned
somewhere lost in the crowd but never found
you wanna get loud youll be put down
now howd this happen
my diss rappin
if your missen a strap then
u need a slap
f*** it just close youre trap
when i expose your weaknesses youll have a relapse
your knees freeze seized by the moment
you collapse to the cement
with no sentaments or hard feelings
im dealing with a retard not the real thing
im sealing your fate with every debate
beat you over the head with a plate
i said to wait take your time and think
in stead when you rhyme it sound like your getting pounded in the pink
you know that show kink your that fat ho
you have no flow you stink u cant battle
0 Replies
Lil Miss B
Reply Sun 8 May, 2005 12:21 pm
Yo anyone wanna battle me
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 May, 2005 01:23 pm

your getting worse by the day/
u need to keep up to date/, wait
back in your days/ you were in romeo and juliet plays/
u played juliet/
in yer dress and face all wet/
u keep coming at me/with same sh*t /
im not happy/
u shudnt be to / u must hate your raps/
they take longer to stick then glue/
see i bring sh*t to the table thats new
u bring **** like "shane u cant flow your slow"
if im slow/ u shud get off this peep show/
cos your about to blow/
dip it low/ prick your as old as step toe

im dun with you
your threw/ your dusted
dis aint a battle
evrytime u rap i
rattle like a snke
picking up all your mistakes
i always have what it takes
step down cos im finished wit u
your sh*t
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 May, 2005 02:14 pm
miss b i'll battle u
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 May, 2005 02:28 pm
when i post a reply your supposed to die
maybe my thoughts are to close to the sky
most of you say i am good
but ytz you boast and act like your hollywood
would you just zip it
you hipocrit
**** its not any concern to me
when i spit your burned to easily
learned to freestyle ytz
then when your shits compiled comback and see me
your attackin with words you heard me say
thats my word play get your own
with my spray i break your bones
take this fake and make you go home
homie you homo faget
you better beg i dont beat you over the head with a keg
take a seat you dont have to admit defeat
i just laugh when cant spit to a beat
this is kiddie games like trick or treat
i feel shame for winning every inning
youre rhymes are thinning like your hair
your jus a dyke and i dont care
my name is mike and im your worst nightmare
when i write i dont care i wont play fair
0 Replies

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