joker AKA gangster
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 07:16 am
bitch fly away,
like hustla sed, your his bait,
no-one likes you, you got no mates,
no wonder erry1s battlin you,
but you still think you da best, got nuffin else to do?
bitch i'm glad another crappy like you joined this site,
cuz juss like SpIt i battled you day and night,
bitch my **** causes a riot,
i saw your profile pic, man go on a diet,
man i fight you and cause an explosion,
hustla stomp your teeth and cause an erosion,
juss like ini kamoze i'm the lyrical gangster,
you juss a wankster, a prankster,
but bitch no-one wants your pranks,
wit my spits i make money n put em in banks,
************, bitch like you should worship me,
why the hell did you join this fellowship,
your spits are crap,
bitch you can't rap,
get my gun out, BRAP BRAP,
no guy gets you to get guap,
cuz you wiv gurlz,
showin em your twirls,
bitch i don't know why i'm wastin my time with these words,
cuz **** like you cant read, round you up like herds,
still you fuckin up, gettin BIRDS,
shootin up the wrong side,
like a black george michael,
but who cares, you a dyke n,
nuffin you can say, do, or play,
can get me to cry,
but bitch look at you, didnt mean to pry
why aint you postin, am i gettin you shy?
bitch you ugly, and i dont lie,
readin my spits cause you to stammer,
knock my block off' i'll smash yous with a hammer!!!

peace out... holla back
joker AKA gangster
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 12:00 pm
@joker AKA gangster,
why aint no 1 hollerin?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 12:19 pm
Let me break this down move by move,
Bitch I'm comin' full charge, I got something to prove.
My rooks take the first move, distracting your wack ass,
While my bishops come from behind, slicing down your wack ass.
Next I've got the tanks heading up the back route of this board,
.66 millimeter rockets coming for your ass little whore.
And if that don't finish you, hell I've got more,
99 snipers on the roof with ammo galore.
Pullin' back the deadbolts, loading up another bullet,
Gettin' ready for that trigger to put a whole in your mullet.
Then I've got the dead, Atilla the Hun and those Aztecs,
Bringing them into the game giving you a heart attack.
Finally, God will smite you for going against his law,
You wanna be gay? Hell that ain't how I get off.
See he's gettin kinda furious with your dumbass lyrics,
Callin' a battle off before it's even begun, are you hearin' this?
So hear me baby Jesus, please please please please us,
Make sure that chickster2003 has deceased beneath us.

joker AKA gangster
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 12:27 pm
nice goin around that ****,
but dyke like her aint gonna bliv it,
still thinkin she da best,
i'll give her 2 slaps east to west,
it aint wat i wanna do,
but i'ma have to,
man she such a fool, i'm dyin in my laughter,
she need a babysitter sum1 to look after,
she think she rap like she win some award summat like da bafta,
but aint kno nigga gonna tell her she crap,
cuz she not blivin it,
am killin her tho, its me achievin it,
she dont care bout jesus, she gay,
wen she go to hell man is she gon pay,
she be workin for da devil night n day,
satan be killin her hit after hit,
den maybe she'll belive she cant spit!!
SpIt ArTiSt
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 12:56 pm
@joker AKA gangster,
hmm ****, dont mess with tha dyke,
am on her side, **** oh crike,
but she got sum nice spits, tho ther noh beta theh myn,
so leave her alon otherwise yours wont be as fyn,
here my bells goin chime chime,
she be da one ringing them this time,
neva mind your turn now its hurr turn to shine,
tho i dont want her therz gurls she can grind,
fit bird like her dont really mind,
now hear me chickster2003 n listen up,
join me n my crew, other wise you be kissin pup,
this juss an easy one for lil ones like joker out der,
if i got a watergun i'd soak her, fairs fair...
joker AKA gangster
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 02:37 pm
@SpIt ArTiSt,
hey you stickin up foh the lez,
nex thing you know, ya be her bezz,
told ya to quit beggin husler,
then ya turn to the real busta,
the 'DYKE'
oh yikes is that bad,
but its good, good nuff 4 u,
not me cuz me to tough for you,
watcha mean 'easy one for lil ones like joker'
you da one playin poker wiv ya life,
but it dont mean shyt,
cuz you got monopoly money, cant afford,
beggin me, i'm the lord,
still a mummys boy, my nurse dint cut the umbilical cord,
shoot you with ma 44, hang on NO,
juss follow ma mac 10, yh follow mac,
now read this and holla bak!!
0 Replies
joker AKA gangster
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 02:45 pm
no-one heard wat i sed?
i sed holla bak,
come and join we'll all attack,
chickster and spit wit our macs,
put em in hustlas truck, stay on track,
but dont forget to put em in sacks,
yes we can, say it like barack,
lez dont kno wat she got comin,
bt we all kno its ma rhyme she hummin,
i'll hav ya pack, i have ya gummin,
giv u digits, get you summin,
chickster got gurls dat she bummin..
rememba we got 2 stay on our track,
an as i sed, holla bak!!
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 06:14 pm
@joker AKA gangster,
All you stupid motha fucka's can't be serious!!!
If you think ya rhymes are tight, you're fuckin' delirious!!
White, you're spits stink more than ya trash!!
Who da **** rhymes, Wack ass with Wack ass?
I don't even know why I waste my energy
Ya raps aint worth it, ,,,r ya mutha fuckin feelin me?
Joker, give it up
You fuckin suck
White can bend ya over, and you can take it up ya butt!!!
You say your gona attack, don't even try,
I'll bitch smack ya with my lyrics til ya fuckin die!
I might be a girl, but I'm a mutha fuckin soldier
My rhymes are cold as ice and they about to get colder.
You a bitch ass pussy,
Takes it in da tushy,
Ya raps aint hard, they just mushy mushy mushy!!
I should write ya rhymes instead,
Bitch! Drop dead
Joker, I'm done playin', shoot ya self in da head
White, I ain't even close to bein' done with you!
Wipe ya dick off, what is that...POO!!???
Buttfuck ya mother,
Buttfuck ya brother,
You ain't a stunna!!!
You a faggot undercover!!!
You aint even on my level, in fact you beneath me,
out spit ya stupid ass, it so mutha fuckin easy!
White White White, fuckin' change ya name,
I officially dub thee, Gay Gay Gay!!
Ya raps are so pathetic, they make me sick,
In fact you so pathetic, you gotta suck ya own dick!
White White Whit, ,,ya raps are **** **** ****,
White wana be rapper who can't spit spit spit!!!
Joker and White get together and make one big lame rhyme!!
Bitches, I'll be waitin' I got plenty of time.
Spit artist is my roll dawg, I'm joinin' his game....
Seems like we must be one in the same.
Mad daps to you, for havin my back....
**** Joker and White!!! They raps is crap!!
Just handed ya a razor blade, go end ya lives,
Hope ya die slow and no one hear's ya cries.
Joker want smack ****!!! I'll carve out HER eyes!!
This isn't a battle, is a mutha fuckin war,
My lyrics are an axe, cut you in half at da core!!!!!!!
Here again bitches, ,,,you got what you deserve,
Dropped ya coffin 6 feet, now ya covered with dirt!

Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 08:36 pm
I can rhyme the words I want with the words that I please,
And since you asked it, No I am not feelin' thee.
Why don't you just go ask your girlfriend to suck on your tits?
Judging from your pictures she's gotta be uglier than ****.
I already told y'all that this is a chess game of epic proportions,
We goin' back and forth like candidates at a debate over abortion.
And while you're at it might as well learn some contortions,
So you can attempt to dodge 20 rounds of shotgun bullshit.
I carry forth the legions of which you've never heard,
Step at me, but try not to say the wrong word...
Cause when you say the wrong sentence, might as well be in heaven,
Where God can send y'alls ass to hell where it belongs, from heaven.
Yeah me and God be tight, but Satan's my brother,
Told me to tell you that you're gonna be like the others.
See one day my snipers are gonna find your perpatratin' ass,
Rain down a hail of bullets, and shatter you like glass.
When you runnin' this race with me you always gonna be last place,
Cause at the finish line your gonna get 12 rounds to the face.
Just like that dumb mother ****** who tried to step in my place,
Ended up with a face full of blood and disgrace.
I'm done with you, I'll let Satan lick your bones,
I'll be waitin' for when I hear them dumb bitchass groans.

Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2008 04:40 am
Takin' **** about guns? You ain't even own one son!!!
I'm gay,,Satan on my team,,and guess what,,,We won.
You wana talk about abortions?
You wana talk about contortions?
I'll break ya fuckin kneck and leave ya children orphans!
Satan gona bend ya ass backwards and **** you in da butt,
While I wear my red stelletto's, and stomp ya baby ass nuts.
Ya ain't gotta feel me, I don't want ya near me
I might get to close and catch ya fuckin herpes!
My rhymes are hot, ya **** is luke warm,
Go back to the farm kid, like I said before.
This is the internet, not the fuckin hood,
Try and shoot me, Bitch I wish you would.
I got two sawed off shot guns, lyin under my bed,
Make you another asshole where there used to be a head.
Dodge 20 rounds? I'll only need one shot fool,
Leave ya rotten dirty body layin in a blood pool.
You're style's all the same, can't even keep a beat,
You're style is straigt up ****, mines concrete!!
White White White you Whack Whack Whack!!
You're rhymes are dogshit, go home and Jack Jack Jack...
And you be watchin gay porn while you beat ya meet,
and sell that sweet ass on the street street street.
Go ahead and threatin me, you can kiss my behind,
While I shoot ya fuckin house up like Columbine!
Stab ya nine times after ya already dead!!
Pop a squat on your face, and piss on ya head.
You wana get brutal? Bitch I just owned you,
You just disappeared! ha ha White White White..who?

White sags his pants so you can get to his ass,
Sucks his preachers dick every sunday at mass.
I can clown you all day, in fact I'll keep it up,
You so warn out ya colon hang out ya butt.
You shiverin in da corner cuz you a pussy ass bitch,
You a skinny little homo and ya voice high pitched.
My rhymes are venom, snake bites from hell,
You could kill ya self right now,,,I'd be like...Oh well!!!!

I'd tell the cops
"" "He was just another lil boy tryin be somethin,
Woke up one day and realized he was nothin!
Pulled out his gun and stuck da barrell down his throat,
Pulled da hammer back cuz da Queen made him choke.
He leaned his head back and then he pulled the trigger,
But he'll never be a legend,,,just another wigger."""

But you don't have to kill ya self, I just murdered you.
Think this is hard, bitch you still aint gotta clue.
I said it before, I'll motha fuckin say it again!!!
I'm the Queen Bee, I'm the fuckin LEGEND!!!

Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2008 05:35 am
@joker AKA gangster,
This one goes to Joker, I'm not wastin my time,
On ya dumb dislexic why words....YOU- CANT -RHYME!!!
Don't know ya sex, so I'll rap about both.
All ya disses aint disses, just one big choke.
This one gona be fast, make it real quick...
If I was a man, you could....SUCK-MY-DICK!!!
Ya dumbass can't read, you got sound **** out.
You ain't on my level so SHUT-YOUR=BITCHASS=MOUTH.
Cross eyed motha fucka,
Pansy ass dick sucka,
I'm the Queen Bee,, I dub thee....BUSTA!!!
She got a mister and 11 brotha's and sisters....
Bet you all got differend daddys, and ya mom's crotch got blisters!!!
Don't tell me not to talk **** about ya "MUM"
She's such a fuckin slut, she even gave me some.
I was gonna make it short but I'm havin to much fun!!
Slap me thru the computer? I'll donkey punch ya in the ****!!
You up KTOWNS ass like a gyno's in a coochie
Ya privates got warts, ya **** feel like a rhino's pussy!
Speakin of ya pussy? Is it a puss or a dick?
If you a man, ,,,well ya spit like a chick.
When you write ya rhymes, do you read em to ya self?
You dumb fuckin bitch, I just put ya head on my shelf.
I'm diggin you a grave, ,,,but you gona rot in box,
You aint worth a fuckin coffin, R.I.P. Nah,,suck cock!!
You say I'll go to hell and meet Satin for being gay?
Well he told me to tell you're a whore and you goin anyway!!!
Say what you want, but I'ma shove it back down ya throat,
I'm the Queen of this castle, ya blood fills up my moat!
Go on a diet?
Enroll in the Group Home and go start "ya riot"
You laughin at me? Everyone laugin at you!!
You can keep gettin schooled? Or just choose.
You **** up the rap game, so bitch **** you!
"Go kill ya self!" nah wait,,,you might **** that up too.
I just dropped ya in ya grave, no tomb, just a rock.
Sowed ya mouth shut, closed and taped up "YA BOX."

"Here lies Joker all dumb and dead,
Fucked with the Queen and got shot in the head,
We will never know if it was a Male of Female,
But we do know this,,,, Joker rots in hell."

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2008 08:49 pm
Yeah, I'll admit it, you got me real good,
But why don't you go back to your place, like you should?
Crawl back in your hole, mole-like, eatin' them worms,
You gettin' down with diseases 'cause you swimmin' in them germs.
Living in a pile of filth, blindness and trife,
Gotta check your own back twice just to protect ya life.
Bag on my style, come on bitch that ain't right.
Smack you fourty times just for you to see the light.
Then I smack ya fourty more, just so I'm gettin' to the core of that dumbass, whore brain, that couldn't read at four.
Kindergarten teacher got you thinkin' retarded,
Had to smack you with a ruler 'cause you thought class hadn't started.
And while I'm at it, here it goes, class has started.
You're a student to my intergers and equations of the guarded.
A class so high level that the grades have bombarded your silly ass life cause you thinkin' retarded.
Couldn't keep up with the lessons, homeworks, and riddles,
Couldn't even recognize the distinct sound of fiddles.
All you did was run your mouth "Diddly dum, diddly dee,"
Saying how you the ****, you the Queen Bee.
You ain't no queen bee, you the size of a flea,
The most basic of lifeforms, easily killed accurately.
Suckin' blood just so you can give people HIV,
What kind of life is that? Fuckin' worthless if you ask me.
And yeah you asked me, I don't give a **** what you say.
My name is Malcolm X, and I'm here to stay.
Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 04:09 am
My place is right here and it's where I'm fuckin styain!
Stop ya lyrical suicide, Bitch, I'm not playin!
Ya rhymes are bull ****, gotta hold em togetha with glue.
But they always fall apart,,, that last one did too.
My ****'s not just a diss. It's a motha fuckin flow!
But you can't write disses,,,you too busy writin jokes.
Hmmm, let me see....
I thought that's what you had, you the faggot, B!!
I use B and not G, cuz the B stand for Busta,
You gave Joker "HIV" last time you butt fucked her!
You wanna come at me, you should delete that last rhyme!
Cuz I'm bout to tear it up, ,,,,,one line at a time!!
"You'll smack me forty more?"
"I couldn't read at four?"
Well, you a retarded little bitch, cuz ya momma an inbreedin whore!
That's right she's ya aunt and she also ya mother.
Ya 1st 2nd and 3rd cousins, are also ya brothers.
And they all made you from fuckin each other...
But you still a White boy, definitely no other color...
White read this, ya stupid dumbass bitch,
It's copied right out of ya last "stupid ****...."

"Couldn't keep up with the lessons, homeworks, and riddles,
Couldn't even recognize the distinct sound of fiddles?????"

What the fucks that whack "****? That's some straight up dumb "****!"
See I fuckin' told ya,,,, ya dumbass can't spit!

"Diddly dumb, diddly dee???"

Ya fuckin botherin me,
With that retarded ass ****, thought you was Ivey League??????
Go back to the suburbs and play ya fuckin "fiddle..."
You dumb little homo, you don't spit,,,ya spittle!!!!

"Bag on my style, come on bitch that ain't right?"
(((I wouldn't fuckin have to if ya rhymes was tight!!)))

"While I'm at it, here it goes, class has started?"
(((You ain't a real teacher, you mentally mutha fuckin retarded!!)))

"You Malcom X, and you here to stay...???"
Malcom X was black!!!! Here again, YOU ARE WHITE, okay???
You ain't even aloud to say is motha fuckin name!!
Let alone write it down in a diss so lame!!
Go back to Broadway with all your other white fruity little faggots!!!
Fo' I bury you in ya spit "****", where you can rest with the maggots.
This is a diss, take notes,
And watch close...
This is what it sound like when you know
How to flow.
You a play pretend MC, don't no how the games played.
This is a rap battle, not motha fuckin Charades!!
You rap stupid ****, like "Equations and Integers"
You try to act black, you just like all the other wiggers.
Tryin to come up in here, like you fuckin Eminem,
But ya friends think ya whack too, they like "I don't know him..."
It's not my fault you dumb as fuckin dirt,
Kill ya self now,,,I promise,,It won't hurt...
Take out ya blade and fuckin slice up ya wrists..
Tell the whole world that ya dopey ass can't diss.
Lay ya ass down and watch the blood flow out on the floor,
While rememberin how you said "you was gonna get to "MY" core...?"
Close ya dumb ass eyes, and take ya fuckin last breath,
Feel ya body shut down, cuz ain't no beat in ya chest.
See the bright light, well it aint from heaven...
It's where the wiggers go, for thinkin they "Lyrically Reppin..."

joker AKA gangster
Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 01:17 pm
come on fool your diss aint workin,
**** like dat aint even gettin me jerkin,
lookin at your words, i AM delirious, i'm lurkin,
you aint makin money with ya spits so start workin,

well ya crap der nuffin 4 u to say,
have ya crying runnin astray,
forget raps nigga, am da predator your da prey,
hav ya goin home in the MIDDLE OF MAY,
i dont even kno why i'm battlin you, you cant rap,
like i told ya,
ya **** is crap,
stuff like dat got ME taking a nap,

i aint wastin my time for nothin right,
so holla bak to me n you WILL write,
dyke get high being one oh YIKE,
but i'm just fly flyin higher than a kite,
knock YOUR block off to pluto saying 'have a nice flite'
posting **** always dawg, day and night,
no wonder your spits wack you dont sleep TIGHT,
lez, you gotta be good to get to my height,

But you already think you da best,
oh please, you juss a sleaze,
neva mind spits, your raps smell of cheese,
gettin money YOUR raps, man your giving fees,
i chop you down like woodcutters chop trees,
Dyke why dont you listen?
no wonder i'm gettin A's you gettin D's,
shits like you think you da 'Beez Kneez'
i'll break you up like the black eyed peas.

Chickster2003? you gettin smashed,
you better flee, out of this site,
outa this country,
i juss spittin this while chompin a crunchie,
but **** like dat give YOU the munchies,
you get turned on by britneys bold head,
next thing you got her in bed,
no, sorry, in ya dreams,
as stupid as it seems,
now dis is where all da boys beam,
Britneys not gay n your outa this team,

Man i juss realized you look like a gremlin,
we both gurlz but i sound more feminine,
prolly cuz u a slapper hu thinx ther eminem,

bitch cant you read my spit?
get some concentration,
or gurl get outa here you aint in my nation,
i'm gettin money from my spits its a sensation,

your rhymes are juss unexceptional,
but we cant blame ya cuz its sectional,
bitch i'm havin fun, undertaking,
ya profile dunt look pretty, i'm not fakin,

your goin crazy in a stupid way,
yay, ya having a seizure,
i'm the best, you got amnesia?

or you juss forgot,
cuz u have lost the plot,
are ya snortin too much snot?
you think ya hard but yo not,
i'll turn you into a baby,
playin dot to dot,
hope you die young and in hell you rot,

your pic looks so damned, abit decrepit,
i'm winnin this thang hant you read the script?
haha dawg, i'm laffin cuz you juss got ripped

dyke ya gurlfwend got thrush,
sooth it with ya tongue,
this is the end of this rap,
my song is sung.

Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 04:24 pm
kid calls himself the rap tyrant
when im done wit u ur face'll b redder than a fire hydrant
I spit this hardore **** till i collapse
quit throwin out this garbage and callin em raps
may not be experienced but i can hold my own
my raps aint stolen, this **** is homegrown.
i can see youve battled some times or more
but this **** here is like nothin youve ever been dealt before
My flow is spontaneous like those strobe lights
This **** im spitting hurts more than a fist fight
Ive won a few battles myself man I aint no moron
as far as im concerned ur just another doormat to stomp on
You a loser playin dress up in rappers clothes
Go back to your squirt guns and inflatable hoes
You like Bin Laden, hitting hard then leavin
My **** stays around for all four seasons.
Come back and holla when you want some more
for now just walk that raggedy ass out the door
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 06:14 pm
@joker AKA gangster,
Joker,,Joker,,Joker...You've ran out of material...
What the **** is "crunchie", ya ghetto off brand cereal?
You da one who can't rap, spittin' about some Britney Spears,
Let's make a toast to being stupid, hold ya glass up,,,,CHEERS!!!

How many times you gona say I've lost da plot?
You repetitive dumb bitch, I can you- can can- not!!!
Yea, I read ya spits
But they don't make sense
You scrubby little brat spit like you throwin a fit!!!!

"Forget raps "nigga", you da predator, I'm da prey?

I got ya predator ya busted bitch, so listen up ok..
Ya got the brain of a kid, maybe 'round three or four..
But you probably 45 workin da streets on the corner, whore.
You say ya feminine, bet you a fuckin tranny,
Cob webs on ya crotch smellin like ya fuckin granny!
Eat **** and die,,,, then eat a little more,
I'm kickin ya fat ass out, hit da mutha fuckin door...

"Dyke get high being one oh YIKE,
but i'm just fly flyin higher than a kite?"

When you write **** like that, I can't help but respond...
Ya **** is fuckin stupid!, Only platinum you got,,, is blonde.
I bet it takes you hours just to write one spit,
Give this **** up, you ain't down with it bitch.
I've already out spit ya, dumb fuckin slut!
You nasty little bitch, got maggots in ya butt!
I wouldn't touch you with ya fuckin "Misters" hand!
And not only are ya nasty, you alliterate...DO__YOU__UNDER_STAND???

I just took ya last spit, and wiped my fuckin ass,
Tore into pieces, and threw it in the trash!
You tryin to spit, ,,Emphasis on tryin
If you think you can rhyme,,,ya motha fuckin lyin!
You callin me ugly? Bitch where's ya pic?
Bet you fat as ****, and ya ass full of zits
You can't **** ya man, cuz his dick always limp
But you ain't gotta man, SLUT, you only got a pimp!

I'm gona write a story about this bitch named Joker,
Think she is da best, but I've already told her,
She need to step off, for I smack her ass down,
cuz she ain't an MC she a motha fuckin clown!
I've already told her once, I guess I'll tell her twice,
that she sucks at spittin, and she also sucks at life.
She's finally had enough, maybe she'll OD on some pills,
She won't leave her "Mister" ****, to broke for a will,
Bitch, I hope you fuckin suffer, on all mutha fuckin sides,
for writing that dumbshit, that lyrical suicide.

If you gona come at me, you need to bring the AK's
Or I'm just gona murder ya and leave ya soul in a daze.
Pull ya head out the clouds, and realize who this is,
I'm the "fuckin Devil" and hell aint ready for this!
And you ain't either, ya fuckin, dumb, bitch, ass , ho!!
Battle someone on ya dumb level, I don't want ya no mo.

Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 09:34 pm
Okay bitch im around for a second an im zapped!
Mess wit me nigga get off these lil kids backs!
Its weird i saw a few of your lines off a NTFO lyric site?
Bitch please leave this site cuz you a fake am i right?
You all talkin that lil **** you say!
I'd rather **** a donky then your ugly ass okay?
You think you all good cuz your gay!
I'll have you ass sayin hip hip poray!
I'll smoke my hay!
Tip my fitted hat to tha left nigga what you say?
Im back an we reunite!
Tonight this battle turns into a fight!
I'll have you cryin juss to give you a tissue!
An i'll rap your dirty ass to make this a family issue!
Take me to court bitch i'll get away!
Im sick of your dirty mouth yappin on here each day!
YOUR a fake!
Ask yo mama how it feel to get raped!
Its not the same as sluttin aroun dude!
2003 was around 6 years ago fool!
Ya i got a fish tank!
But thats juss how you stank!
Thas why you wit gurls cuz niggas dont want that rank!
Is so nasty get your fingers all scummy!
Make dicks turn green an pussy's so yukkie!
So keep muckin dat puss gurl no guy want to have you!
Ya Vicious what i am when i come at chu!
You dumb bitch i cant stop this lyrical **** got me addicted!
But i'll rough yo pussy up juss like a 10 inch dick could!
This aint no place to write your poetry!
This is the rap game an you didnt even know it B!
I'll show you how my streets make Beats!
Takin bitches like Chickter2003 right out this beef!
Right out this house, right out this theme!
**** licker lick my boots an your titties full of cream!
I'll break niggas spleeens!
You know how i goes naw mean?
I kick it so mean i cant help but brake your feelings!
Like grinded up gearing i'll rip out your earings!
This aint no bitch game you get the catch?
I'll have you runnin like a rat an im the cat!
I dont do peddle bike or get down on my knees!
Bitch please !
This a joke?
Your the whore prolly suckin dick for a crack toke!
Ya i smoke crack im no fein!
This **** you writin prolly stuck in yo dreams!
Im sick of this dirt bag wanna be rapper!
I'll clap her an put her back up her mamas ass way faster!
Like you in a trap bout to get packer!
I'll pack your ass full of fake Lines!
Like you in one time !
Full of lies bitch you aint fineee!
So come back when you ready to battle!
More vicious then one of them snakes wit a tail that ratttlesss!
0 Replies
Def Cross
Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 10:26 pm
Some1 hit me up, im callin some1 out
Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 12:56 am
@Def Cross,
Aiiiight dawg you ready to fight?
Ima leave the rest behind,
An mess wit YO life!
Yo mind your so blind!
I keep my gun strapped to my waist at all times!
Why didnt you post at least one ryhme?
Noww ima hit you up like a pair of lions!
Fresh out of k-town wit my jays on!
You messin wit satin now your pays gone!
Cuz i sell you what you want i make you fein!
I dont kick it mean unless you messin wit me !
I come from these ghetto projects!
I could kill any motha fucka wit my home made killin objects!
Like you got no latex!
No wrap is no safe sex!
But you wouldnt know you use your right hand as a reflex!
Nigga this is me spittin hard!
Cuz i talk smart when i hit you in tha dark!
Im so far you cant get me You think you a star!
But nigga im the sun i bring the heat!
So sit down back in yo seat !
An shut yo beak!
Before i start trippen an you start losin teeth!
This aint nothin to me! this never ending rap battle!
I put niggas in shame wit my freestyles!
This is all juss wack written ****!
Juss bitches talkin smack an bitchen this!
Bitchen about that!
**** all these bitches motha fucka's ACT!
If ya'll think your so good!
You messin with a blood from the eastside hood!
The up town balla!
I call my self Vicious Cuz i make dollars!
An in one second i could swipe yo life!
An in half of that time i could swipe yo mind!
Like i put a 9 mm through all 9 of your tribe!
Every member of the white there a reason for Fights!
BuT rasism fuckin puts me down!
Cuz we all the same people do you hear me out now?
This aint a fuckin joke like actin like a clown!
Bitch my glock wit shut you mouth!
With a silent sound!
An im the top of the mountain the point of the peak!
I keep my streets bangin every day of the week!
No sleep i keep my self awake!
Cuz that one phone call i get an its your life im gunna take!
An brake it in half like a stick!
Your juss a bitch step up to me Snitch!
Your ass can call a new home the ditch!
Like a bum off the streets baggin fo money!
I'll throw you a penny an keep goin like the energizer bunny!
Your too funny!
Why didnt you bust a spit?
Now i juss murdered you like never before .****!
Son you think you hot **** or juss junk?
I'll keep you dumped like the garbage stunk!
Its garbage day an its time to go!
Catch ya on the flip dawg show me your Show!

0 Replies
joker AKA gangster
Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 10:46 am
Man ya must be dumb,
dont kno wat a crunchie is,
but i'm sure you kno what a fukin punch is,
what ama give you if you dont **** off,
find someone elses pussy to suck off,
cuz bitch i aint 45, i'm 12,
so y dunt you juss shelve,

cuz am betta then u ever wer at this age,
i'll hav this site so hot in a rage,
but a dog like u shud be put in a cage,
cuz ''straight's'' rule this site page to page,
im'a say u lost the plot,
till you understand,
y ya speakin like a ro-ro-robot?

tell me, you underhand?
my ass must be full of zits,
cuz i saw it on ya profile pic,
you da one here havin fits,
ya fukin spits got me sick!
yh too right,
'turnin dicks green'
muthafuckin dyke dont wanna be seen!

bitch it only takes me seconds to write a spit,
juss cuz its too long for your ****,
why the **** do you think your fit?
or is it you juss want people like hustla to die,
cuz bitch tellin people to look at ur pic iz gettin people high,
high with fuckin laughter bitch,

needs my spit to fuckin wipe your ass,
aint you got no water comin from ya fuckin taps?
i can't **** no man, cuz his dicks always limp?
bitch its goin green lookin at you, ya fuckin pimp,

thanks for the story,
but its got no moral,
so you lezza's jump on yo bikes,
cuz it only goes to show,
there aint no rhymes in dykes,
and you aint THE fuckin devil,
you juss fuckin THE devil,
did i mention it might be a gurl?
now YOU get on MY level,

now let ME tell you a story about a DYKE
thought she could spit but oh YIKE,
looked at erry1 n made em puke,
bitch i wished they killed her, killed her with nuke,
but thank god in this battle you have to TYPE
cuz if not she woulda had a croak,
cuz I made her choke,
goin high WITHOUT coke,
told erry1 else their spits are lyrical suicide,
but she wer fuckin wrong n then she cried,
told her mum she's sorry but she lied,
takes pics of herself fuckin lookin sun dried,
n put them on abl2know rap battle fuckin site,

now my story has a moral,

a dyke who denies, being crap at rhymes, and always implies, that she was, only will realize, that she wasn't, the day she dies,

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