shiit ima say it simple .... im still waiting for anyone to step the **** up

Love you guys - BAMBS - pull shaun whites dick out ya mouf and spit some **** nucka
we all have some recording to do im in the studio friday saturday , with proper equipment
send me
beats, what i need to put on it and anything else you think necessary
Im going harder then viagra invetro baby all day erday
Blackie chan u know where im at
whitey you sluuuuuut , get at me foo
drew Love ya buddy , holla if you want a beat or something , **** what everyone else is doing , do you - your the best at it and you always do a great job
whos that mafucka that needs beats ??? hollla wont even cost you a dolla , u better hope ur girlfriend or daughter swallow

alll yaaaa