P-unit Special-J
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 07:36 pm
also twisted you took some of my ryhmes you bitch ur sad if you wanna rap straight up aim me you fuckin wannabe i just took ur buddy kris now ur next
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P-unit Special-J
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 07:37 pm
ok dawg but if ur serious then aim me cuz i am ready for some more action
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kris thomas
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 07:42 pm
Special J
I got some **** for your Ears!
I beat you like am shiftin gears!
your an 8th grader n shedding tears!
Me n twisted laid back n drinkin some beers!
Me and him are the true Emcee's
your the wannabe who follow me like a disease!
me n twisted got our glocks out shootin out G's
Your a Beginner
your **** don't beg to differ!
you don't know how to battle that battle this!
cos our lyrics overrule yours they take the piss!
just shut up n listen you didn't beat me!
Even your mum couldn't defeat me!
you need to watch your mouth little boy
Because your a bomb shell a lil Decoy!
**** it me n twisted make up what we write
not stealing lyrics from rappers delight!
fuckin Emcee my arse we white!
u 8th grade bitch ur ass is too tight!
**** it 'm outta here
I'm sure me n twisted have nothing to fear!
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P-unit Special-J
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 07:43 pm
your funny kris cuz u know u couldnt beat me staright up rappen so u take a hour and then try to diss me man i spit faster then your sorry stop rappen
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Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 07:45 pm
special whats you im **** i'll im you, and jsut to tell you, I havent read nay of your lyrics yet -l- fo me stealing your rhymes I think not...
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P-unit Special-J
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 07:55 pm
man you lost on aim
you said come and i came
you left so you lost all the same
man your whack and your raps are lame'
man your a wannabe vanilla ice
challengin me thats like rollin the dice
here take my advice
go bak to pickin cotton and rice but woopin ur as on aol was nice
man your like a maze so confusin
man my raps flow there cruisen
man sitten here watchin you try is so amusin
i am battling all money is on us
we riding caddy while you riding the bus
ur pussy is so full of pus
man you changed your name to kris cuz ur name was rus
every 1 i dont mean to cus
so your just mad cuz you were beat a some 1 young
i the best among
man when i beat u ur bell i guess just rung
man your like a boy band singer cuz ur raps are sung
and yes you do have somthin to worry about
hopefull in ur skull brain cells will sprout
man any one one can rap better then you even that band no dought
man this battle is over
man to have a chance you will need a 4 leaf clover
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 07:58 pm
my im is punitspecialj
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kris thomas
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 07:59 pm
say ****'s thats true my name was neva Rus ur just thinkin of words rhat rhyme!!! u should be a nursery rhyme teacher!!
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Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2004 08:39 pm
(twisted)Wanna check what I got, bitch it will make you rot
with a left hook I caught, you face just to show you that your not
that good but lets not, trot across that line ok
This is simply a misplay, look at this tricky wordplay
I'll hit you when I drive away, splatter you in my driveway
don't go stay, because Im done today

(J)today man cap your ass now its time for u to lay man what you gonna say man you better straight up pay and u better be ready to give me presents on my birth day so you better payi am going to rot no man i am going to take the pot man my car will take up the the whole park lot so you a killa but i am the ellist realist killist in this game dont do it for fame i do it just to realse anger and be tame

(Twisted)Look at those lines they so ghetto, man your rhymes ain't got flow
Crush through you like a rhino, you just a sideshow
But lets go go, lets speed up the tempo and become more thorough
I'll rip you to peices so **** off, Your just a rip off
Make you run off, I'll tear your face off, make this a shoutoff
Your obscene , a bullet hit you between , your eyes now what preteen?
Discing you is easy, im ready to foresee,this battle because we got to agree
Me steppin up my rhymes ain't going to happen, I only try as hard as I need to so im pullin the curtain

(j)man what u sayin your fifteen man and when i bust a cap it cant be seen man but when you try to hit my my eyes are keen man and my bodys lean and i am ready to get mean man you anet in my devision man once i have fucked you **** your going to need a insesion man ur so dumd you cant even make ur own decision man ur going to start some action well woopen ur ass will be the biggest attraction man ur probly not even surcumsized man my rap are devised and realized man and i quess your skill is minimized

(twisted)Your right im not in your divsion
Because I allready have invisioned
Your movements hitting like a heavyweight
Even tho im a lightweight, If we going to be a teammate
You needa learn right k mate
I'm way upstate, you downstate
Bitch you imma castrate, allready I have sealed your fate
This right here is checkmate, What just went up was my rate
Your going to wish I was allready on your side, because from what you provide
It belongs at a bedside, Look ont he broadside
Everything will be allright, there is no safelight, so goodnight
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 08:14 am
wats the matter jagur you havnt replied
you havnt even bothered or probably even tried
are you tryin to take a name of jaguar
what a fag what an ass you are
that aint even a good car
cos that sorta shiity car wont get you far
it wont even get you to the store
the one line you writ was a fkin bore
"anyone wanna battle 4 fun" you sed
are you stupid and thick in the fkin head
thats just askin 4 someone to murder you
you dont even spit raps you just sit and chew
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 09:02 am
Yo yo, Me n A-grave are the best emcee's
We battle you down like a disease
We all pimped up n riding our G's
We come in a group like a pack of threes
i'm only seventeen yet i'm livin ma dream
i got a Mansion 2 cars's n a limosine
Your breakin down like a drama queen
Don't battle us cos your face am gonna mingle
you wont be battling back When i release this single
you other rappers don't know how to rhyme
were the best around here we kick you from behind
I'm over heating the arrow is off the gauge!
This story's ending so turn ova tha page!
i'm in a rage,
My psychosity is engaged!
Some people ere might know who i am
Does this face look like it gives a damn?
you might even know my name
I know yours it's all the same!
Fu*k it i'm full of power
fuc*in homo queer go take a shower-boys!

This is where i make my move!
While you little boys dance to da groove
I'm a Gangsta Danca i got nothin to proove!
All you Emcee's Pay attention
cos this raps oudda this dimention
I'm burnin over 100 Degrees
We all crazy i cook Emcees
I'm so hot i'm on fire
I can stand heat so turn da flame higher!
I'm on ground level
i'm so far down i'm with the devil
your smoking pot you see an illusion
You look baffled n stoned from confusion
I get all your bitches to follow me
I got em to suck ma cock they nearlly swallow me!
Look at all these Fans
I control all these people with my hands!
fu*k it i've got so hot i turned to smoke
Let's see you beat this 1 n try not to choke!
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P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 09:25 am
kris ur sorry man you use the same rhymes everytime look at ur other post and twisted why you posten that **** man that was just to see what u got in straigh up spitten
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P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 09:50 am
well ok man eerybody seems to talk to much like kris
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 11:16 am
just to let you know P-Unit have a occupation
we will rap in realeation
so kris you say your satan
why you got to say **** like that you got people hatan
i am came back i am pertiecpan
so kris word is you won a election
man what a bad selection
me and boyz are stapen we are comin in no dectection
1 man down 2 man down all men down no more proctection
now you have been assassinated
man your time was dated
and your raps were so overated
now you will sleep with all the other prestidents
we went to the white house now we the residents
man so u should go in the other room and prepare
try to come back if u dare
and all u other bitchs dont stare

Pa Pa Pa P-Unit
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a grave
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 11:32 am
u aint xactly g-unit
fu*k you asswipe
we know your type
you the type that cant put up a fight
wats the matta you jealous of kris`s lines
hes got more vocab than you have spine
you boneless skinny skinfilled waster
in the world of rap you aint notin but a traitor

your lettin this site down big time
you cant even come up with one rhyme
and you proved it earlier on
with that one liner that was all wrong
it didnt have kris`s quality or ours, fag
ive seen more quality in a gay porn mag
come to think of it a think a seen u on the front page
of 'gays weekly' bein spanked with a wip in a cage
its gettin to the stage
where we've had enuff of these meaningless lines that u spray
continious **** man thats all it fuckin is
why the **** r ya here u must b takin the piss
if ya serios then u better get better
ad rather walk around in a pink fluffy sweater
that read ur ****
u must admit
ur lines that u spit
wasn't freesstylin, it was all planned and writ
4 one last time we want you to FUCKOFF BITCH! Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 11:32 am
u aint xactly g-unit
fu*k you asswipe
we know your type
you the type that cant put up a fight
wats the matta you jealous of kris`s lines
hes got more vocab than you have spine
you boneless skinny skinfilled waster
in the world of rap you aint notin but a traitor

your lettin this site down big time
you cant even come up with one rhyme
and you proved it earlier on
with that one liner that was all wrong
it didnt have kris`s quality or ours, fag
ive seen more quality in a gay porn mag
come to think of it a think a seen u on the front page
of 'gays weekly' bein spanked with a wip in a cage
its gettin to the stage
where we've had enuff of these meaningless lines that u spray
continious **** man thats all it fuckin is
why the **** r ya here u must b takin the piss
if ya serios then u better get better
ad rather walk around in a pink fluffy sweater
that read ur ****
u must admit
ur lines that u spit
wasn't freesstylin, it was all planned and writ
4 one last time we want you to FUCKOFF BITCH! Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 11:50 am
hey p unit, this is psych
a-grves homie in fact, we want u to get a fkn life
stop talkin **** man come get it right
tell ya wot? y dnt u just leave this site
and never come bk cos ur lines r tripe
at one point all u posted was a smiley
a mean wtf man, u aint no eminem, ur more like kylie
yeah thats a thought, y dnt u go into pop
u'd b more suited there cos ur days here must stop
if a cud, ad burn u alive bitch and leave u to rot
4 now tho
al just murder u on here
its a gd job a red ur lines rather than heard them cos ad have saw ears
but in one sense u did win this scrap
cos ma eyes were killin me after readin ur crap
a cant c now! a keep walkin into trees
ad diss u somemore but a cant see the keys
ama have to go now cos of wot u did to ma eyes
ad shed a tear over ur lyrics, but it hurts to cry!
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P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 01:08 pm
lol mu all wanna a peice of me but ur rhymes are already played out ur done thats why my rhymes are freshg in big u all can touch that last one sorry u lose all ur rhymes are old get a life
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 01:17 pm
wtf is tree key like wtf and pop stop
man ur all sorry cthugplaya much props to you i only need to start so i dissed you but your good and yah me and pinny live right next to ya in balitmore live strong my brotha
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 01:21 pm
what you say
p-unit you gay
you write rhymes to short god damn
they dont even rhyme which i cant stand
listen, if you cant rhyme or rap that actually is good
then am sorry but **** YOU go back to your posh hood
cos we actual rappers come from places that are rough
thats how our raps are god damn good and tough
last time i read your rap i laughed
so did my computer so much that it crashed
i thought oh god this kids gunna get smashed
get this **** beat out of him smacked and slashed
i`m not even worried about your reply
b-cause it`l probably be another one line so dont even try
0 Replies

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