I remember the day that picture was taken. Christmas Day, 1937. That's me in the background, in the white shirt.
I was sneaking up behind kicky to put a frog in his underwear.
Oh Kicky, your irresistible.
Have the years been kind?
Well how old is the kicker?
"The Kicker". I like that.
I'm 35 frickin' years old! Am I too old to "work out" with you?
Yes, for the most part, the years have been kind. Except this damn semi-crooked smile, and this damn semi-crooked...oh, I'd better not mention that.
Are you to old, it depends.
I'm known for my endurance. In the past I jogged 10 miles per day, or hit the stairmaster for an hour at the highest level, (that's harder than the 10 miles) lifted very heavy weights for a girly. But like you Kick, I now smoke :-( Oooh the shame.
How come you haven't posted a pic in the gallery? Chicken? (I am) I will if you will.
Well, I'm not fat or too out of shape, so I think I could work up a sweat with you without any risk of serious injury. He he, he.
I'll have to think about that picture idea, Paulaj. I am very protective of my secret superhero identity. Just how old are you, anyway?
Physically 43, mentaly who knows :-)
Come on, post a pic! I'll go first. It's helps people get to know their super heroes. That is unless you can't post a pic because your in the "WITNESS PROTECTION PLAN" ahahahah....NOT!
I will if you will.
Are you guys going to get a room?
Gus! behave.
Hey Gus is that your real pic?
Your a farmer aren't you?
That's my screen personality.
In real life I am a male stripper.
I am 23 years old and chiseled.
<desperately trying to beat kicky to that room>
Kicky starts a thread ADVERTISING that he's got bad teeth. Gus provides photographic evidence OF said bad teeth. Yet Kicky STILL manages to pick up. DAMN some guys have all the luck.
kicky is a god. The rest of us merely pick up the scraps left in his wake.
Gus your full of malarky! malarki, malar.....
You better not be talking about littlek gus'.
I would never refer to littlek as a "scrap"
She would draw and quarter me.
My what vivid imaginations you all have.
It's one of the sighns of a genius.