Wed 8 Sep, 2004 09:55 am
When I was a kid, my teeth were coming in a little crooked, and my parents decided that it wasn't bad enough to warrant braces. So now they're a little too crooked for my liking. Plus, my front tooth got chipped when I was in my teens, and it's been filled/bonded/whatever the hell they call it. Now my two front teeth aren't completely even, and it drives me crazy, even though my friends say it's hardly noticeable and think I'm just being overcritical.
So my question is:
Is there a way to get a dentist to do a little "spin" on the nature of the dental work so that I can get my teeth fixed and have it be covered by a dental plan? Are there any health plans that would be more likely to cover things like braces or caps?
What, my teeth being crooked gives me character? I think I've got enough character, thanks.
My friend got a "spin" from her dentist on some cosmetic work. It can't hurt to ask your dentist, or, just call one of those cosmetic dentistry places, they have so many new techniques that the average person wouldn't know of.
It's never to late for braces either, I had them when I was 28, (I get alot compliments on my teeth) so don't let age stop you.
They straighten teeth now with trays as opposed to wires (might cost more).
Off hand I don't know of an insurance company that pays for this work. If you can't get insurance an Orthodontist will more than likely work out a payment plan. It's money well spent. The first thing people notice is your smile.
That was indeed my point, kicky. But, I can also well understand wanting good teeth.
I had nearly perfect teeth, luckily, until my dog (good thing she's cute) knocked one of my front teeth in. I had root canal surgery which was covered by my medical insurance because it was an accident. It's still not finished because the last step is cosmetic and I haven't been able to afford it. It's several shades darker than my other teeth, but people tell me they don't notice (is everyone just being nice?).
Nah, they're telling the truth, you can hardly notice ...
Oh, ok..... <why is he looking at me like that?>
Don't worry littlek, I think your black tooth is cute.
It's not BLACK! It's just sort of grey. Cute? Really?
<looks sideways at Kicky>
Nah, he's kidding you ... I mean, no, it is cute - I mean, not that you can actually see it, at all, but - you know, if there were anything to see, it would just really be cute, a black tooth like that!
Err, oops. <kicks Kicky>
Yeah, ok, well, gottago. <looks at the ground> yeah. <starts to walk back to Boston>
<looks back at her shoulder>
<looks longingly at little k's shoulder, too>
Will I ever dare tell her that its that black tooth thats had me entranced with her for all those years ... ?
Can there be a happy end to a love story as sad as this?
Hey, littlek...I have a front tooth with a root canal that went gray, too. My dentist bleached & bleached it. From the outside and from the inside (which actually did more good.) Now you can barely tell the difference from the other front tooth.
<looking up I-95, wondering if things would have gone differently were it not for this god-forsaken toof>
Eva - my dentist bleeched the inside - it did help. But they can put some sort of false front onto the surface of the tooth or paint it or something to make it match. I obviously don't care all that much.
<wandering off down a dimly lit sidestreet>
A gal with a matching grey tooth - how often do ya get that?
I wonder if she even ever noticed ...
<draws upper lip over his grey-ish front tooth>
"hahahaha..." echos into the skyscraper canyons from CT.
OooooH, this is sooooooo sad.
Why dosen't God intervene. You 2 belong together!
I knew kicky when he was a kid and I can understand why his parents didn't think he needed braces. His teeth looked just fine...
Thanks Gus. Damn I was cute. Unfortunately, that picture was taken before they got really crooked.