Slain Dallas Cop Might’ve Been A White Supremacist: Still A Hero?

bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:44 pm
Baltimore ends contract with lawyer accused of Neo-Nazi ties
Source: Associated Press

Baltimore ends contract with lawyer accused of Neo-Nazi ties

Updated 5:14 pm, Thursday, August 18, 2016

BALTIMORE (AP) — The city of Baltimore terminated its contract with a lawyer Thursday after a published report said he supported Neo-Nazi groups.

Glen Keith Allen worked on complex litigation for the city's law department, The Baltimore Sun reported. His contract was revoked after the Southern Poverty Law Center published a report saying he had been a dues-paying member of the National Alliance.

The National Alliance says on its website that its members are required to be white, not have a non-white spouse or dependent, and not be Jewish. LGBT people are not allowed to join. "We believe that our people must be united by the common goal of building a better race," the website says.

The SPLC also said Allen bought a ticket to attend a Holocaust-denial conference.

Read more: http://www.chron.com/news/us/article/Baltimore-ends-contract-with-lawyer-accused-of-9171329.php
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:50 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
"We believe that our people must be united by the common goal of building a better race,"

This already proves they're behind; just like Trump. They're going to make themselves 'great' again.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2016 05:10 am
@cicerone imposter,
Subtle, but very important point.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2016 05:41 am
According to the Southern Law Poverty Center...


The New Black Panther Party is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers.

Date Founded 1989
Location Washington, D.C.
Ideology Black Separatist

Malik Zulu Shabazz
Washington, D.C.
Founded in Dallas, the group today is especially active on the East Coast, from Boston to Jacksonville, Fla. The group portrays itself as a militant, modern-day expression of the black power movement (it frequently engages in armed protests of alleged police brutality and the like), but principals of the original Black Panther Party of the 1960s and 1970s— a militant, but non-racist, left-wing organization — have rejected the new Panthers as a "black racist hate group" and contested their hijacking of the Panther name and symbol.

In Its Own Words
"Our lessons talk about the bloodsuckers of the poor… . It's that old no-good Jew, that old imposter Jew, that old hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating, Johnny-come-lately, perpetrating-a-fraud, just-crawled-out-of-the-caves-and-hills-of-Europe, so-called damn Jew … and I feel everything I'm saying up here is kosher."
— Khalid Abdul Muhammad, one of the party's future leaders, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 19, 1994

"Kill every goddamn Zionist in Israel! Goddamn little babies, goddamn old ladies! Blow up Zionist supermarkets!"
—Malik Zulu Shabazz, the party's national chairman, protesting at B'nai B'rith International headquarters in Washington, D.C., April 20, 2002

"I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate it. We didn't come out here to play today. There's too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore bitches on our arms, and we call ourselves black men. … What the hell is wrong with you black man? You at a doomsday with a white girl on your damn arm. We keep begging white people for freedom! No wonder we not free! Your enemy cannot make you free, fool! You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers! You going to have to kill some of their babies!"
— King Samir Shabazz, head of the party's Philadelphia chapter, in a National Geographic documentary, January 2009

The New Black Panther Party (NBPP) is a black separatist group that believes black Americans should have their own nation. In the NBPP's "10 Point Platform," which is a takeoff on the 10-point platform of the original Black Panther Party, the NBPP demands that blacks be given a country or state of their own, within which they can make their own laws. They demand that all black prisoners in the United States be released to "the lawful authorities of the Black Nation." They claim to be entitled to reparations for slavery from the United States, all European countries and "the Jews."

The NBPP is notable for its anti-white and anti-Semitic hatred. Its leaders have blamed Jews for the 9/11 terrorist attacks and for the slave trade. The late former party chairman Khalid Abdul Muhammad has said, "There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes." A document on the NBPP website entitled "The Nationalist Manifesto" claims that white men have a secret plan to commit genocide against the non-white races. It also refers to black people who condone mixed-race relationships as the "modern day Custodians [sic] of Uncle Tom's Cabin."

NBPP members also hold black-supremacist religious beliefs. Some think that blacks are God's true "chosen people" and that the people normally called "Jews" actually are impostors (this ideology is remarkably similar to the white racist theology of Christian Identity, which says whites are God's real chosen people). They believe that blacks are naturally superior to people of other races. In September 1997, Khalid Muhammad said that he could not be anti-Semitic because Jews had no claim to the term "Semite."

Members of the original Black Panther Party, which has no connection to the NBPP, have heavily criticized the New Black Panther Party. An open letter from the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, which is run by members of the original Black Panther Party, decries the NBPP for being a hateful and unconstructive group. Bobby Seale, a famous founding member of the original Panthers, calls the organization "a black racist hate group."

By injecting themselves into racially charged and other high-profile events, the NBPP has won considerable press attention. When members march, they often wear coordinated, military-style uniforms — black boots, black pants, a black shirt with NBPP patches on it, and black berets.

The NBPP claims to have been founded in 1989, although the group was not active until 1990. That year, Aaron Michaels, a Dallas radio personality, assembled a group of black citizens to engage in community activism. He called the group the New Black Panther Party. One of its main goals was to increase black representation on the Dallas school board. The group also attempted to reduce drug dealing in certain black neighborhoods. In 1993, the group organized an event called the National Black Power Summit and Youth Rally, which had around 200 attendees. White supremacist Tom Metzger spoke at the event as a special guest. Although Metzger is no friend of blacks, both he and NBPP members believe that whites and blacks should live in their own separate countries. At that 1993 meeting, Michaels made the likely exaggerated claim that the NBPP had formed 20 chapters.

In 1994, Khalid Abdul Muhammad became actively involved with the NBPP. Muhammad was formerly the personal assistant to Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed as a black hate group since 1998. In November 1993, while still associated with the Nation of Islam, he gave a notorious speech at Kean College in New Jersey. He accused Jews of being responsible for the slave trade, called Jews "bloodsuckers," and asserted that white South Africans should be killed if they refuse to leave South Africa. The speech caused a controversy, leading Farrakhan to demote Muhammad from his position as national spokesman in February 1994. In May 1994, Muhammad was shot and injured by James Bess, a former Nation of Islam member.

A Dallas school board meeting was canceled in May 1996 after the Panthers threatened to come with loaded weapons. NBPP founder Aaron Michaels and Khalid Muhammad worked together closely during this time, appearing together at a press conference regarding the school board incident.

In 1997, Fahim Minkah and Marvin Crenshaw, two original Panthers from Dallas, won an injunction against Aaron Michaels disallowing him from using either the old Panther name or its logo. The injunction was never enforced and the NBPP continued to use the Panther name and the Panther logo to this day.

On June 7, 1998, James Byrd, Jr., was murdered in Jasper, Texas, by three white men who chained the black man to the back of a truck and dragged him to death. In the wake of the horrific murder, Khalid Muhammad led a group of armed NBPP members to Jasper where members confronted a group of Klansmen who rallied in the town. About 50 Panthers, a dozen of whom carried rifles and shotguns, faced off against about 20 Klan members. Police officers erected a barricade to separate the two groups. NBPP members twice tried to break through and confront the KKK protesters, but failed to do so. Frustrated, Muhammad called for his followers to attack the police, shouting: "Black people, we can take these bastards. We can run over the damn police and take their ass. Who's with me?" Police officers attempted to evacuate the Klan members, but a small group of Panthers surrounded one of their vehicles and started rocking it back and forth. As a result, one NBPP member was arrested. No further violence occurred.

In September 1998, Khalid Muhammad organized the Million Youth March in New York City. Then-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani attempted to prevent the group from holding the event, denying them a permit and referring to the rally as a "hate march." But the NBPP won a court battle, forcing the city to allow the event. Malik Zulu Shabazz, the future leader of party, played a prominent role in organizing the event. On Sept. 5, about 6,000 people attended the march while 3,000 police officers oversaw the event. A few minutes after the rally was scheduled to end, police began to disperse the crowd, resulting in a scuffle that left 16 police officers and 12 attendees injured. Muhammad reportedly encouraged the crowd to attack police officers with chairs and bottles and even to take the officers' guns if attacked. Shortly after this event, Muhammad became the national chairman of the NBPP, making him the leader of the organization.

Muhammad served as chairman until Feb. 17, 2001, when he died of a brain aneurysm. That year, Malik Zulu Shabazz, a Washington, D.C., attorney who had run unsuccessfully for the City Council in 1995, took over leadership of the group. He co-sponsored an Oct. 31, 2001 conference in which he and a handful of Muslim clerics blamed the Jews for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Said Shabazz: "Zionism is racism, Zionism is terrorism, Zionism is colonialism, Zionism is imperialism, and support for Zionism is the root of why so many were killed on September 11." He also referred to Israel and the United States as "terrorists." Shabazz would later claim that Jews had received advance warning of the attacks, a false conspiracy theory that is also highly popular in white supremacist and neo-Nazi circles.

Shabazz worked to improve relations between the NBPP and the Nation of Islam, where many NBPP members had their roots, including former leader Khalid Muhammad. In 2005, Louis Farrakhan invited Shabazz to be the co-convener of the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March. The groups also appeared together at events calling for reparations for black slavery. (That friendly relationship has continued. As late as January 2010, Shabazz was expressing his approval of the Nation of Islam and reiterating his commitment to support its efforts.)

In May 2006, Shabazz led a group of New Black Panthers in a protest on Duke University's campus in North Carolina. A few months earlier, members of Duke's lacrosse team had been accused of raping a black exotic dancer who they had hired to work a private party — charges that were ultimately shown to be false. The NBPP demanded that the accused players be found guilty and that all the students who were at the party be expelled. Several of the NBPP members came to the protest armed. Two brought knives, some wore bulletproof vests, and one brought a gun, which a police officer insisted that he leave in his car.

In August 2006, several members of the NBPP served as security personnel for former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney's primary campaign, which she lost. After McKinney lost the primary, a journalist asked her what she attributed her loss to. Hashim Nzinga, the NBPP National Chief of Staff, interrupted: "Why do you think she lost? You wanna know what led to the loss? Israel. The Zionists. You. Put on your yarmulke and celebrate." (The former Georgia Democrat and the NBPP's connection continues today. In May 2010, McKinney spoke at the NBPP Black Power Convention.)

In September 2007, three white men and three white women in West Virginia were arrested for kidnapping, torturing, and sexually assaulting Megan Williams, a 20-year-old mentally disabled black woman. In October 2007, Shabazz seized on Williams' case, demanding that all six of the defendants be charged with hate crimes — this despite Williams' previous romantic involvement with one of her assailants, which prosecutors said underlined how the crimes were not legally hate crimes. But Shabazz ignored the prosecutors, reaching out to Megan's mother, Carmen Williams, and giving her legal advice and supposedly working to raise money for her daughter.

On Nov. 3, 2007, Shabazz held a rally in front of the federal courthouse in Charleston, W.Va., where he demanded that all the defendants be charged with hate crimes. The rally drew about 1,000 people. The NAACP refused to endorse the event, presumably because of Shabazz and the NBPP's racist views. But Shabazz was supported by the Rev. Al Sharpton, who reportedly attended and later had Shabazz on his radio program, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which also reportedly endorsed the rally. After the event, Shabazz announced that he had collected at least $5,000 on Williams' behalf, and pledged to continue to raise money. Two weeks later, Logan County prosecutor Brian Abraham petitioned the court to appoint a legal guardian for Williams. He was worried that Williams' mother and Shabazz were not acting in Megan's best interests, and that the publicity was not good for Megan or her case. Shabazz challenged the guardian petition and it was denied. But many of those close to the case remained concerned about Shabazz's advocacy. In October 2009, Megan's attorney, Byron Potts, said, "I know for a fact she [Megan] has been manipulated. … People raised money for her, she never received that money."

On Nov. 4, 2008, two NBPP members showed up, wearing military-style fatigues and berets, at a Philadelphia polling station, supposedly to protect black voters from having their rights violated. King Samir Shabazz, the local NBPP chapter leader, brandished a nightstick and made threatening remarks to voters (much of this was captured on a videotape reportedly made by GOP poll watchers). An eyewitness claimed that Samir Shabazz said, "Cracker, you are about to be ruled by a black man." Jerry Jackson, a certified Democratic poll watcher who also wore NBPP garb, accompanied him. Police officers arrived at the scene and forced Samir Shabazz to leave, though they allowed Jackson to stay. After the incident, the NBPP distanced itself from Samir Shabazz's actions and suspended the Philadelphia chapter.

The Justice Department filed civil charges of voter intimidation in January 2009 under the Voting Rights Act (the Bush Administration, which filed the charges in its last hours, chose not to pursue a criminal case) against King Samir Shabazz, Jerry Jackson, the New Black Panther Party and Malik Zulu Shabazz. They won the case by default in April 2009 when the defendants did not appear in court. But DOJ officials under the Obama Administration decided to drop most of the charges, saying the evidence did not substantiate the allegations that votes were suppressed or that the party or its leader were culpable. They did, however, get an injunction against Samir Shabazz that forbade him to bring a weapon to any Philadelphia polling place until 2012.

In January 2010, Samir Shabazz was reinstalled as head of the newly reactivated Philadelphia chapter. On April 23, 2010, he wrote in a reference to the prosecutors who investigated the case against him, "You are nothing more than a modern day lynch mob." In May 2010, Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez defended the Department of Justice's decision to drop the charges. He cited local officers' decision to allow Jackson to remain when they removed Samir Shabazz (suggesting that Jackson was not intimidating voters) and the fact that there were no similar incidents at other polling stations. These facts, Perez argued, exonerated Jackson, Malik Shabazz, and the NBPP from charges of voter intimidation. Nevertheless, a wide array of right-wing and conservative individuals and groups attacked the DOJ's decision as supposedly revealing the Obama Administration's refusal to pursue cases against black racists.

The group made headlines across the country in March 2012 when Mikhail Muhammad, a New Black Panther leader in Florida, said the NBPP was placing a $10,000 “bounty” on a neighborhood watch volunteer who killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, an African American, in Sanford, Fla. When asked whether he was inciting violence, Muhammad said, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” The group also called for the mobilization of 10,000 black men to capture the Hispanic man who shot the unarmed teen as he was walking through a gated community wearing a hooded sweatshirt and carrying only some candy and iced tea. The lack of charges against the gunman, who claimed he was attacked by Martin, sparked nationwide outrage.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2016 05:53 am
giujohn wrote:
According to the Southern Law Poverty Center...
That's not an organisation about Southern Law.
It's named "Southern Poverty Law Center".
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2016 08:54 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter... It was a typo... Dont be so pedantic!
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2016 09:35 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 05:35 am
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 07:59 am
@bobsal u1553115,
What kind of slime ball would post a picture like this purporting it to be real?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 08:27 am
You've never, ever heard cop apologists, including yourself allude to this, that its blacks fault they get shot because they don't know how to act right in front of cops. Why does a cop shoot an unarmed black if he isn't nervous? Racism pure and simple? Thankyou for clearing that up.

Police Officers Are More Likely to Shoot Black Men, Studies Suggest
By Rebecca Leber
August 12, 2014


There are two very different accounts of what prompted a Ferguson, Missouri police officer to shoot and kill Michael Brown on Saturday. The unnamed police officer who shot the 18-year-old claims he was “physically assaulted.” Witnesses said Brown had his hands in the air to show he was unarmed, and the officer fired from 35 feet away.

Before Brown, there was 16-year-old Kimani Gray, 19-year-old Kendrec McDade, and countless other unarmed African Americans killed by police gunfire. We don’t need to know the outcome of the FBI’s investigation and the Department of Justice’s separate “fulsome review” into civil rights violations to recognize the racism in our justice system.

But racial bias also factors into officers’ split-second decision to shoot a suspect.

Social science research shows that, in video simulations, people are more likely to shoot black men. The participants—often undergraduate students, both black and white—play a simulation where they press “shoot” if they think the white or black suspect holds a gun. Consistently, psychologists have found the students more likely to shoot the unarmed black person over an unarmed white person.

For example, a study published in 2002 from the University of Colorado at Boulder and University of Chicago found that white undergraduates had higher error rates when it came to unarmed African American suspects (1.45 per 20 trials compared to 1.23 for unarmed white suspects).
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology


Police officers who play the simulations have similar results. In a 2005 study from Florida State University researchers, a mostly white, mostly male group of officers in Florida were statistically more likely to let armed white suspects slip while shooting unarmed black suspects instead.

Police in that study shot fewer unarmed suspects than the undergraduates did, a difference attributable to professional training. The more complicated and demanding the training, the researchers found, the more practice officers have in ignoring irrelevant information—including stereotypes. According to a comprehensive comparison of police vs. civilian shooting rates published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, training makes an even clearer difference. Though police officers took longer to decide whether to shoot if the person was black, that analysis found trained officers weren't influenced by race when it actually came to pulling the trigger.

We don’t know how this translates in real-world situations. Split-second decision making is a lot more complicated outside the lab, where there are more distractions and the situation is actually life-threatening. Even though police do incorporate quick-decision training with shooting targets at academy training, they still occasionally kill an unarmed person in real life. Michael Brown was just the latest one.

What kind of slimeball would post nothing but his personal racist animus? Slimeball, thy name is goooooooooooooooooeyjohn.

So are you going to run for Grand Kleagle or Gauleiter?

Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 08:52 am
@bobsal u1553115,
It's a fake picture in anyone purporting it to be real is a slimeball
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 09:03 am
Video: Police body-slam black teacher, tell her blacks have 'violent tendencies'

Police video footage shows the violent arrest of a black elementary school teacher

In a second video, another white officer told the teacher that cops are wary of blacks because of their "violent tendencies"

Breaion King was pulled from her car and thrown to the ground by a police officer during a traffic stop in Austin, Texas in June 2015. The police department publicly released the patrol car video in July 2016. It shows a white officer violently throwing King to the ground, and then another white officer telling her black people have "violent tendencies" and that's why white people are afraid. The video here was shown during a police conference and footage of police advancing through clips has been cut out. Credit: Austin Police Department/Periscope

By Michael E. Miller Washington Post

Officials in Austin are investigating the violent arrest of a black elementary school teacher who was body-slammed by a white police officer during a traffic stop.

The investigation comes after the emergence of police video footage showing not only the June 2015 arrest but also a scene afterward, when another white officer told the teacher that cops are wary of blacks because of their "violent tendencies" and "intimidating" appearance.

"Ninety-nine percent of the time. . . it is the black community that is being violent," the officer tells her. "That's why a lot of white people are afraid. And I don't blame them."

The footage, first reported Thursday by the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE, prompted an apology from police.

"My heart was sickened and saddened when I first learned of this incident," said Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, adding that the video was "disturbing."

"For those that think life is perfect for people of color, I want you to listen to that conversation and tell me we don't have social issues in this nation," Acevedo continued. "Issues of bias. Issues of racism. Issues of people being looked at different because of their color."

The controversy comes as the country remains on edge over issues of race and law enforcement. Footage of fatal police encounters and their aftermaths in Louisiana and Minnesota this month helped revive protests over how law enforcement officer use deadly force, while the deadly shootings of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge have spurred further fears among officers over the threats they face on the job.

The Austin video emerged a day after bystander footage of Florida police aiming their weapons at an unarmed black man as he lay on the ground with his hands in the air. A North Miami police officer ultimately shot the man in the leg as he tried to help a young man with autism.

Prosecutors told the Statesman they first viewed the video about two weeks ago and will likely present the case to a grand jury.

The video also prompted them to dismiss a resisting arrest charge against the teacher, 26-year-old Breaion King.

King broke down as she talked about the day last summer she was body-slammed by police.

"I've become fearful to live my life," she told the Statesman. "I would rather stay home. I've become afraid of the people who are supposed to protect me and take care of me."
'Oh my God. Why are you doing this to me?'

Austin police on Thursday screened two videos of the June 15, 2015, incident.

The first video, taken by officer Bryan Richter's dash camera, begins around 12:30 p.m. with the cop parked off a busy Austin street.

King, on her lunch break, passes in her white Nissan Versa — traveling 15 miles per hour over the speed limit, according to Richter. He then pulls out and pursues her, activating his siren.

It's unclear from the video if King is aware of the officer before she turns left into a parking lot.

As she climbs out of her car, Richter tells her to stop.

"Ma'am, you're being pulled over right now so I need you to take a seat back in your car," he says.

"Are you serious?" King replies.

"Yes ma'am," he says. "I'm not joking. Can I see your driver's license? You're being stopped for speeding."

"But I'm already stopped so technically can you stop me?" King asks as she removes her license. "'Cause you didn't pull me over because I'm parked."

"Ma'am, you were about to go inside without a wallet so I know you were only coming here because you know I was coming to pull you over," Richter responds. "I can absolutely pull you over if you are already stopped, yes. Let me see your driver's license."

Richter then asks her to put her feet inside the car so he can close the door.

("I did this so that if she decided to exit the vehicle again, it would give me some sort of reaction time to her doing so, versus her being half way out of the vehicle with the door open giving her an easy escape," he wrote in his report, according to the Statesman.)

"Could you please hurry up?" King says.

"Okay ma'am, stand up for me," Richter says, placing King's license on top of her car and reaching inside after her.

"No, why are you grabbing me?" she shouts. "Oh my god."

"Stop resisting," the officer says multiple times as a struggle ensues — barely visible on the video — in the doorway of the car. At one point, the car horn blares as they tussle.

The officer then takes a step back and orders to "get out of the car," before calling for backup.

"I'm getting out," she says. "Let me get out. Do not touch me."

"Don't touch me," she says again as the cop reaches inside and grabs her.

"Get out of the car now," he says, yanking her out of the vehicle and throwing her to the ground.

"Oh my god. Oh my god," she screams. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Richter then orders her several times to put her hands behind her back.

"Oh my god. Are you serious," King moans. "Oh my god."

"I'm about to Tase you," Richter says.

As he manages to get her hands behind her back, King stands up. Richter then tries to leg sweep, or trip, her. When that doesn't work, he puts his arm around her neck.

There is choking sound as the cop lifts the 112-pound woman into the air before slamming her down on the ground.

It appears as if King is partially able to break her fall with a hand and a foot.

The two continue to struggle.

"Put your hands behind your back," Richter tells her.

"Would you let me get down please?" King says.

The cop then pushes his weight down onto her back.

"Put your hands behind your back," he shouts.

"That's what I was doing," she says. "Are you serious? God."

"Don't stand up," he tells her.

"I'm not trying to stand up," she answers. "I'm trying to put my hands behind me back."

"Are you serious," she asks again as the officer puts her in handcuffs.

"Get up," he says as he wrenches her up by her arms.

"Ow," King says.

Another officer then appears on screen.

"Look at him," King tells the second officer. "He's treating me like (expletive). I didn't do anything.

"What are you doing," she asks the officers as they put her up against the good of Richter's car and appear to search her. "I need a black police."

"Walk," Richter says, leading her off-screen by her arms, which are cuffed and pulled up behind her back at a roughly 90-degree angle.

"Why are my hands so high?" King asks.

"Stop fighting," Richter can be heard saying.

"Jesus Christ," he can be heard saying to another officer off-screen. "She has some fight in her. She didn't agree I could pull her over when she was already parked."

"So she came out of the car?" the other officer asks.

"Well, I told her to sit back down," Richter tells his colleague. "And I kept telling her to get back in, close your door. 'No.' I said. 'Alright, I'm just going to handcuff you and put you in the car. I'm not going to do this.' And then she starts fighting."

"You alright?" the other cop asks him. "You hurt? Injured?"

"No, I'm good," Richter replies as King can be heard moaning.

Shortly afterward, another officer, apparently from a different agency, appears. He says he was on his way to Wendy's when he saw the altercation.

"Just so you know, there was somebody out walking their dog who kept recording everything," he tells Richter and the second Austin police officer.

"Did you see what happened?" the second cop asks.

"I just seen her resisting the whole time," the officer from the other agency says, lifting his arm as if to demonstrate what King did.

"I never hit her," Richter tells a third Austin police officer off-screen. "I didn't want to hit her, man. She was fighting pretty good."

The video ends with Richter joking that one of the other officers "jinxed" him.
'Violent tendencies'

The second video screened Thursday by Austin police begins roughly 50 minutes after the first one ends, according to time stamps.

It captures a three-minute conversation between King and another white officer, Patrick Spradlin, as he is transporting her in a police cruiser.

"Have you ever done a clean sweep of police where y'all just clear out all of the police system and start over?" she asks, shown in the video with her hands cuffed behind her back as she sits in the rear of the Spradlin's car.

The officer says he's heard of it but "fortunately" it's never happened to him.

"But do you still believe that there is racism out there?" King asks

"Yes, I do," the officer answers. "But let me ask you this: Do you believe it goes both ways?"

"I do," she says. "But I believe that, I'm not going to lie, I believe that Caucasians have more supremacy than we do, they have more rights."

"I don't think that," Spradlin says.

"A lot more people are a little afraid of black people because of everything, honestly. . .," King says.

"Let me ask you this," Spradlin interrupts. "Why are so many people afraid of black people?"

"That's what I want to figure out, because I'm not a bad black person," King says.

"I can give you a really good idea, a really good idea why it might be that way," he says. "Violent tendencies. I want you to think about that.

"I'm not saying anything, I'm not saying it's true, I'm not saying I agree with it or nothing," Spradlin says. "But 99 percent of the time, when you hear about stuff like that, it is the black community that is being violent, that's why a lot of white people are afraid. And I don't blame them.

"There are some guys I look at," he continues. "I know it's my job to deal with them and I know it's probably going to get ugly and that's the way it goes, but some of them because of their appearance and whatnot, some of them are very intimidating."

"But do you ever wonder that you know black people are the majority of the time on the defense because they feel like they are not safe?" King asks.

"By no means am I saying that there is no racism, because I know there is, and everybody knows there is," Spradlin says.

"But my question is, how do y'all know before you even hire a person that they are not a racist?" King asks.

"Oh trust me," Spradlin says. "There is a four-hour psych exam that we've got to go through. Four hours of psychological testing we go through prior to being hired. So yeah, there's a lot to it."

"So do you think later on they build a certain type of image about certain people after working, and then become racist?" she asks.

"Oh yeah," he answers. "I'm sure."
'Is that the way I want my loved one treated?'

At the press conference Thursday, Chief Acevedo began by alluding to the intense national debate over race and policing.

"This is a journey we are in as a community, as a nation," he said.

Acevedo, who is Hispanic, then offered an apology to King.

"I'm sorry that on the day you were stopped for going 15 mph, you were. . . treated in a manner that is not consistent with the expectations of this police chief, of most of the officers of this department, and most importantly, of all of us as human beings," he said. "Police officers have a sworn duty to try to calm things down, approach incidents, approach people in a manner that enhances the probability that everyone gets to go on with their day, especially over a speeding ticket."

Department policy requires officers to use the minimum amount of force necessary in dealing with suspects, the Statesman noted. Its policy also states officers "will not express or otherwise manifest any prejudice concerning race, religion, national origin, age, political affiliation, sex or other personal characteristics in the performance of their duties."

For his use of force, Richter received counseling and training, the lowest level of discipline, according to the newspaper. Spradlin was not punished at all because his comments only came to light a year later during Statesman reporter Tony Plohetski's investigation.

Acevedo said his hands were tied in terms of further punishment he could dole out: he cannot issue more than a written reprimand since the incident occurred over six months ago.

According to KVUE, Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg ordered the charge against King dropped as soon as she saw the video of the teacher being slammed to the ground. King already paid a $165 fine and court costs for speeding.

Lehmberg's office, with the assistance of Austin PD's Special Investigations Unit, is investigating the case. The DA said it would likely go before a grand jury, the television station reported.

King told the Statesman that her arrest was bewildering.

"It happened really fast," she told the newspaper. "I wasn't given enough time."

During his press conference, Acevedo lamented that the video had overshadowed the good work done by many of his officers. He also said, however, that the video "speaks for itself" and that any officers not shocked by it needed to "check their hearts."

"I've asked my own people to look at these videos and ask, 'am I approaching a 15 mph speeding ticket like that?'" he said. "'Is that the way I want my loved one treated?'"

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article91218812.html#storylink=cpy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 10:13 am
Can't deny the slimeball tactics?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 11:06 am
You're absolutely right: I cannot deny your slimeball tactics, including your truth-free opinions served without any foundation or facts.
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 11:27 am
@bobsal u1553115,
It's extremely pathetic that you need to resort to photoshopped pictures to try to make your point... Typical leftist slimeball tactics
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 03:32 pm
Re: bobsal u1553115 (Post 6250874)
It's extremely pathetic that you need to resort to photoshopped pictures to try to make your point... Typical leftist slimeball tactics

That's quite a load of ... er .... dunder you've built up over a photo no-one except you thought was trying to pull something fast on you. Swallow your bile, its a cartoon, dummy.

The goofy assed things you obsess on.....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 07:25 am
So have you made up your mind yet is it a photograph or a cartoon? Do you need a hint? This ain't rocket surgery Bob.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 07:30 am
As soon as you tell me what this is:

Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 07:40 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I see you got your liberal buddy moderators to eliminate my post I guess it must have hit home pretty hard huh? How pathetic.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2016 09:36 am
How pathetic.

Aw stop your whining. Clean up your posting. I couldn't stay mad at you, sweetie. What makes you think one of my buddies did it, after all I'm a moderator, too, right? Maybe it was one of my sock accounts?

I would never want you suspended. We have a bet to settle as you suspend yourself and get your own sock account on Jan 9th!

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