The definition of 'non-native speaker' is one who has not assimilated the
grammar of a native. That grammar includes a
lexicon in which the verb 'to arrive' is NOT confined to animate objects, but merely implies 'an act of transportation'. Your
lay term 'literally' is in essence a confusion with the term 'literary' in which idiosyncratic lexicons are employed as described above.
Try reading up on 'syntax', 'lexicon' and 'stylistics'. You will find them in any first year linguistics text book, the introduction to which usually points out that every speaker of a language tends to erroneously assume he has 'expertise' in what 'his language' is about.
Since the mission statement of A2K is ostensibly about 'expert opinion', a tedious re-1teration of a 'my two cents worth' approach' is inappropriate.